path: root/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim
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authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
commitdd5427baaf49f8de4355abeb6bc8c6dd14f74e25 (patch)
tree46fcfc70bd792e80ceebaab89a7f8fc06bc29101 /.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim
Initial check-in of files
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim b/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d74d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+" Description: Omni completion script for cpp files
+" Maintainer: Vissale NEANG
+" Last Change: 26 sept. 2007
+let g:omni#cpp#utils#CACHE_TAG_INHERITS = {}
+let g:omni#cpp#utils#szFilterGlobalScope = "(!has_key(v:val, 'class') && !has_key(v:val, 'struct') && !has_key(v:val, 'union') && !has_key(v:val, 'namespace')"
+let g:omni#cpp#utils#szFilterGlobalScope .= "&& (!has_key(v:val, 'enum') || (has_key(v:val, 'enum') && v:val.enum =~ '^\\w\\+$')))"
+" Expression used to ignore comments
+" Note: this expression drop drastically the performance
+"let omni#cpp#utils#expIgnoreComments = 'match(synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name"), '\CcComment')!=-1'
+" This one is faster but not really good for C comments
+let omni#cpp#utils#reIgnoreComment = escape('\/\/\|\/\*\|\*\/', '*/\')
+let omni#cpp#utils#expIgnoreComments = 'getline(".") =~ g:omni#cpp#utils#reIgnoreComment'
+" Characters to escape in a filename for vimgrep
+"TODO: Find more characters to escape
+let omni#cpp#utils#szEscapedCharacters = ' %#'
+" Resolve the path of the file
+" TODO: absolute file path
+function! omni#cpp#utils#ResolveFilePath(szFile)
+ let result = ''
+ let listPath = split(globpath(&path, a:szFile), "\n")
+ if len(listPath)
+ let result = listPath[0]
+ endif
+ return simplify(result)
+" Get code without comments and with empty strings
+" szSingleLine must not have carriage return
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetCodeFromLine(szSingleLine)
+ " We set all strings to empty strings, it's safer for
+ " the next of the process
+ let szResult = substitute(a:szSingleLine, '".*"', '""', 'g')
+ " Removing c++ comments, we can use the pattern ".*" because
+ " we are modifying a line
+ let szResult = substitute(szResult, '\/\/.*', '', 'g')
+ " Now we have the entire code in one line and we can remove C comments
+ return s:RemoveCComments(szResult)
+" Remove C comments on a line
+function! s:RemoveCComments(szLine)
+ let result = a:szLine
+ " We have to match the first '/*' and first '*/'
+ let startCmt = match(result, '\/\*')
+ let endCmt = match(result, '\*\/')
+ while startCmt!=-1 && endCmt!=-1 && startCmt<endCmt
+ if startCmt>0
+ let result = result[ : startCmt-1 ] . result[ endCmt+2 : ]
+ else
+ " Case where '/*' is at the start of the line
+ let result = result[ endCmt+2 : ]
+ endif
+ let startCmt = match(result, '\/\*')
+ let endCmt = match(result, '\*\/')
+ endwhile
+ return result
+" Get a c++ code from current buffer from [lineStart, colStart] to
+" [lineEnd, colEnd] without c++ and c comments, without end of line
+" and with empty strings if any
+" @return a string
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetCode(posStart, posEnd)
+ let posStart = a:posStart
+ let posEnd = a:posEnd
+ if a:posStart[0]>a:posEnd[0]
+ let posStart = a:posEnd
+ let posEnd = a:posStart
+ elseif a:posStart[0]==a:posEnd[0] && a:posStart[1]>a:posEnd[1]
+ let posStart = a:posEnd
+ let posEnd = a:posStart
+ endif
+ " Getting the lines
+ let lines = getline(posStart[0], posEnd[0])
+ let lenLines = len(lines)
+ " Formatting the result
+ let result = ''
+ if lenLines==1
+ let sStart = posStart[1]-1
