path: root/.vim/doc/omnicppcomplete.txt
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authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
commitdd5427baaf49f8de4355abeb6bc8c6dd14f74e25 (patch)
tree46fcfc70bd792e80ceebaab89a7f8fc06bc29101 /.vim/doc/omnicppcomplete.txt
Initial check-in of files
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/doc/omnicppcomplete.txt b/.vim/doc/omnicppcomplete.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11e006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/doc/omnicppcomplete.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+*omnicppcomplete.txt* Plugin for C/C++ omnicompletion
+Author: Vissale NEANG (fromtonrouge AT gmail DOT com)
+Last Change: 26 sept. 2007
+OmniCppComplete version 0.41
+For Vim version 7.0 and above
+1. Overview |omnicpp-overview|
+2. Downloads |omnicpp-download|
+3. Installation |omnicpp-installation|
+4. Options |omnicpp-options|
+5. Features |omnicpp-features|
+6. Limitations |omnicpp-limitations|
+7. FAQ & TIPS |omnicpp-faq|
+8. History |omnicpp-history|
+9. Thanks |omnicpp-thanks|
+1. Overview~
+ *omnicpp-overview*
+The purpose of this script is to provide an 'omnifunc' function for C and C++
+language. In a C++ file, while in insert mode, you can use CTRL-X CTRL-O to:
+ * Complete namespaces, classes, structs and unions
+ * Complete attribute members and return type of functions
+ * Complete the "this" pointer
+ * Complete an object after a cast (C and C++ cast)
+ * Complete typedefs and anonymous types
+You can set a "may complete" behaviour to start a completion automatically
+after a '.', '->' or '::'. Please see |omnicpp-may-complete| for more details.
+The script needs an |Exuberant_ctags| database to work properly.
+ *omnicpp-download*
+You can download the latest release of the script from this url :
+You can download |Exuberant_ctags| from :
+3. Installation~
+ *omnicpp-installation*
+3.1. Script installation~
+Unzip the downloaded file in your personal |vimfiles| directory (~/.vim under
+unix or %HOMEPATH%\vimfiles under windows). The 'omnifunc' will be
+automatically set for C and C++ files.
+You also have to enable plugins by adding these two lines in your|.vimrc|file: >
+ set nocp
+ filetype plugin on
+Please see |cp| and |filetype-plugin-on| sections for more details.
+3.1.1. Files~
+After installation you should find these files :
+ after\ftplugin\cpp.vim
+ after\ftplugin\c.vim
+ autoload\omni\common\debug.vim
+ \utils.vim
+ autoload\omni\cpp\complete.vim
+ \includes.vim
+ \items.vim
+ \maycomplete.vim
+ \namespaces.vim
+ \settings.vim
+ \tokenizer.vim
+ \utils.vim
+ doc\omnicppcomplete.txt
+3.2. Building the Exuberant Ctags database~
+To extract C/C++ symbols information, the script needs an |Exuberant_ctags|
+You have to build your database with at least the following options:
+ --c++-kinds=+p : Adds prototypes in the database for C/C++ files.
+ --fields=+iaS : Adds inheritance (i), access (a) and function
+ signatures (S) information.
+ --extra=+q : Adds context to the tag name. Note: Without this
+ option, the script cannot get class members.
+Thus to build recursively a ctags database from the current directory, the
+command looks like this:
+ ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .
+You can add a map in your |.vimrc| file, eg: >
+ map <C-F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .<CR>
+Or you can add these options in your ctags config file (~/.ctags under unix or
+%HOMEPATH%\ctags.cnf under windows) and execute the command : >
+ :!ctags -R .
+If your project contains files of other languages you may add the following
+ --languages=c++ : Builds only the tags for C++ files.
+If your project contains macros you may also use the -I option.
+Please read the ctags help or ctags man page for more details.
