path: root/.vimperator/plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/.vimperator/plugin/paste.js b/.vimperator/plugin/paste.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe7826..0000000
--- a/.vimperator/plugin/paste.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
- **
- ** paste.js
- **
- ** description :
- ** pastebin is a script to paste clipboard's content
- ** in a new pastebin. Its URL is yanked.
- **
- **
- **
- * @author Yoann Lamouroux ( (legreffier@freenode)
- * @version 1.0 now exhaustive.
- *
- **/
-var INFO =
-<plugin name="paste" version="1.0"
- href=""
- summary="Pastebin wrapper"
- xmlns="">
- <author email="">Yoann Lamouroux</author>
- <license href="">MIT</license>
- <project name="Vimperator" minVersion="2.0" />
- <p>
- This plugin allow you to fill pastebins with clipboard's content.
- </p>
- <item>
- <tags>:past :pastebin</tags>
- <spec>:past[ebin] <oa>-name=author</oa> <oa>-language=language</oa> <oa>-private</oa> <oa></oa> <oa>-subdomain=subdom</oa></spec>
- <description>
- <p>Paste the clipboard's content in a new pastebin, yanks its URL.</p>
- <p>You can use several options : </p>
- <ul>
- <li>-name your_name (or -n) : to give your pastes an author</li>
- <li>-language syntax_hilight (or -l) : to enable syntax hilighting</li>
- <li>-private (or -p) : to make your pastebin private (sort of)</li>
- <li>-mail login@mail.tld (or -m) : add a mail address</li>
- <li>-subdomain subdom (or -s) : send the buffer to</li>
- </ul>
- </description>
- </item>
-function pasteBin(arg) {
- var url = "";
- var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
- var params = arg + "paste_code=";
- var paste = util.readFromClipboard();
- if(!paste) {
- liberator.echoerr("The clipboard is empty.\n");
- return;
- } else {
- params += paste;
- }
-"POST", url, true);
- //Send the proper header information along with the request
- http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
- http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
- http.send(params);
- http.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
- util.copyToClipboard(http.responseText);
- liberator.echo("Yanked " + http.responseText);
- }
- }
-var expilist = [['N', 'Never'], ['10M', 'Ten minutes'], ['1H', 'One hour'], ['1D', 'One day'], ['1M', 'One month']];
-var langlist = [ // looooooongcat, he's rather long.
- ['abap', 'ABAP'],
- ['actionscript', 'ActionScript'],
- ['actionscript3', 'ActionScript3'],
- ['ada', 'Ada'],
- ['apache', 'Apache'],
- ['applescript', 'AppleScript'],
- ['apt_sources', 'APT Sources'],
- ['asm', 'Assembler'],
- ['asp', 'ASP'],
- ['autoit', 'AutoIt'],
- ['avisynth', 'Avisynth'],
- ['bash', 'Bash script'],
- ['basic4gl', 'Basic4GL'],
- ['bibtex', 'BibTeXgi'],
- ['blitzbasic', 'Blitz Basic'],
- ['bnf', 'BNF'],
- ['boo', 'Boo'],
- ['bf', 'BrainFuck'],
- ['c', 'C'],
- ['c_mac', 'C for Macs'],
- ['cill', 'C Intermediate Language'],
- ['csharp', 'C#'],
- ['cpp', 'C++'],
- ['caddcl', 'CAD DCL'],
- ['cadlisp', 'CAD Lisp'],
- ['cfdg', 'CFDG'],
- ['klonec', 'Clone C'],
- ['klonecpp', 'Clone C++'],
- ['cmake', 'CMake'],
- ['cobol', 'Cobol'],
- ['cfm', 'ColdFusion'],
- ['css', 'CSS'],
- ['d', 'D'],
- ['dcs', 'DCS'],
- ['delphi', 'Delphi'],
- ['dff', 'Diff'],
- ['div', 'DIV'],
- ['dos', 'DOS'],
- ['dot', 'DOT'],
- ['eiffel', 'Eiffel'],
- ['email', 'E-mail'],
- ['erlang', 'Erlang'],
- ['fo', 'FO Language'],
- ['fortran', 'Fortran'],
- ['freebasic', 'FreeBasic'],
- ['gml', 'Game Maker'],
- ['genero', 'Genero'],
- ['gettext', 'GetText'],
- ['groovy', 'Groovy'],
- ['haskell', 'Haskell'],
- ['hq9plus', 'HQ9 Plus'],
- ['html4strict', 'HTML4 strict'],
- ['idl', 'IDL'],
- ['ini', 'INI configuration file'],
- ['inno', 'Inno script'],
