path: root/.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim')
-rw-r--r--.vim/bundle/gundo.vim/.hg/00changelog.ibin57 -> 0 bytes
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-rw-r--r--.vim/bundle/gundo.vim/.hg/store/data/_r_e_a_d_m_e.markdown.ibin1447 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--.vim/bundle/gundo.vim/.hg/store/data/doc/gundo.txt.ibin2698 -> 0 bytes
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-rw-r--r--.vim/bundle/gundo.vim/.hg/store/undobin141 -> 0 bytes
82 files changed, 40 insertions, 27452 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim b/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 66dfc5e..0000000
--- a/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-" OmniCppComplete initialization
-call omni#cpp#complete#Init()
diff --git a/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim b/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 66dfc5e..0000000
--- a/.vim/after/ftplugin/cpp.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-" OmniCppComplete initialization
-call omni#cpp#complete#Init()
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim b/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a26cd5..0000000
--- a/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-" utility functions for haskellmode plugins
-" (Claus Reinke; last modified: 22/06/2010)
-" part of haskell plugins:
-" please send patches to <>
-" find start/extent of name/symbol under cursor;
-" return start, symbolic flag, qualifier, unqualified id
-" (this is used in both haskell_doc.vim and in GHC.vim)
-function! haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(line,col,off)
- let name = "[a-zA-Z0-9_']"
- let symbol = "[-!#$%&\*\+/<=>\?@\\^|~:.]"
- "let [line] = getbufline(a:buf,a:lnum)
- let line = a:line
- " find the beginning of unqualified id or qualified id component
- let start = (a:col - 1) + a:off
- if line[start] =~ name
- let pattern = name
- elseif line[start] =~ symbol
- let pattern = symbol
- else
- return []
- endif
- while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ pattern
- let start -= 1
- endwhile
- let id = matchstr(line[start :],pattern.'*')
- " call confirm(id)
- " expand id to left and right, to get full id
- let idPos = id[0] == '.' ? start+2 : start+1
- let posA = match(line,'\<\(\([A-Z]'.name.'*\.\)\+\)\%'.idPos.'c')
- let start = posA>-1 ? posA+1 : idPos
- let posB = matchend(line,'\%'.idPos.'c\(\([A-Z]'.name.'*\.\)*\)\('.name.'\+\|'.symbol.'\+\)')
- let end = posB>-1 ? posB : idPos
- " special case: symbolic ids starting with .
- if id[0]=='.' && posA==-1
- let start = idPos-1
- let end = posB==-1 ? start : end
- endif
- " classify full id and split into qualifier and unqualified id
- let fullid = line[ (start>1 ? start-1 : 0) : (end-1) ]
- let symbolic = fullid[-1:-1] =~ symbol " might also be incomplete qualified id ending in .
- let qualPos = matchend(fullid, '\([A-Z]'.name.'*\.\)\+')
- let qualifier = qualPos>-1 ? fullid[ 0 : (qualPos-2) ] : ''
- let unqualId = qualPos>-1 ? fullid[ qualPos : -1 ] : fullid
- " call confirm(start.'/'.end.'['.symbolic.']:'.qualifier.' '.unqualId)
- return [start,symbolic,qualifier,unqualId]
-function! haskellmode#GatherImports()
- let imports={0:{},1:{}}
- let i=1
- while i<=line('$')
- let res = haskellmode#GatherImport(i)
- if !empty(res)
- let [i,import] = res
- let prefixPat = '^import\s*\%({-#\s*SOURCE\s*#-}\)\?\(qualified\)\?\s\+'
- let modulePat = '\([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_''.]*\)'
- let asPat = '\(\s\+as\s\+'.modulePat.'\)\?'
- let hidingPat = '\(\s\+hiding\s*\((.*)\)\)\?'
- let listPat = '\(\s*\((.*)\)\)\?'