+3.3. Setting the 'tags' option~
+The default value of the option 'tags' is "./tags,tags" ("./tags,./TAGS,tags,TAGS"
+when |+emacs_tags| is enabled), if you build your tag database with the cmd above,
+you normally don't have to change this setting (The cmd used above generates a
+file with the name "tags"). In this case your current working directory must be
+the directory where the tags file reside.
+Note: When |+emacs_tags| is enabled, the script may display members twice, it's
+ recommended to set tags to "./tags,tags' or "./TAGS,TAGS".
+If your tags file is not named "tags" you have to add it in the 'tags'
+option eg: >
+ set tags+=/usr/tagsdir/mytagfile
+You can ensure that the 'tags' option is set properly by executing the following
+command: >
+ :tselect MyClass
+Where MyClass is a class of your project. This command should display all
+possible tags for the type MyClass.
+3.4. Simple test~
+Now you can do a simple test. Edit a C++ file and write the simplest case : >
+ MyClass myObject;
+ myObject.<C-X><C-O>
+You should see class members of MyClass.
+4. Options~
+ *omnicpp-options*
+You can change completion behaviour by setting script options in your |.vimrc|
+configuration file.
+4.1. Global scope search toggle~
+ *OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch*
+You can enable/disable the global scope search by setting the
+OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch option.
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = disabled
+ 1 = enabled
+ [default=1] >
+ let OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch = 1
+4.2. Namespace search method~
+ *OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch*
+You can change the 'using namespace' search behaviour by setting the
+OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch option.
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = namespaces disabled
+ 1 = search namespaces in the current buffer
+ 2 = search namespaces in the current buffer and in included files
+ [default=1] >
+ let OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch = 1
+When OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch is 2, "using namespace" declarations are parsed
+in the current buffer and also in included files. To find included files, the
+script use the vim env 'path', so you have to set it properly.
+Note: included files are searched with lvimgrep, thus the location list of the
+current window is changed.
+Note: When the 'filetype' is "c", namespace search is always disabled even if
+OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch != 0
+4.3. Class scope completion mode~
+ *OmniCpp_DisplayMode*
+When you are completing a class scope (eg: MyClass::<C-X><C-O>), depending on
+the current scope, you may see sometimes static, public, protected or private
+members and sometimes you may see all members. By default the choice is done
+automatically by the script but you can override it with the
+OmniCpp_DisplayMode option.
+Note: This option can be use when you have friend classes in your project (the
+script does not support friend classes).
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = auto
+ 1 = always show all members
+ [default=0] >
+ let OmniCpp_DisplayMode = 0
+4.4. Show scope in abbreviation~
+ *OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr*
+By default, in the |omnicpp-popup| menu, you will see the scope of a match in
+the last column. You can remove this column and add the scope at the beginning
+of match abbreviation.
+OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr = 0
+ +-------------------------------------+
+ |method1( f + MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ |_member1 m + MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ |_member2 m # MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ |_member3 m - MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ +-------------------------------------+
+OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr = 1
+ +-------------------------------------+
+ |MyNamespace::MyClass::method1( f + |
+ |MyNamespace::MyClass::_member1 m + |
+ |MyNamespace::MyClass::_member2 m # |
+ |MyNamespace::MyClass::_member3 m - |
+ +-------------------------------------+
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = don't show scope in abbreviation
+ 1 = show scope in abbreviation and remove the last column
+ [default=0] >
+ let OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr = 0
+4.5. Show prototype in abbreviation~
+ *OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr*
+This option allows to display the prototype of a function in the abbreviation
+part of the popup menu.
+Possible values are:
+ 0 = don't display prototype in abbreviation
+ 1 = display prototype in abbreviation
+ [default=0] >
+ let OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 0
+4.6. Show access~
+ *OmniCpp_ShowAccess*
+This option allows to show/hide the access information ('+', '#', '-') in the
+popup menu.
+Possible values are:
+ 0 = hide access
+ 1 = show access
+ [default=1] >
+ let OmniCpp_ShowAccess = 1
+4.7. Default using namespace list~
+ *OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces*
+When |OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch| is not 0, the script will parse using namespace
+declarations in the current buffer and maybe in included files.