+ let sEnd = posEnd[1]-1
+ let line = lines[0]
+ let lenLastLine = strlen(line)
+ let sEnd = (sEnd>lenLastLine)?lenLastLine : sEnd
+ if sStart >= 0
+ let result = omni#cpp#utils#GetCodeFromLine(line[ sStart : sEnd ])
+ endif
+ elseif lenLines>1
+ let sStart = posStart[1]-1
+ let sEnd = posEnd[1]-1
+ let lenLastLine = strlen(lines[-1])
+ let sEnd = (sEnd>lenLastLine)?lenLastLine : sEnd
+ if sStart >= 0
+ let lines[0] = lines[0][ sStart : ]
+ let lines[-1] = lines[-1][ : sEnd ]
+ for aLine in lines
+ let result = result . omni#cpp#utils#GetCodeFromLine(aLine)." "
+ endfor
+ let result = result[:-2]
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Now we have the entire code in one line and we can remove C comments
+ return s:RemoveCComments(result)
+" Extract the scope (context) of a tag item
+" eg: ::MyNamespace
+" @return a string of the scope. a scope from tag always starts with '::'
+function! omni#cpp#utils#ExtractScope(tagItem)
+ let listKindScope = ['class', 'struct', 'union', 'namespace', 'enum']
+ let szResult = '::'
+ for scope in listKindScope
+ if has_key(a:tagItem, scope)
+ let szResult = szResult . a:tagItem[scope]
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return szResult
+" Simplify scope string, remove consecutive '::' if any
+function! omni#cpp#utils#SimplifyScope(szScope)
+ let szResult = substitute(a:szScope, '\(::\)\+', '::', 'g')
+ if szResult=='::'
+ return szResult
+ else
+ return substitute(szResult, '::$', '', 'g')
+ endif
+" Check if the cursor is in comment
+function! omni#cpp#utils#IsCursorInCommentOrString()
+ return match(synIDattr(synID(line("."), col(".")-1, 1), "name"), '\C\<cComment\|\<cCppString\|\<cIncluded')>=0
+" Tokenize the current instruction until the cursor position.
+" @return list of tokens
+function! omni#cpp#utils#TokenizeCurrentInstruction(...)
+ let szAppendText = ''
+ if a:0>0
+ let szAppendText = a:1
+ endif
+ let startPos = searchpos('[;{}]\|\%^', 'bWn')
+ let curPos = getpos('.')[1:2]
+ " We don't want the character under the cursor
+ let column = curPos[1]-1
+ let curPos[1] = (column<1)?1:column
+ return omni#cpp#tokenizer#Tokenize(omni#cpp#utils#GetCode(startPos, curPos)[1:] . szAppendText)
+" Tokenize the current instruction until the word under the cursor.
+" @return list of tokens
+function! omni#cpp#utils#TokenizeCurrentInstructionUntilWord()
+ let startPos = searchpos('[;{}]\|\%^', 'bWn')
+ " Saving the current cursor pos
+ let originalPos = getpos('.')
+ " We go at the end of the word
+ execute 'normal gee'
+ let curPos = getpos('.')[1:2]
+ " Restoring the original cursor pos
+ call setpos('.', originalPos)
+ let szCode = omni#cpp#utils#GetCode(startPos, curPos)[1:]
+ return omni#cpp#tokenizer#Tokenize(szCode)
+" Build parenthesis groups
+" add a new key 'group' in the token
+" where value is the group number of the parenthesis
+" eg: (void*)(MyClass*)
+" group1 group0
+" if a parenthesis is unresolved the group id is -1
+" @return a copy of a:tokens with parenthesis group
+function! omni#cpp#utils#BuildParenthesisGroups(tokens)
+ let tokens = copy(a:tokens)
+ let kinds = {'(': '()', ')' : '()', '[' : '[]', ']' : '[]', '<' : '<>', '>' : '<>', '{': '{}', '}': '{}'}
+ let unresolved = {'()' : [], '[]': [], '<>' : [], '{}' : []}
+ let groupId = 0
+ " Note: we build paren group in a backward way
+ " because we can often have parenthesis unbalanced
+ " instruction
+ " eg: doSomething(_member.get()->
+ for token in reverse(tokens)
+ if index([')', ']', '>', '}'], token.value)>=0
+ let token['group'] = groupId
+ call extend(unresolved[kinds[token.value]], [token])
+ let groupId+=1
+ elseif index(['(', '[', '<', '{'], token.value)>=0