- ['intercal', 'INTERCAL'],
- ['io', 'IO'],
- ['java', 'Java'],
- ['java5', 'Java5'],
- ['javascript', 'JavaScript'],
- ['kixtart', 'KiXtart'],
- ['latex', 'Latex'],
- ['lsl2', 'Linden Scripting'],
- ['lisp', 'Lisp'],
- ['locobasic', 'Loco Basic'],
- ['lolcode', 'LOL Code'],
- ['lotusformulas', 'Lotus Formulas'],
- ['lotusscript', 'Lotus Script'],
- ['lscript', 'LScript'],
- ['lua', 'Lua'],
- ['m68k', 'M68000 Assembler'],
- ['make', 'Makefile'],
- ['matlab', 'MatLab'],
- ['matlab', 'MatLab'],
- ['mirc', 'mIRC'],
- ['modula3', 'Modula 3'],
- ['mpasm', 'MPASM'],
- ['mxml', 'MXML'],
- ['mysql', 'MySQL'],
- ['nsis', 'NullSoft Installer'],
- ['oberon2', 'Oberon 2'],
- ['objc', 'Objective C'],
- ['ocaml-brief', 'OCaml Brief'],
- ['ocaml', 'OCaml'],
- ['glsl', 'OpenGL Shading'],
- ['oobas', 'OpenOffice Basic'],
- ['oracle11', 'Oracle 11'],
- ['oracle8', 'Oracle 8'],
- ['pascal', 'Pascal'],
- ['pawn', 'PAWN'],
- ['per', 'Per'],
- ['perl', 'Perl'],
- ['php', 'PHP'],
- ['php-brief', 'PHP Brief'],
- ['pic16', 'Pic 16'],
- ['pixelbender', 'Pixel Bender'],
- ['plsql', 'PL/SQL'],
- ['povray', 'POV-Ray'],
- ['powershell', 'PowerShell'],
- ['progress', 'Progress'],
- ['prolog', 'Prolog'],
- ['properties', 'Properties'],
- ['providex', 'ProvideX'],
- ['python', 'Python'],
- ['qbasic', 'Quick Basic'],
- ['rails', 'Rails'],
- ['rebol', 'REBOL'],
- ['reg', 'REG'],
- ['robots', 'Robots'],
- ['ruby', 'Ruby'],
- ['gnuplot', 'Ruby Gnuplot'],
- ['sas', 'SAS'],
- ['scala', 'Scala'],
- ['scheme', 'Scheme'],
- ['scilab', 'Scilab'],
- ['sdlbasic', 'SDL Basic'],
- ['smalltalk', 'SmallTalk'],
- ['smarty', 'Smarty'],
- ['sql', 'SQL'],
- ['tsql', 'T-SQL'],
- ['tcl', 'TCL'],
- ['tcl', 'tcl'],
- ['teraterm', 'Tera Term'],
- ['thinbasic', 'thinBasic'],
- ['typoscript', 'TypoScript'],
- ['unreal', 'unrealScript'],
- ['vbnet', 'VB.NET'],
- ['verilog', 'VeriLog'],
- ['vhdl', 'VHDL'],
- ['vim', 'Vim'],
- ['visualprolog', 'Visual Pro Log'],
- ['vb', 'Visual Basic'],
- ['visualfoxpro', 'VisualFoxPro'],
- ['whitespace', 'WhiteSpace'],
- ['whois', 'WHOIS'],
- ['winbatch', 'Win Batch'],
- ['xml', 'XML'],
- ['xorg_conf', 'xorg.conf'],
- ['xpp', 'XPP'],
- ['z80', 'z80 Assembler']];
- "past[ebin]",
- "pastebin the clipboard, store the address in clipboard",
- function(args) {
- var prefix = "";
- if(args["-name"]) {
- prefix += "paste_name=" + args["-name"] + "&";
- }
- if(args["-language"]) {
- var ok = 0;
- for each (l in langlist) {
- if(args["-language"] === l[0]) {
- prefix += "paste_format=" + args["-language"] + "&";
- ok++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(ok == 0) liberator.echo("language argument not recognized, defaulting to none");
- }
- if(args["-expire"]) {
- var ok = 0;
- for each (l in expilist) {
- if(args["-expire"] === l[0]) {
- prefix += "paste_expire_date=" + args["-expire"] + "&";
- ok++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(ok == 0) {
- liberator.echo("expire argument not recognized, defaulting to minutes");
- prefix += "paste_expire_date=10M&";
- }
- }
- if(args["-mail"]) {
- prefix += "paste_email=" + args["-mail"] + "&";
- }
- if(args["-subdomain"]) {
- prefix += "paste_subdomain=" + args["-subdomain"] + "&";
- }
- if(args["-private"]) {
- prefix += "paste_private=1&"
- }
- pasteBin(prefix);
- }, {
- options: [
- [["-name", "-n"], commands.OPTION_STRING, function(arg) /\w+/.test(arg)],
- [["-language", "-l"], commands.OPTION_STRING, null, langlist],
- [["-expire", "-e"], commands.OPTION_STRING , null, expilist],
- [["-mail", "-m"], commands.OPTION_STRING, function(arg) /^.+\@.+\.\w+$/.test(arg)],
- [["-subdomain", "-s"], commands.OPTION_STRING, function(arg) /\w+/.test(arg)],
- [["-private", "-p"], commands.OPTION_NOARG]
- ] }