+You can specify manually a default namespace list if you want with the
+OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces option. Each item in the list is a namespace name.
+eg: If you have
+ let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces = ["std", "MyNamespace"]
+ It will be the same as inserting this declarations at the top of the
+ current buffer :
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace MyNamespace;
+This option can be use if you don't want to parse using namespace declarations
+in included files and want to add namespaces that are always used in your
+Possible values are :
+ List of String
+ [default=[]] >
+ let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces = []
+4.8. May complete behaviour~
+ *omnicpp-may-complete*
+This feature allows you to run automatically a completion after a '.', '->'
+or '::'. By default, the "may complete" feature is set automatically for '.'
+and '->'. The reason to not set this feature for the scope operator '::' is
+sometimes you don't want to complete a namespace that contains many members.
+To enable/disable the "may complete" behaviour for dot, arrow and scope
+operator, you can change the option OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot,
+OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow and OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope respectively.
+ *OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot*
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = May complete disabled for dot
+ 1 = May complete enabled for dot
+ [default=1] >
+ let OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot = 1
+ *OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow*
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = May complete disabled for arrow
+ 1 = May complete enabled for arrow
+ [default=1] >
+ let OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow = 1
+ *OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope*
+Possible values are :
+ 0 = May complete disabled for scope
+ 1 = May complete enabled for scope
+ [default=0] >
+ let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope = 0
+Note: You can obviously continue to use <C-X><C-O>
+4.9. Select/Don't select first popup item~
+ *OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem*
+Note: This option is only used when 'completeopt' does not contain "longest".
+When 'completeopt' does not contain "longest", Vim automatically select the
+first entry of the popup menu. You can change this behaviour with the
+OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem option.
+Possible values are:
+ 0 = don't select first popup item
+ 1 = select first popup item (inserting it to the text)
+ 2 = select first popup item (without inserting it to the text)
+ [default=0] >
+ let OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem = 0
+4.10 Use local search function for variable definitions~
+ *OmniCpp_LocalSearchDecl*
+The internal search function for variable definitions of vim requires that the
+enclosing braces of the function are located in the first column. You can
+change this behaviour with the OmniCpp_LocalSearchDecl option. The local
+version works irrespective the position of braces.
+Possible values are:
+ 0 = use standard vim search function
+ 1 = use local search function
+ [default=0] >
+5. Features~
+ *omnicpp-features*
+5.1. Popup menu~
+ *omnicpp-popup*
+Popup menu format:
+ +-------------------------------------+
+ |method1( f + MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ |_member1 m + MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ |_member2 m # MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ |_member3 m - MyNamespace::MyClass|
+ +-------------------------------------+
+ ^ ^ ^ ^
+ (1) (2)(3) (4)
+(1) name of the symbol, when a match ends with '(' it's a function.
+(2) kind of the symbol, possible kinds are :
+ * c = classes
+ * d = macro definitions
+ * e = enumerators (values inside an enumeration)
+ * f = function definitions
+ * g = enumeration names
+ * m = class, struct, and union members
+ * n = namespaces
+ * p = function prototypes
+ * s = structure names
+ * t = typedefs
+ * u = union names
+ * v = variable definitions
+(3) access, possible values are :
+ * + = public
+ * # = protected
+ * - = private
+Note: enumerators have no access information
+(4) scope where the symbol is defined.
+Note: If the scope is empty it's a global symbol
+Note: anonymous scope may end with __anon[number]
+eg: If you have an anonymous enum in MyNamespace::MyClass : >
+ namespace MyNamespace
+ {
+ class MyClass
+ {
+ private:
+ enum
+ {
+ E_ENUM0,
+ E_ENUM1,
+ };
+ };
+ }
+You should see :
+ +----------------------------------------------+
+ |E_ENUM0 e MyNamespace::MyClass::__anon1|
+ |E_ENUM1 e MyNamespace::MyClass::__anon1|
+ |E_ENUM2 e MyNamespace::MyClass::__anon1|
+ +----------------------------------------------+
+ ^
+ __anon[number]
+5.2. Global scope completion~
+The global scope completion allows you to complete global symbols for the base
+you are currently typing. The base can start with '::' or not.