+ if len(unresolved[kinds[token.value]])
+ let tokenResolved = remove(unresolved[kinds[token.value]], -1)
+ let token['group'] =
+ else
+ let token['group'] = -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return reverse(tokens)
+" Determine if tokens represent a C cast
+" @return
+" - itemCast
+" - itemCppCast
+" - itemVariable
+" - itemThis
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetCastType(tokens)
+ " Note: a:tokens is not modified
+ let tokens = omni#cpp#utils#SimplifyParenthesis(omni#cpp#utils#BuildParenthesisGroups(a:tokens))
+ if tokens[0].value == '('
+ return 'itemCast'
+ elseif index(['static_cast', 'dynamic_cast', 'reinterpret_cast', 'const_cast'], tokens[0].value)>=0
+ return 'itemCppCast'
+ else
+ for token in tokens
+ if token.value=='this'
+ return 'itemThis'
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 'itemVariable'
+ endif
+" Remove useless parenthesis
+function! omni#cpp#utils#SimplifyParenthesis(tokens)
+ "Note: a:tokens is not modified
+ let tokens = a:tokens
+ " We remove useless parenthesis eg: (((MyClass)))
+ if len(tokens)>2
+ while tokens[0].value=='(' && tokens[-1].value==')' && tokens[0].group==tokens[-1].group
+ let tokens = tokens[1:-2]
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ return tokens
+" Function create a type info
+function! omni#cpp#utils#CreateTypeInfo(param)
+ let type = type(a:param)
+ return {'type': type, 'value':a:param}
+" Extract type info from a tag item
+" eg: ::MyNamespace::MyClass
+function! omni#cpp#utils#ExtractTypeInfoFromTag(tagItem)
+ let szTypeInfo = omni#cpp#utils#ExtractScope(a:tagItem) . '::' . substitute(, '.*::', '', 'g')
+ return omni#cpp#utils#SimplifyScope(szTypeInfo)
+" Build a class inheritance list
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetClassInheritanceList(namespaces, typeInfo)
+ let result = []
+ for tagItem in omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTags(a:namespaces, a:typeInfo)
+ call extend(result, [omni#cpp#utils#ExtractTypeInfoFromTag(tagItem)])
+ endfor
+ return result
+" Get class inheritance list where items in the list are tag items.
+" TODO: Verify inheritance order
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTags(namespaces, typeInfo)
+ let result = []
+ let tagItem = omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTagItem(a:namespaces, a:typeInfo)
+ if tagItem!={}
+ let szTypeInfo = omni#cpp#utils#ExtractTypeInfoFromTag(tagItem)
+ if has_key(g:omni#cpp#utils#CACHE_TAG_INHERITS, szTypeInfo)
+ let result = g:omni#cpp#utils#CACHE_TAG_INHERITS[szTypeInfo]
+ else
+ call extend(result, [tagItem])
+ if has_key(tagItem, 'inherits')
+ for baseClassTypeInfo in split(tagItem.inherits, ',')
+ let namespaces = [omni#cpp#utils#ExtractScope(tagItem), '::']
+ call extend(result, omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTags(namespaces, omni#cpp#utils#CreateTypeInfo(baseClassTypeInfo)))
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let g:omni#cpp#utils#CACHE_TAG_INHERITS[szTypeInfo] = result
+ endif
+ endif
+ return result
+" Get a tag item after a scope resolution and typedef resolution
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTagItem(namespaces, typeInfo)
+ let typeInfo = {}
+ if type(a:typeInfo) == 1
+ let typeInfo = omni#cpp#utils#CreateTypeInfo(a:typeInfo)
+ else
+ let typeInfo = a:typeInfo
+ endif
+ let result = {}
+ if !omni#cpp#utils#IsTypeInfoValid(typeInfo)
+ return result
+ endif
+ " Unnamed type case eg: '1::2'
+ if typeInfo.type == 4
+ " Here there is no typedef or namespace to resolve, the tagInfo.value is a tag item
+ " representing a variable ('v') a member ('m') or a typedef ('t') and the typename is
+ " always in global scope
