conky.config = { out_to_x = false, own_window = false, out_to_console = true, background = false, max_text_width = 0, double_buffer = false, -- Update interval in seconds update_interval = 2.5, -- This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting. -- Set to zero to run forever. total_run_times = 0, -- Shortens units to a single character (kiB->k, GiB->G, etc.). Default is off. short_units = true, -- How strict should if_up be when testing an interface for being up? -- The value is one of up, link or address, to check for the interface -- being solely up, being up and having link or being up, having link -- and an assigned IP address. if_up_strictness = 'address', -- Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects. -- use_spacer should have an argument of left, right, or none use_spacer = 'left', -- Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT override_utf8_locale = true, -- number of cpu samples to average -- set to 1 to disable averaging cpu_avg_samples = 2, lua_load = '$HOME/.i3/scripts/conky_helpers.lua', template0 = [["$HOME/.i3/icons/\1.xbm"]], }; conky.text = [[ [ \ ${if_mpd_playing}{ "full_text" : "${lua json ${mpd_smart}}",\ "icon" : ${if_match "${mpd_status}"=="Paused"}${template0 pause}${else}${template0 mpd}${endif} \ },${endif}\ {\ "full_text" : "${cpu}%",\ "icon" : ${template0 cpu},\ "min_width" : "99%",\ "align" : "right"\ },\ {\ "full_text" : " ${mem}",\ "icon" : ${template0 load},\ "min_width" : " 1000M",\ "color" : "\#${if_match ${memperc}<90}ffffff${else}ff0000${endif}"\ },\ {\ "full_text" : "${platform coretemp.0 temp 2}°C${platform f71882fg.2560 temp 2}°C ${execi 30 nvidia-settings -query GPUCoreTemp | perl -n -e'/Attribute.*: (.*).$/ && print $1'}°C",\ "icon" : ${template0 temp}\ },\ {\ "full_text" : " ${if_up eth0}${addr}${else}(down)${endif}",\ "icon" : ${template0 net-wired},\ "color" : "\#${if_up eth0}ffffff${else}ff0000${endif}"\ },\ {\ "full_text" : "${time %a, %d. %b %R}",\ "color" : "\#40B5D6"\ } \ ], ]]; -- vim:ft=lua