- let importPat = prefixPat.modulePat.asPat.hidingPat.listPat ".'\s*$'
- let ml = matchlist(import,importPat)
- if ml!=[]
- let [_,qualified,module,_,as,_,hiding,_,explicit;x] = ml
- let what = as=='' ? module : as
- let hidings = split(hiding[1:-2],',')
- let explicits = split(explicit[1:-2],',')
- let empty = {'lines':[],'hiding':hidings,'explicit':[],'modules':[]}
- let entry = has_key(imports[1],what) ? imports[1][what] : deepcopy(empty)
- let imports[1][what] = haskellmode#MergeImport(deepcopy(entry),i,hidings,explicits,module)
- if !(qualified=='qualified')
- let imports[0][what] = haskellmode#MergeImport(deepcopy(entry),i,hidings,explicits,module)
- endif
- else
- echoerr "haskellmode#GatherImports doesn't understand: ".import
- endif
- endif
- let i+=1
- endwhile
- if !has_key(imports[1],'Prelude')
- let imports[0]['Prelude'] = {'lines':[],'hiding':[],'explicit':[],'modules':[]}
- let imports[1]['Prelude'] = {'lines':[],'hiding':[],'explicit':[],'modules':[]}
- endif
- return imports
-function! haskellmode#ListElem(list,elem)
- for e in a:list | if e==a:elem | return 1 | endif | endfor
- return 0
-function! haskellmode#ListIntersect(list1,list2)
- let l = []
- for e in a:list1 | if index(a:list2,e)!=-1 | let l += [e] | endif | endfor
- return l
-function! haskellmode#ListUnion(list1,list2)
- let l = []
- for e in a:list2 | if index(a:list1,e)==-1 | let l += [e] | endif | endfor
- return a:list1 + l
-function! haskellmode#ListWithout(list1,list2)
- let l = []
- for e in a:list1 | if index(a:list2,e)==-1 | let l += [e] | endif | endfor
- return l
-function! haskellmode#MergeImport(entry,line,hiding,explicit,module)
- let lines = a:entry['lines'] + [ a:line ]
- let hiding = a:explicit==[] ? haskellmode#ListIntersect(a:entry['hiding'], a:hiding)
- \ : haskellmode#ListWithout(a:entry['hiding'],a:explicit)
- let explicit = haskellmode#ListUnion(a:entry['explicit'], a:explicit)
- let modules = haskellmode#ListUnion(a:entry['modules'], [ a:module ])
- return {'lines':lines,'hiding':hiding,'explicit':explicit,'modules':modules}
-" collect lines belonging to a single import statement;
-" return number of last line and collected import statement
-" (assume opening parenthesis, if any, is on the first line)
-function! haskellmode#GatherImport(lineno)
- let lineno = a:lineno
- let import = getline(lineno)
- if !(import=~'^import\s') | return [] | endif
- let open = strlen(substitute(import,'[^(]','','g'))
- let close = strlen(substitute(import,'[^)]','','g'))
- while open!=close
- let lineno += 1
- let linecont = getline(lineno)
- let open += strlen(substitute(linecont,'[^(]','','g'))
- let close += strlen(substitute(linecont,'[^)]','','g'))
- let import .= linecont
- endwhile
- return [lineno,import]
-function! haskellmode#UrlEncode(string)
- let pat = '\([^[:alnum:]]\)'
- let code = '\=printf("%%%02X",char2nr(submatch(1)))'
- let url = substitute(a:string,pat,code,'g')
- return url
-" TODO: we could have buffer-local settings, at the expense of
-" reconfiguring for every new buffer.. do we want to?
-function! haskellmode#GHC()
- if (!exists("g:ghc") || !executable(g:ghc))
- if !executable('ghc')
- echoerr s:scriptname.": can't find ghc. please set g:ghc, or extend $PATH"
- return 0
- else
- let g:ghc = 'ghc'
- endif
- endif
- return 1
-function! haskellmode#GHC_Version()
- if !exists("g:ghc_version")
- let g:ghc_version = substitute(system(g:ghc . ' --numeric-version'),'\n','','')
- endif
- return g:ghc_version
-function! haskellmode#GHC_VersionGE(target)
- let current = split(haskellmode#GHC_Version(), '\.' )
- let target = a:target
- for i in current
- if ((target==[]) || (i>target[0]))
- return 1
- elseif (i==target[0])
- let target = target[1:]
- else
- return 0
- endif
- endfor
- return 1
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/omni/common/debug.vim b/.vim/autoload/omni/common/debug.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index eded649..0000000
--- a/.vim/autoload/omni/common/debug.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-" Description: Omni completion debug functions
-" Maintainer: Vissale NEANG
-" Last Change: 26 sept. 2007
-" Start debug, clear the debug file
-function! omni#common#debug#Start()
- let s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE = []
- call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, ['============ Debug Start ============'])
- call writefile(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, "Omni.dbg")
-" End debug, write to debug file
-function! omni#common#debug#End()
- call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, ["============= Debug End ============="])
- call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, [""])
- call writefile(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, "Omni.dbg")
-" Debug trace function
-function! omni#common#debug#Trace(szFuncName, ...)
- let szTrace = a:szFuncName
- let paramNum = a:0
- if paramNum>0
- let szTrace .= ':'
- endif
- for i in range(paramNum)
- let szTrace = szTrace .' ('. string(eval('a:'.string(i+1))).')'