+Note: Global scope completion only works with a non empty base, if you run a
+completion just after a '::' the completion will fail. The reason is that if
+there is no base to complete the script will try to display all the tags in
+the database. For small project it could be not a problem but for others you
+may wait 5 minutes or more for a result.
+eg1 : >
+ pthread_cr<C-X><C-O> => pthread_create
+Where pthread_create is a global function.
+eg2: >
+ ::globa<C-X><C-O> => ::global_func(
+ +----------------+
+ |global_func( f|
+ |global_var1 v|
+ |global_var2 v|
+ +----------------+
+Where global_var1, global_var2 and global_func are global symbols
+eg3: >
+ ::<C-X><C-O> => [NO MATCH]
+No match because a global completion from an empty base is not allowed.
+5.3. Namespace scope completion~
+You can complete namespace members after a 'MyNamespace::'. Contrary to global
+scope completion you can run a completion from an empty base.
+Possible members are:
+ * Namespaces
+ * Classes
+ * Structs
+ * Unions
+ * Enums
+ * Functions
+ * Variables
+ * Typedefs
+eg: >
+ MyNamespace::<C-X><C-O>
+ +--------------------------------+
+ |E_ENUM0 e MyNamespace|
+ |E_ENUM1 e MyNamespace|
+ |E_ENUM2 e MyNamespace|
+ |MyClass c MyNamespace|
+ |MyEnum g MyNamespace|
+ |MyStruct s MyNamespace|
+ |MyUnion u MyNamespace|
+ |SubNamespace n MyNamespace|
+ |doSomething( f MyNamespace|
+ |myVar v MyNamespace|
+ |something_t t MyNamespace|
+ +--------------------------------+
+5.4. Class scope completion~
+You can complete class members after a 'MyClass::'. Contrary to global scope
+completion you can run a completion from an empty base.
+By default, there is two behaviours for class scope completion.
+ a) Completion of a base class of the current class scope
+ When you are completing a base class of the current class scope, you
+ will see all members of this class in the popup menu.
+ eg: >
+ class A
+ {
+ public:
+ enum
+ {
+ E_ENUM0,
+ E_ENUM1,
+ E_ENUM2,
+ };
+ void func1();
+ static int _staticMember;
+ private:
+ int _member;
+ };
+ class B : public A
+ {
+ public:
+ void doSomething();
+ };
+ void MyClassB::doSomething()
+ {
+ MyClassA::<C-X><C-O>
+ +---------------------------+
+ |E_ENUM0 e MyClassA|
+ |E_ENUM1 e MyClassA|
+ |E_ENUM2 e MyClassA|
+ |func1( f + MyClassA|
+ |_member m - MyClassA|
+ |_staticMember m + MyClassA|
+ +---------------------------+
+ }
+ b) Completion of a non base class of the current class scope
+ When you are completing a class that is not a base class of the
+ current class you will see only enumerators and static members.
+ eg: >
+ class C
+ {
+ public:
+ void doSomething();
+ };
+ void MyClassC::doSomething()
+ {
+ MyClassA::<C-X><C-O>
+ +---------------------------+
+ |E_ENUM0 e MyClassA|
+ |E_ENUM1 e MyClassA|
+ |E_ENUM2 e MyClassA|
+ |_staticMember m + MyClassA|
+ +---------------------------+
+ }
+You can override the default behaviour by setting the
+|OmniCpp_DisplayMode| option.
+5.5. Current scope completion~
+When you start a completion from an empty instruction you are in "Current
+scope completion" mode. You will see possible members of each context in
+the context stack.