+ return typeInfo.value
+ endif
+ " Named type case eg: 'MyNamespace::MyClass'
+ let szTypeInfo = omni#cpp#utils#GetTypeInfoString(typeInfo)
+ " Resolving namespace alias
+ " TODO: For the next release
+ "let szTypeInfo = omni#cpp#namespaces#ResolveAlias(g:omni#cpp#namespaces#CacheAlias, szTypeInfo)
+ if szTypeInfo=='::'
+ return result
+ endif
+ " We can only get members of class, struct, union and namespace
+ let szTagFilter = "index(['c', 's', 'u', 'n', 't'], v:val.kind[0])>=0"
+ let szTagQuery = szTypeInfo
+ if s:IsTypeInfoResolved(szTypeInfo)
+ " The type info is already resolved, we remove the starting '::'
+ let szTagQuery = substitute(szTypeInfo, '^::', '', 'g')
+ if len(split(szTagQuery, '::'))==1
+ " eg: ::MyClass
+ " Here we have to get tags that have no parent scope
+ " That's why we change the szTagFilter
+ let szTagFilter .= '&& ' . g:omni#cpp#utils#szFilterGlobalScope
+ let tagList = omni#common#utils#TagListNoThrow('^'.szTagQuery.'$')
+ call filter(tagList, szTagFilter)
+ if len(tagList)
+ let result = tagList[0]
+ endif
+ else
+ " eg: ::MyNamespace::MyClass
+ let tagList = omni#common#utils#TagListNoThrow('^'.szTagQuery.'$')
+ call filter(tagList, szTagFilter)
+ if len(tagList)
+ let result = tagList[0]
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ " The type is not resolved
+ let tagList = omni#common#utils#TagListNoThrow('^'.szTagQuery.'$')
+ call filter(tagList, szTagFilter)
+ if len(tagList)
+ " Resolving scope (namespace, nested class etc...)
+ let szScopeOfTypeInfo = s:ExtractScopeFromTypeInfo(szTypeInfo)
+ if s:IsTypeInfoResolved(szTypeInfo)
+ let result = s:GetTagOfSameScope(tagList, szScopeOfTypeInfo)
+ else
+ " For each namespace of the namespace list we try to get a tag
+ " that can be in the same scope
+ if g:OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch && &filetype != 'c'
+ for scope in a:namespaces
+ let szTmpScope = omni#cpp#utils#SimplifyScope(scope.'::'.szScopeOfTypeInfo)
+ let result = s:GetTagOfSameScope(tagList, szTmpScope)
+ if result!={}
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ else
+ let szTmpScope = omni#cpp#utils#SimplifyScope('::'.szScopeOfTypeInfo)
+ let result = s:GetTagOfSameScope(tagList, szTmpScope)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if result!={}
+ " We have our tagItem but maybe it's a typedef or an unnamed type
+ if result.kind[0]=='t'
+ " Here we can have a typedef to another typedef, a class, struct, union etc
+ " but we can also have a typedef to an unnamed type, in that
+ " case the result contains a 'typeref' key
+ let namespaces = [omni#cpp#utils#ExtractScope(result), '::']
+ if has_key(result, 'typeref')
+ let result = omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTagItem(namespaces, omni#cpp#utils#CreateTypeInfo(result))
+ else
+ let szCmd = omni#cpp#utils#ExtractCmdFromTagItem(result)
+ let szCode = substitute(omni#cpp#utils#GetCodeFromLine(szCmd), '\C\<''\>.*', '', 'g')
+ let szTypeInfo = omni#cpp#utils#ExtractTypeInfoFromTokens(omni#cpp#tokenizer#Tokenize(szCode))
+ let result = omni#cpp#utils#GetResolvedTagItem(namespaces, omni#cpp#utils#CreateTypeInfo(szTypeInfo))
+ " TODO: Namespace resolution for result
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return result
+" Returns if the type info is valid
+" @return
+" - 1 if valid
+" - 0 otherwise
+function! omni#cpp#utils#IsTypeInfoValid(typeInfo)
+ if a:typeInfo=={}
+ return 0
+ else
+ if a:typeInfo.type == 1 && a:typeInfo.value==''
+ " String case
+ return 0
+ elseif a:typeInfo.type == 4 && a:typeInfo.value=={}
+ " Dictionary case
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 1
+" Get the string of the type info
