diff options
authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2010-10-25 19:03:54 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2010-10-25 19:03:56 +0200
commit5842851b7a0d77cf7b33f56c36db3fc4d1fa3789 (patch)
parent9412a6a2582928cf0a4f159f1f426ef21a3b3528 (diff)
Remove plugin needing ruby support
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/shim.vim b/.vim/plugin/shim.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d7a31..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/shim.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-" Superior Haskell Interaction Mode (SHIM) {{{
-" ==============================================================================
-" Copyright: Lars Kotthoff <> 2008,2009
-" Released under the terms of the GPLv3
-" (
-" Name Of File: shim.vim
-" Version: 0.3.4
-" Description: GHCi integration for VIM
-" Requirements: VIM or gVIM with Ruby support, Ruby, and GHCi.
-" Installation: Copy this file into the plugin/ subdirectory of your vim
-" installation -- /etc/vim/ for system-wide installation,
-" .vim/ for user installation. Alternatively, you can manually
-" source the file with ":source shim.vim".
-" Usage: The file exposes 3 commands, GhciFile, GhciRange, and GhciReload. The
-" first takes no arguments and loads the current buffer into GHCi (":l
-" <file>"). If autowrite is set and the buffer has been modified, the
-" buffer is written before it is loaded. The second command takes a range
-" as an argument and pastes these lines into GHCi without any
-" interpretation. The third command kills GHCi, clears the ghci buffer,
-" and restarts GHCi. Note that it doesn't reload any files.
-" You can bind these functions to key combinations for quicker access,
-" e.g. put something like
-" autocmd FileType haskell nmap <C-c><C-l> :GhciRange<CR>
-" autocmd FileType haskell vmap <C-c><C-l> :GhciRange<CR>
-" autocmd FileType haskell nmap <C-c><C-f> :GhciFile<CR>
-" autocmd FileType haskell nmap <C-c><C-r> :GhciReload<CR>
-" into your .vimrc or .gvimrc.
-" The first time you run any of these functions, GHCi will be started
-" automatically in a split window below the current one. You can
-" customize the following options:
-" g:shim_ghciInterp -- the name of the GHCi executable, default "ghci"
-" g:shim_ghciArgs -- extra arguments passed to GHCi, default ""
-" g:shim_ghciPrompt -- a regular expression matching the GHCi prompt
-" g:shim_ghciTimeout -- the timeout for waiting for GHCi to return after
-" sending commands, default 10 seconds
-" g:shim_jumpToGhci -- whether to jump to the GHCi window after executing
-" a GHCi command, default "false"
-" g:shim_quickfix -- whether to integrate SHIM with quickfix (more on
-" that below), default "true"
-" g:shim_defaultWindowSize -- the height of the GHCi window, default 15
-" When quickfix integration is turned on, the output received from GHCi
-" is passed through quickfix to find any errors. This means that you get
-" a list of errors and the cursor is automatically put to the position of
-" the first error. See :help quickfix for more details.
-" If this feature is not working properly for you, you probably need to
-" set the error format for GHC output; you can find Haskell mode for VIM,
-" which includes an error format, at
-" Note that this only applies if a file is loaded into GHCi, as there is
-" no possibility of pinpointing the error position in a file if only a
-" part of the file is passed to GHCi with the GhciRange function.
-" The "ghci" buffer behaves much like an actual GHCi prompt. The cursor
-" is always positioned after the last prompt and <CR> is remapped to
-" GhciRange for the current line, i.e. you can start typing after the
-" prompt and hit <Enter> and the line you typed is sent to GHCi, the
-" output appended to the buffer. The prompt text is stripped off before
-" passing the text on to GHCi.
-" GHCi is quit automatically when you quit VIM or destroy the "ghci"
-" buffer.