+eg: >
+ void MyClass::doSomething()
+ {
+ using namespace MyNamespace;
+ using namespace SubNamespace;
+ // You will see members of each context in the context stack
+ // 1) MyClass members
+ // 2) MyNamespace::SubNamespace members
+ // 3) MyNamespace members
+ <C-X><C-O>
+ +------------------------------------------+
+ |_member1 m + MyClass |
+ |_member2 m # MyClass |
+ |func1( f MyNamespace::SubNamespace|
+ |var v MyNamespace::SubNamespace|
+ |func1( f MyNamespace |
+ |var v MyNamespace |
+ +------------------------------------------+
+ }
+5.6. Class, Struct and Union members completion~
+You can complete members of class, struct and union instances after a '->' or
+eg: >
+ MyClass myObject;
+ myObject.<C-X><C-O>
+ +-----------------------+
+ |_member1 m + MyClass |
+ |_member2 m # MyClass |
+ +-----------------------+
+5.7. Attribute members and returned type completion~
+You can complete a class member or a return type of a function.
+eg: >
+ MyClass myObject;
+ // Completion of the member _member1
+ myObject._member1-><C-X><C-O>
+ +------------------------+
+ |get( m + AnotherClass1|
+ +------------------------+
+ // Completion of the return type of the function get()
+ myObject._member1->get()-><C-X><C-O>
+ +--------------------------+
+ |_member1 m + AnotherClass2|
+ |_member2 m # AnotherClass2|
+ |_member3 m - AnotherClass2|
+ +--------------------------+
+5.8. Anonymous type completion~
+Note: To use this feature you need at least|Exuberant_ctags| version 5.6
+You can complete an anonymous type like this : >
+ struct
+ {
+ int a;
+ int b;
+ int c;
+ }globalVar;
+ void func()
+ {
+ globalVar.<C-X><C-O>
+ +---------------+
+ |a m + __anon1|
+ |b m + __anon1|
+ |c m + __anon1|
+ +---------------+
+ }
+Where globalVar is a global variable of an anonymous type
+5.9. Typedef completion~
+You can complete a typedef. The typedef is resolved recursively, thus typedef
+of typedef of... may not be a problem.
+You can also complete a typedef of an anonymous type, eg : >
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ int a;
+ int b;
+ int c;
+ }something_t;
+ something_t globalVar;
+ void func()
+ {
+ globalVar.<C-X><C-O>
+ +---------------+
+ |a m + __anon1|
+ |b m + __anon1|
+ |c m + __anon1|
+ +---------------+
+ }
+Where globalVar is a global variable of typedef of an anonymous type.
+5.10. Completion of the "this" pointer~
+You can complete the "this" pointer.
+eg: >
+ this-><C-X><C-O>
+ +-----------------------+
+ |_member1 m + MyClass |
+ |_member2 m # MyClass |
+ +-----------------------+
+ (*this).<C-X><C-O>
+ +-----------------------+
+ |_member1 m + MyClass |
+ |_member2 m # MyClass |
+ +-----------------------+
+5.11. Completion after a cast~
+You can complete an object after a C or C++ cast.
+eg: >
+ // C cast style
+ ((AnotherStruct*)pStruct)-><C-X><C-O>
+ // C++ cast style
+ static_cast<AnotherStruct*>(pStruct)-><C-X><C-O>
+5.12. Preview window~
+If the 'completeopt' option contains the setting "preview" (this is the
+default value), you will see a preview window during the completion.
+This window shows useful information like function signature, filename where
+the symbol is define etc...
+The preview window contains tag information, the list below is non exhaustive.
+ * name : name of the tag
+ * cmd : regexp or line number that helps to find the tag
+ * signature : signature for prototypes and functions
+ * kind : kind of the tag (eg: namespace, class etc...)
