path: root/.vim/ftplugin/java/CTree.vim
diff options
authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-10-07 17:05:19 +0200
commitdd5427baaf49f8de4355abeb6bc8c6dd14f74e25 (patch)
tree46fcfc70bd792e80ceebaab89a7f8fc06bc29101 /.vim/ftplugin/java/CTree.vim
Initial check-in of files
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/java/CTree.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/java/CTree.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a67fdbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/ftplugin/java/CTree.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+" -------------------------------------------------------------------
+" CTree.vim -- Display Class/Interface Hierarchy "{{{
+" Author: Yanbiao Zhao (yanbiao_zhao at
+" Requires: Vim 7
+" Version: 1.1.2
+" Command:
+" CTree -- Display a tree of Class/Interface hierarchy
+" CTag -- Jump to the class/interface definition of the tag
+" }}}
+if v:version < 700
+ echomsg "Vim 7 or higher is required for CTree.vim"
+ finish
+command! -nargs=1 -complete=tag CTree call s:CTree_GetTypeTree(<f-args>)
+command! -nargs=1 -complete=tag CTag call s:CT_Jump_To_ClassName(<f-args>)
+"Short cut to use the commands
+"nmap <silent> <M-F9> :exec "CTree ".expand("<cword>")<CR>
+"nmap <silent> <M-]> :exec "CTag ".expand("<cword>")<CR>
+function! s:CT_Jump_To_ClassName(className)
+ let tagEntry = {}
+ let tagEntry["name"] = a:className
+ if s:CT_Jump_To_Class(tagEntry)== 0
+ echohl WarningMsg | echo 'tag not found: '.a:className | echohl None
+ endif
+let s:CTree_AllTypeEntries = []
+let s:CTree_TagEnvCache = ''
+let s:CTree_tagFilesCache = {}
+function! s:CTree_GetTypeTree(typeName)
+ call s:CTree_LoadAllTypeEntries()
+ let rootEntry = s:CTree_GetRootType(a:typeName, '')
+ if empty(rootEntry)
+ let rootEntry["name"] = a:typeName
+ let rootEntry["namespace"] = ""
+ let rootEntry["kind"] = 'c'
+ let rootEntry["inherits"] = ""
+ endif
+ echohl Title | echo ' # tag' | echohl None
+ let allEntries = []
+ call s:CTree_GetChildren(allEntries, rootEntry, 0)
+ let i = input('Choice number (<Enter> cancels):')
+ let i = str2nr(i)
+ if i > 0 && i <= len(allEntries)
+ call s:CT_Jump_To_Class(allEntries[i-1])
+ endif
+function! s:CTree_GetChildren(allEntries, rootEntry, depth)
+ call add(a:allEntries, a:rootEntry)
+ call s:CTree_DisplayTagEntry(len(a:allEntries), a:rootEntry, a:depth)
+ let children = []
+ let rootTypeName = a:rootEntry["name"]
+ for tagEntry in s:CTree_AllTypeEntries
+ if index(split(tagEntry["inherits"], ","), rootTypeName) >= 0
+ call add(children, tagEntry)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let rootKind = a:rootEntry["kind"]
+ for child in children
+ "We only want to display class that implement an interface directly
+ if child["kind"] == 'c' && rootKind == 'i'
+ call add(a:allEntries, child)
+ call s:CTree_DisplayTagEntry(len(a:allEntries), child, a:depth+1)
+ else
+ call s:CTree_GetChildren(a:allEntries, child, a:depth+1)
+ endif
+ endfor
+" Return if a tag file has changed in tagfiles()
+function! s:HasTagFileChanged()
+ let result = 0
+ let tagFiles = map(tagfiles(), 'escape(v:val, " ")')
+ let newTagFilesCache = {}
+ if len(tagFiles) != len(s:CTree_tagFilesCache)
+ let result = 1
+ endif
+ for tagFile in tagFiles
+ let currentFiletime = getftime(tagFile)
+ let newTagFilesCache[tagFile] = currentFiletime
+ if !has_key(s:CTree_tagFilesCache, tagFile)
+ let result = 1
+ elseif currentFiletime != s:CTree_tagFilesCache[tagFile]
+ let result = 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let s:CTree_tagFilesCache = newTagFilesCache
+ return result
+function! s:CTree_LoadAllTypeEntries()
+ if s:HasTagFileChanged()
+ let s:CTree_AllTypeEntries = []
+ else
+ return
+ endif
+ echo 'Loading tag information. It may take a while...'
+ let ch = 'A'
+ while ch <= 'Z'
+ call s:CTree_GetTypeEntryWithCh(ch)
+ let ch = nr2char(char2nr(ch)+1)
+ endwhile
+ call s:CTree_GetTypeEntryWithCh('_')
+ let ch = 'a'
+ while ch <= 'z'
+ call s:CTree_GetTypeEntryWithCh(ch)
+ let ch = nr2char(char2nr(ch)+1)
+ endwhile
+ echo "Count of type tag entries loaded: ".len(s:CTree_AllTypeEntries)
+function! s:CTree_GetTypeEntryWithCh(ch)
+ for tagEntry in taglist('^'.a:ch)
+ let kind = tagEntry["kind"]
+ if (kind == 'i' || kind == 'c') && has_key(tagEntry, "inherits")
+ call add(s:CTree_AllTypeEntries, tagEntry)
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! s:CTree_GetRootType(typeName, originalKind)
+ for tagEntry in taglist("^".a:typeName."$")
+ let kind = tagEntry["kind"]
+ if kind != 'c' && kind != 'i'
+ continue
+ endif
+ let originalKind = a:originalKind
+ if originalKind == ''
+ let originalKind = kind
+ elseif originalKind != tagEntry["kind"]
+ "We will not accept interface as a parent of class
+ return {}
+ endif
+ if !has_key(tagEntry, "inherits")
+ return tagEntry
+ endif
+ "interface support multiple inheritance, so we will not try to get its
+ "parent if it has more than one parent
+ let parents = split(tagEntry["inherits"], ",")
+ if originalKind == 'i' && len(parents) > 1
+ return tagEntry
+ endif
+ for parent in parents
+ let rootEntry = s:CTree_GetRootType(parent, originalKind)
+ if !empty(rootEntry)
+ return rootEntry
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return tagEntry
+ endfor
+ return {}
+function! s:CTree_DisplayTagEntry(index, typeEntry, depth)
+ let s = string(a:index)
+ while strlen(s) < 4
+ let s = ' '.s
+ endwhile
+ let s = s." "
+ let i = 0
+ while i < a:depth
+ let s = s." "
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ let s = s.a:typeEntry["name"]
+ if has_key(a:typeEntry, "namespace")
+ let s = s.' ['.a:typeEntry["namespace"].']'
+ elseif has_key(a:typeEntry, "class")
+ let s = s.' <'.a:typeEntry["class"].'>'
+ endif
+ echo s
+function! s:CT_Jump_To_Class(tagEntry)
+ let className = a:tagEntry["name"]
+ if has_key(a:tagEntry, "namespace")
+ let keyName = "namespace"
+ elseif has_key(a:tagEntry, "class")
+ let keyName = "class"
+ else
+ let keyName = ""
+ endif
+ if keyName == ""
+ let namespace = ""
+ else
+ let namespace = a:tagEntry[keyName]
+ endif
+ let i = 1
+ let entries = taglist('^'.className.'$')
+ for entry in entries
+ let kind = entry["kind"]
+ if kind == 'c' || kind == 'i' || kind == 'g'
+ if namespace == "" || namespace == entry[keyName]
+ exec "silent ".i."tag ".className
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ let i += 1
+ endfor
+ return 0