-" ==============================================================================
-" }}}
-if has("ruby")
-if !exists('g:shim_ghciInterp')
- let g:shim_ghciInterp = "ghci"
-if !exists('g:shim_ghciPrompt')
- let g:shim_ghciPrompt = "^[\*A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\. ]+>"
-if !exists('g:shim_ghciTimeout')
- let g:shim_ghciTimeout = 10
-if !exists('g:shim_jumpToGhci')
- let g:shim_jumpToGhci = "false"
-if !exists('g:shim_quickfix')
- let g:shim_quickfix = "true"
-if !exists('g:shim_defaultWindowSize')
- let g:shim_defaultWindowSize = 15
-if !exists('g:shim_ghciArgs')
- let g:shim_ghciArgs = ""
-command! GhciReload ruby ghci.reloadGhci
-command! GhciFile ruby ghci.ghciSourceFile
-command! -range GhciRange ruby ghci.writeRangeToGhci(<line1>, <line2>)
-ruby << EOF
-module VIM
- class Buffer
- class << self
- def getForName(name)
- (0...self.count).each { |i|
- return self[i] if self[i].name =~ name
- }
- end
- end
- end
- class Window
- class << self
- def forBufferNumber(bufferNumber)
- (0...self.count).each { |i|
- return self[i] if self[i].buffer.number == bufferNumber
- }
- return nil
- end
- def number(window)
- (0...self.count).each { |i|
- return i + 1 if self[i] == window
- }
- end
- end
- end
-ruby << EOF
-require 'expect'
-class Ghci
- def initialize
- @ghciInterp = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_ghciInterp")
- @ghciArgs = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_ghciArgs")
- @ghciPrompt ="g:shim_ghciPrompt"))
- @ghciTimeout = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_ghciTimeout").to_i
- @jumpToGhci = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_jumpToGhci") == "true" ? true : false
- @quickfix = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_quickfix") == "true" ? true : false
- @defaultWindowSize = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_defaultWindowSize").to_i
- @buffer = nil
- @pipe = nil
- end
- def setupWindow
- originatorWin = VIM::Window.current
- VIM::command("below split +e ghci")
- VIM::command("res " + @defaultWindowSize.to_s)
- VIM::command("setlocal buftype=nofile noswapfile filetype=haskell")
- VIM::command("imap <buffer> <CR> <Esc>:GhciRange<CR>a")
- @buffer = VIM::Buffer.getForName( + "ghci$"))
- VIM::command(VIM::Window.number(originatorWin).to_s + "wincmd w") unless @jumpToGhci
- end
- def initGhciBuffer
- setupWindow
- openGhci
- end
- def openGhci
- @ghciArgs = VIM::evaluate("g:shim_ghciArgs")
- # ghci writes some stuff to stderr...
- @pipe = IO.popen(@ghciInterp + " " + @ghciArgs + " 2>&1", File::RDWR)
- readFromGhci
- end
- def closeGhci
- if(!@pipe.nil?)
- @pipe.syswrite(":q\n")
- @pipe.close
- @pipe = nil
- end
- end
- def reloadGhci
- if(@pipe.nil?)
- openGhci
- else
- closeGhci
- @buffer.length.times { @buffer.delete(1) }
- openGhci
- end
- end
- def readFromGhci
- if(!@buffer.nil? && !@pipe.nil?)
- output = @pipe.expect(@ghciPrompt, @ghciTimeout)
- break if output.nil?
- text = output.join("\n").strip + " "
- text.split(/\r?\n/).each { |line|
- @buffer.append(@buffer.count, line)
- }
- originatorWin = VIM::Window.current
- window = VIM::Window.forBufferNumber(@buffer.number)
- if(@quickfix)
- VIM::command("cex " + text.inspect) unless text =~ /<interactive>/
- end
- window.cursor = [ @buffer.count, @buffer[@buffer.count].length ] unless window.nil?
- if(@buffer.number != VIM::Window.current.buffer.number && !window.nil?)
- # switch to the ghci window and refresh it to
- # make sure the new output is visible, then switch
- # back unless we wanted to go there anyway
- VIM::command(VIM::Window.number(window).to_s + "wincmd w")
- VIM::command("redraw")
- VIM::command(VIM::Window.number(originatorWin).to_s + "wincmd w") unless @jumpToGhci
- end
- else
- VIM::message("Ghci buffer or pipe isn't open!")
- end
- end
- def writeToGhci(text)
- text.strip!
- if(text.length > 0)
- initGhciBuffer if @buffer.nil?
- if(!@buffer.nil? && !@pipe.nil?)
- # if the input matches the prompt, it was typed
- # in the interpreter window and we don't need to
- # echo it; also remove it before passing it on to ghci
- if(!(text =~ @ghciPrompt).nil?)
- text.gsub!(@ghciPrompt, "")
- else
- text.split(/\r?\n/).each { |line|
- @buffer.append(@buffer.count, line)
- }
- end
- begin
- @pipe.syswrite(text + "\n")
- rescue SystemCallError
- VIM::message("Restarting Ghci, write failed: " + $!)
- openGhci
- retry
- end
- readFromGhci
- else
- VIM::message("Ghci buffer or pipe isn't open!")
- end
- end
- end
- def ghciSourceFile
- autowrite = VIM::evaluate("&autowrite")
- modified = VIM::evaluate("&mod")
- VIM::command("w") if((modified == "1") && (autowrite == "1"))
- writeToGhci(":l " +
- end
- def writeRangeToGhci(line1, line2)
- text = []
- (line1..line2).each { |i|
- text << VIM::Buffer.current[i]
- }
- writeToGhci(text.join("\n"))
- end
-ghci =
-autocmd BufDelete ghci ruby ghci.closeGhci
-autocmd VimLeavePre * ruby ghci.closeGhci