+ * access : access information (eg: public, protected, private)
+ * inherits : list of base classes
+ * filename : filename where the tag is define
+5.13. Code tokenization~
+When you start a completion, the current instruction is tokenized ignoring
+spaces, tabs, carriage returns and comments. Thus you can complete a symbol
+even if the current instruction is on multiple lines, has comments between
+words etc... :
+eg: this case is unrealistic but it's just for illustration >
+ myObject [ 0 ]/* Why is there a comment here ?*/
+ ->_member
+ -> <C-X><C-O>
+6. Limitations~
+ *omnicpp-limitations*
+Some C++ features are not supported by the script, some implemented features
+may not work properly in some conditions. They are multiple reasons like a
+lack of information in the database, performance issues and so on...
+6.1. Attribute members and returned type completion~
+To work properly, the completion of attribute members and returned type of
+functions depends on how you write your code in the class declaration.
+Because the tags database does not contain information like return type or
+type of a member, the script use the cmd information of the tag to determine
+the type of an attribute member or the return type of a function.
+Thus, because the cmd is a regular expression (or line number for #define) if
+you write your code like this : >
+ class MyClass
+ {
+ public:
+ MyOtherClass
+ _member;
+ };
+The type of _member will not be recognized, because the cmd will be
+/^ _member;$/ and does not contain the type MyOtherClass.
+The correct case should be : >
+ class MyClass
+ {
+ public:
+ MyOtherClass _member;
+ };
+It's the same problem for return type of function : >
+ class MyClass
+ {
+ public:
+ MyOtherClass
+ getOtherClass();
+ };
+Here the cmd will be /^ getOtherClass();$/ and the script won't find the
+return type.
+The correct case should be : >
+ class MyClass
+ {
+ public:
+ MyOtherClass getOtherClass();
+ };
+6.2. Static members~
+It's the same problem as above, tags database does not contain information
+about static members. The only fast way to get this information is to use the
+6.3. Typedef~
+It's the same problem as above, tags database does not contain information
+about the type of a typedef. The script use the cmd information to resolve the
+6.4. Restricted inheritance access~
+Tags database contains inheritance information but unfortunately inheritance
+access are not available. We could use the cmd but we often find code
+indentation like this : >
+ class A :
+ public B,
+ protected C,
+ private D
+ {
+ };
+Here the cmd will be /^class A :$/, we can't extract inheritance access.
+6.5. Using namespace parsing~
+When you start a completion, using namespace declarations are parsed from the
+cursor position to the first scope to detect local using namespace
+declarations. After that, global using namespace declarations are parsed in the
+file and included files.
+There is a limitation for global using namespace detection, for performance
+issues only using namespace that starts a line will be detected.
+6.6. Friend classes~
+Tags database does not contain information about friend classes. The script
+does not support friend classes.
+6.7. Templates~
+At the moment, |Exuberant_ctags| does not provide additional information for
+templates. That's why the script does not handle templates.
+7. FAQ & TIPS~
+ *omnicpp-faq*
+* How to complete STL objects ?
+ If you have some troubles to generate a good ctags database for STL you
+ can try this solution :
+ 1) Download SGI's STL from SGI's site
+ (
+ 2) Replace all __STL_BEGIN_NAMESPACE by "namespace std {" and
+ __STL_END_NAMESPACE by "}" from header and source files. (with Vim,
+ or with tar and sed or another tool)
+ 3) Run ctags and put the generated tags file in a directory eg:
+ ~/MyTags/stl.tags
+ 4) set tags+=~/MyTags/stl.tags
+ The main problem is that you can't tell to ctags that
+ __STL_BEGIN_NAMESPACE = "namespace std {" even with the option -I.
+ That's why you need the step 2).
+ Here is another solution if you have STL sources using _GLIBCXX_STD macro
+ (Tip by Nicola Bonelli) : >
+ let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces = ["std", "_GLIBCXX_STD"]
+* How to close automatically the preview window after a completion ?