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetTypeInfoString(typeInfo)
+ if a:typeInfo.type == 1
+ return a:typeInfo.value
+ else
+ return substitute(a:typeInfo.value.typeref, '^\w\+:', '', 'g')
+ endif
+" A resolved type info starts with '::'
+" @return
+" - 1 if type info starts with '::'
+" - 0 otherwise
+function! s:IsTypeInfoResolved(szTypeInfo)
+ return match(a:szTypeInfo, '^::')!=-1
+" A returned type info's scope may not have the global namespace '::'
+" eg: '::NameSpace1::NameSpace2::MyClass' => '::NameSpace1::NameSpace2'
+" 'NameSpace1::NameSpace2::MyClass' => 'NameSpace1::NameSpace2'
+function! s:ExtractScopeFromTypeInfo(szTypeInfo)
+ let szScope = substitute(a:szTypeInfo, '\w\+$', '', 'g')
+ if szScope =='::'
+ return szScope
+ else
+ return substitute(szScope, '::$', '', 'g')
+ endif
+" @return
+" - the tag with the same scope
+" - {} otherwise
+function! s:GetTagOfSameScope(listTags, szScopeToMatch)
+ for tagItem in a:listTags
+ let szScopeOfTag = omni#cpp#utils#ExtractScope(tagItem)
+ if szScopeOfTag == a:szScopeToMatch
+ return tagItem
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return {}
+" Extract the cmd of a tag item without regexp
+function! omni#cpp#utils#ExtractCmdFromTagItem(tagItem)
+ let line = a:tagItem.cmd
+ let re = '\(\/\^\)\|\(\$\/\)'
+ if match(line, re)!=-1
+ let line = substitute(line, re, '', 'g')
+ return line
+ else
+ " TODO: the cmd is a line number
+ return ''
+ endif
+" Extract type from tokens.
+" eg: examples of tokens format
+" 'const MyClass&'
+" 'const map < int, int >&'
+" 'MyNs::MyClass'
+" '::MyClass**'
+" 'MyClass a, *b = NULL, c[1] = {};
+" 'hello(MyClass a, MyClass* b'
+" @return the type info string eg: ::std::map
+" can be empty
+function! omni#cpp#utils#ExtractTypeInfoFromTokens(tokens)
+ let szResult = ''
+ let state = 0
+ let tokens = omni#cpp#utils#BuildParenthesisGroups(a:tokens)
+ " If there is an unbalanced parenthesis we are in a parameter list
+ let bParameterList = 0
+ for token in tokens
+ if token.value == '(' &&
+ let bParameterList = 1
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if bParameterList
+ let tokens = reverse(tokens)
+ let state = 0
+ let parenGroup = -1
+ for token in tokens
+ if state==0
+ if token.value=='>'
+ let parenGroup =
+ let state=1
+ elseif token.kind == 'cppWord'
+ let szResult = token.value.szResult
+ let state=2
+ elseif index(['*', '&'], token.value)<0
+ break
+ endif
+ elseif state==1
+ if token.value=='<' &&
+ let state=0
+ endif
+ elseif state==2
+ if token.value=='::'
+ let szResult = token.value.szResult
+ let state=3
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ elseif state==3
+ if token.kind == 'cppWord'
+ let szResult = token.value.szResult
+ let state=2
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return szResult
+ endif
+ for token in tokens
+ if state==0
+ if token.value == '::'
+ let szResult .= token.value
+ let state = 1
+ elseif token.kind == 'cppWord'
+ let szResult .= token.value
+ let state = 2
+ " Maybe end of token
+ endif
+ elseif state==1
+ if token.kind == 'cppWord'
+ let szResult .= token.value
+ let state = 2
+ " Maybe end of token
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ elseif state==2
+ if token.value == '::'
+ let szResult .= token.value
+ let state = 1
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return szResult
+" Get the preview window string
+function! omni#cpp#utils#GetPreviewWindowStringFromTagItem(tagItem)
+ let szResult = ''
+ let szResult .= 'name: '"\n"
+ for tagKey in keys(a:tagItem)
+ if index(['name', 'static'], tagKey)>=0
+ continue
+ endif
+ let szResult .= tagKey.': '.a:tagItem[tagKey]."\n"
+ endfor
+ return substitute(szResult, "\n$", '', 'g')