-- escape special chars to be usable in JSON function conky_json(str) return string.gsub(conky_parse(str), '([\\"])', '\\%1') end -- format strings of 'xxh xxm xxs' as 'hh:mm' function conky_utime(str) return string.format("%d:%02d", string.match(conky_parse(str), '(%d+)h (%d+)m (%d+)s')) end -- format all the args as a JSON dictionary -- args are as key1, value1, key2, value2, ... function conky_i3(...) d = "{" key = true for i,v in ipairs(arg) do if key then d = d .. "\"" .. v .. "\":" key = false else d = d .. conky_parse(v) if string.sub(v, -1) == '"' then if i < table.getn(arg) then d = d .. "," end key = true else d = d .. " " end end end return d .. "}" end