+ (Tip by Kamil Renczewski)
+ You can add to your |vimrc| the following lines : >
+ autocmd CursorMovedI * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif
+ autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif
+8. History~
+ *omnicpp-history*
+Version O.41
+ - It's recommended to update ctags to version 5.7 or higher
+ - The plugin is now activated for C files
+ - New value for OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem when the option is equal to
+ 2 the first item is selected without inserting it to
+ the text (patch from Marek Olszewski)
+ - Bug when completing union members fixed with ctags 5.7
+ (reported by Willem-Jan de Hoog)
+ - New option OmniCpp_LocalSearchDecl (patch from Roland Kuck)
+ - Bug when tags=something,,somethingelse (reported by Tobias Pflug)
+ - Bug with nested structure (reported by Mikhail Daen)
+ - Bug where the script fails to detect the type of a variable when
+ the ignorecase option is on (reported by Alexey Vakhov)
+ - Error message when trying to use completion on a not yet saved
+ Vim buffer (reported by Neil Bird)
+ - Error message when trying to use completion on an file opened from
+ a tselect command (reported by Henrique Andrade)
+Version 0.4
+ - The script is renamed to OmniCppComplete according to the library
+ script directory structure.
+ - OmniCpp_ClassScopeCompletionMethod renamed to OmniCpp_DisplayMode
+ - Fixed a bug where the quickfix list is modified after a completion.
+ - OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr option added. It allows to show the
+ function signature in the abbreviation.
+ - OmniCpp_ShowAccess option added. It allows to hide the access
+ information in the popup menu.
+ - The tags database format must be a ctags 5.6 database if you want to
+ complete anonymous types.
+ - Fixed current scope detection not working properly in destructors.
+ - Don't show protected and private members according to the current scope.
+ - Overloaded functions are now filtered properly.
+ - New cache system using less memory.
+ - The class scope of a method is now resolved properly with "using
+ namespace" declarations.
+ - OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem option added. It allows to not select the first
+ item in the popup menu when 'completeopt' does not contain "longest".
+ - Fixed the bug where a "random" item in the popup menu is selected
+ by default when 'completeopt' does not contain "longest" option.
+ - The script is now split in library scripts.
+ - Cache added for 'using namespace' search in included files
+ - Default value for OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch is now 1 (search only in the
+ current buffer).
+ - Namespace search automatically disabled for C files even if
+ OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch != 0.
+ - To avoid linear search in tags files, the ignorecase option is now
+ disabled when getting tags datas (the user setting is restored after).
+ - Fixed a bug where friend functions may crash the script and also crash vim.
+Version 0.32
+ - Optimizations in search members methods.
+ - 'May complete' behaviour is now set to default for dot '.' and arrow
+ '->' (mappings are set in after/ftplugin/cpp.vim)
+ - Fixed the option CppOmni_ShowScopeInAbbr not detected after the first
+ completion.
+ - Exceptions catched from taglist() when a tag file is corrupted.
+ - Fixed a bug where enumerators in global scope didn't appear in the
+ popup menu.
+Version 0.31
+ WARNING: For this release and future releases you have to build your tags
+ database with this cmd :
+ "ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ."
+ Please read installation instructions in the documentation for details
+ - May complete added, please see installation notes for details.
+ - Fixed a bug where the completion works while in a comment or in a string.
+Version 0.3
+ WARNING: For this release and future releases you have to build your tags
+ database with this cmd :
+ "ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ."
+ Please read installation instructions in the documentation for details
+ - Documentation added.
+ - Fixed a bug where typedefs were not correctly resolved in namespaces
+ in some cases.
+ - Fixed a bug where the type can not be detected when we have a decl
+ like this: class A {}globalVar;
+ - Fixed a bug in type detection where searchdecl() (gd) find
+ incorrect declaration instruction.
+ - Global scope completion now only works with non-empty base.
+ - Using namespace list is now parsed in the current buffer and in
+ included files.
+ - Fixed a bug where the completion fails in some cases when the user
+ sets the ignorecase to on
+ - Preview window information added
+ - Some improvements in type detection, the type can be properly detected
+ with a declaration like this:
+ 'Class1 *class1A = NULL, **class1B = NULL, class1C[9], class1D[1] = {};'
+ - Fixed a bug where parent scopes were not displayed in the popup menu
+ in the current scope completion mode.