- endfor
- call extend(s:CACHE_DEBUG_TRACE, [szTrace])
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/omni/common/utils.vim b/.vim/autoload/omni/common/utils.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c880ad2..0000000
--- a/.vim/autoload/omni/common/utils.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-" Description: Omni completion utils
-" Maintainer: Vissale NEANG
-" Last Change: 26 sept. 2007
-" For sort numbers in list
-function! omni#common#utils#CompareNumber(i1, i2)
- let num1 = eval(a:i1)
- let num2 = eval(a:i2)
- return num1 == num2 ? 0 : num1 > num2 ? 1 : -1
-" TagList function calling the vim taglist() with try catch
-" The only throwed exception is 'TagList:UserInterrupt'
-" We also force the noignorecase option to avoid linear search when calling
-" taglist()
-function! omni#common#utils#TagList(szTagQuery)
- let result = []
- let bUserIgnoreCase = &ignorecase
- " Forcing noignorecase search => binary search can be used in taglist()
- " if tags in the tag file are sorted
- if bUserIgnoreCase
- set noignorecase
- endif
- try
- let result = taglist(a:szTagQuery)
- catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/
- " Restoring user's setting
- if bUserIgnoreCase
- set ignorecase
- endif
- throw 'TagList:UserInterrupt'
- catch
- "Note: it seems that ctags can generate corrupted files, in this case
- "taglist() will fail to read the tagfile and an exception from
- "has_add() is thrown
- endtry
- " Restoring user's setting
- if bUserIgnoreCase
- set ignorecase
- endif
- return result
-" Same as TagList but don't throw exception
-function! omni#common#utils#TagListNoThrow(szTagQuery)
- let result = []
- try
- let result = omni#common#utils#TagList(a:szTagQuery)
- catch
- endtry
- return result
-" Get the word under the cursor
-function! omni#common#utils#GetWordUnderCursor()
- let szLine = getline('.')
- let startPos = getpos('.')[2]-1
- let startPos = (startPos < 0)? 0 : startPos
- if szLine[startPos] =~ '\w'
- let startPos = searchpos('\<\w\+', 'cbn', line('.'))[1] - 1
- endif
- let startPos = (startPos < 0)? 0 : startPos
- let szResult = matchstr(szLine, '\w\+', startPos)
- return szResult
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/complete.vim b/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/complete.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a7e4edc..0000000
--- a/.vim/autoload/omni/cpp/complete.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-" Description: Omni completion script for cpp files
-" Maintainer: Vissale NEANG
-" Last Change: 27 sept. 2007
-if v:version < 700
- echohl WarningMsg
- echomsg "omni#cpp#complete.vim: Please install vim 7.0 or higher for omni-completion"
- echohl None
- finish
-call omni#cpp#settings#Init()
-let s:OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr = g:OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr
-let s:OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = g:OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr
-let s:OmniCpp_ShowAccess = g:OmniCpp_ShowAccess
-let s:szCurrentWorkingDir = getcwd()
-" Cache data
-let s:CACHE_TAG_FILES = {}
-let s:CACHE_TAG_ENV = ''
-" Has preview window?
-let s:hasPreviewWindow = match(&completeopt, 'preview')>=0
-let s:hasPreviewWindowOld = s:hasPreviewWindow
-" Popup item list
-let s:popupItemResultList = []
-" May complete indicator
-let s:bMayComplete = 0
-" Init mappings
-function! omni#cpp#complete#Init()
- call omni#cpp#settings#Init()
- set omnifunc=omni#cpp#complete#Main
- inoremap <expr> <C-X><C-O> omni#cpp#maycomplete#Complete()
- inoremap <expr> . omni#cpp#maycomplete#Dot()
- inoremap <expr> > omni#cpp#maycomplete#Arrow()
- inoremap <expr> : omni#cpp#maycomplete#Scope()
-" Find the start position of the completion
-function! s:FindStartPositionOfCompletion()
- " Locate the start of the item, including ".", "->" and "[...]".
- let line = getline('.')
- let start = col('.') - 1
- let lastword = -1
- while start > 0
- if line[start - 1] =~ '\w'
- let start -= 1
- elseif line[start - 1] =~ '\.'
- " Searching for dot '.'
- if lastword == -1
- let lastword = start
- endif
- let start -= 1
- elseif start > 1 && line[start - 2] == '-' && line[start - 1] == '>'
- " Searching for '->'
- if lastword == -1
- let lastword = start
- endif
- let start -= 2
- elseif start > 1 && line[start - 2] == ':' && line[start - 1] == ':'
- " Searching for '::' for namespaces and class
- if lastword == -1
- let lastword = start
- endif
- let start -= 2
- elseif line[start - 1] == ']'
- " Skip over [...].
- let n = 0
- let start -= 1
- while start > 0
- let start -= 1
- if line[start] == '['
- if n == 0
- break
- endif
- let n -= 1
- elseif line[start] == ']' " nested []
- let n += 1
- endif
- endwhile
- else
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- if lastword==-1