+ - Fixed a bug where an error message was displayed when the last
+ instruction was not finished.
+ - Fixed a bug where the completion fails if a punctuator or operator was
+ immediately after the cursor.
+ - The script can now detect parent contexts at the cursor position
+ thanks to 'using namespace' declarations.
+ It can also detect ambiguous namespaces. They are not included in
+ the context list.
+ - Fixed a bug where the current scope is not properly detected when
+ a file starts with a comment
+ - Fixed a bug where the type is not detected when we have myObject[0]
+ - Removed the system() call in SearchMembers(), no more calls to the
+ ctags binary. The user have to build correctly his database with the cmd:
+ "ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ."
+ - File time cache removed, the user have to rebuild his data base after a
+ modification.
+Version 0.22
+ - Completion of unnamed type (eg: You can complete g_Var defined like
+ this 'struct {int a; int b;}g_Var;'). It also works for a typedef of
+ an unnamed type (eg: 'typedef struct {int a; int b;}t_mytype; t_mytype
+ g_Var;').
+ - Tag file's time cache added, if a tag file has changed the global
+ scope result cache is cleared.
+ - Fixed a bug where the tokenization process enter in an infinite loop
+ when a file starts with '/*'.
+Version 0.21
+ - Improvements on the global scope completion.
+ The user can now see the progression of the search and complete
+ matches are stored in a cache for optimization. The cache is cleared
+ when the tag env is modified.
+ - Within a class scope when the user complete an empty word, the popup
+ menu displays the members of the class then members of the global
+ scope.
+ - Fixed a bug where a current scope completion failed after a punctuator
+ or operator (eg: after a '=' or '!=').
+Version 0.2
+ - Improvements in type detection (eg: when a variable is declared in a
+ parameter list, a catch clause, etc...)
+ - Code tokenization => ignoring spaces, tabs, carriage returns and comments
+ You can complete a code even if the instruction has bad
+ indentation, spaces or carriage returns between words
+ - Completion of class members added
+ - Detection of the current scope at the cursor position.
+ If you run a completion from en empty line, members of the current
+ scope are displayed. It works on the global namespace and the current
+ class scope (but there is not the combination of the 2 for the moment)
+ - Basic completion on the global namespace (very slow)
+ - Completion of returned type added
+ - this pointer completion added
+ - Completion after a cast added (C and C++ cast)
+ - Fixed a bug where the matches of the complete menu are not filtered
+ according to what the user typed
+ - Change the output of the popup menu. The type of the member
+ (function, member, enum etc...) is now display as a single letter.
+ The access information is display like this : '+' for a public member
+ '#' for a protected member and '-' for a private member.
+ The last information is the class, namespace or enum where the member is define.
+Version 0.12:
+ - Complete check added to the search process, you can now cancel
+ the search during a complete search.
+Version 0.1:
+ - First release
+9. Thanks~
+ *omnicpp-thanks*
+ * For advices, bug report, documentation, help, ideas :
+ Alexey Vakhov (bug report)
+ Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (documentation)
+ Dennis Lubert (bug report)
+ Henrique Andrade (bug report)
+ Kamil Renczewski (tips)
+ Marek Olszewski (patch)
+ Markus Trenkwalder (bug report)
+ Martin Stubenschrott (bug report)
+ Mikhail Daen (bug report)
+ Neil Bird (bug report)
+ Nicola Bonelli (tips)
+ Robert Webb (bug report)
+ Roland Kuck (patch)
+ Tobias Pflug (bug report)
+ Willem-Jan de Hoog (bug report)
+ Yegappan Lakshmanan (advices)
+ * Darren Hiebert for Exuberant Ctags
+ * All Vim devs for Vim
+ * Bram Moolenaar for Vim
+ * You for using this script :)
+ vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2:isk=!-~,^*,^\|,^\":ts=8:ft=help:norl: