#====================================================================== # i3 (Python module for communicating with i3 window manager) # Copyright (C) 2012 Jure Ziberna # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #====================================================================== import sys import subprocess import json import socket import struct import threading import time ModuleType = type(sys) __author__ = 'Jure Ziberna' __version__ = '0.6.5' __date__ = '2012-06-20' __license__ = 'GNU GPL 3' MSG_TYPES = [ 'command', 'get_workspaces', 'subscribe', 'get_outputs', 'get_tree', 'get_marks', 'get_bar_config', ] EVENT_TYPES = [ 'workspace', 'output', ] class i3Exception(Exception): pass class MessageTypeError(i3Exception): """ Raised when message type isn't available. See i3.MSG_TYPES. """ def __init__(self, type): msg = "Message type '%s' isn't available" % type super(MessageTypeError, self).__init__(msg) class EventTypeError(i3Exception): """ Raised when even type isn't available. See i3.EVENT_TYPES. """ def __init__(self, type): msg = "Event type '%s' isn't available" % type super(EventTypeError, self).__init__(msg) class MessageError(i3Exception): """ Raised when a message to i3 is unsuccessful. That is, when it contains 'success': false in its JSON formatted response. """ pass class ConnectionError(i3Exception): """ Raised when a socket couldn't connect to the window manager. """ def __init__(self, socket_path): msg = "Could not connect to socket at '%s'" % socket_path super(ConnectionError, self).__init__(msg) def parse_msg_type(msg_type): """ Returns an i3-ipc code of the message type. Raises an exception if the given message type isn't available. """ try: index = int(msg_type) except ValueError: index = -1 if index >= 0 and index < len(MSG_TYPES): return index msg_type = str(msg_type).lower() if msg_type in MSG_TYPES: return MSG_TYPES.index(msg_type) else: raise MessageTypeError(msg_type) def parse_event_type(event_type): """ Returns an i3-ipc string of the event_type. Raises an exception if the given event type isn't available. """ try: index = int(event_type) except ValueError: index = -1 if index >= 0 and index < len(EVENT_TYPES): return EVENT_TYPES[index] event_type = str(event_type).lower() if event_type in EVENT_TYPES: return event_type else: raise EventTypeError(event_type) class Socket(object): """ Socket for communicating with the i3 window manager. Optional arguments: - path of the i3 socket. Path is retrieved from i3-wm itself via "i3.get_socket_path()" if not provided. - timeout in seconds - chunk_size in bytes - magic_string as a safety string for i3-ipc. Set to 'i3-ipc' by default. """ magic_string = 'i3-ipc' # safety string for i3-ipc chunk_size = 1024 # in bytes timeout = 0.5 # in seconds buffer = b'' # byte string def __init__(self, path=None, timeout=None, chunk_size=None, magic_string=None): if not path: path = get_socket_path() self.path = path if timeout: self.timeout = timeout if chunk_size: self.chunk_size = chunk_size if magic_string: self.magic_string = magic_string # Socket initialization and connection self.initialize() self.connect() # Struct format initialization, length of magic string is in bytes self.struct_header = '<%dsII' % len(self.magic_string.encode('utf-8')) self.struct_header_size = struct.calcsize(self.struct_header) def initialize(self): """ Initializes the socket. """ self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.socket.settimeout(self.timeout) def connect(self, path=None): """ Connects the socket to socket path if not already connected. """ if not self.connected: self.initialize() if not path: path = self.path try: self.socket.connect(path) except socket.error: raise ConnectionError(path) def get(self, msg_type, payload=''): """ Convenience method, calls "socket.send(msg_type, payload)" and returns data from "socket.receive()". """ self.send(msg_type, payload) return self.receive() def subscribe(self, event_type, event=None): """ Subscribes to an event. Returns data on first occurrence. """ event_type = parse_event_type(event_type) # Create JSON payload from given event type and event payload = [event_type] if event: payload.append(event) payload = json.dumps(payload) return self.get('subscribe', payload) def send(self, msg_type, payload=''): """ Sends the given message type with given message by packing them and continuously sending bytes from the packed message. """ message = self.pack(msg_type, payload) # Continuously send the bytes from the message self.socket.sendall(message) def receive(self): """ Tries to receive a data. Unpacks the received byte string if successful. Returns None on failure. """ try: data = self.socket.recv(self.chunk_size) msg_magic, msg_length, msg_type = self.unpack_header(data) msg_size = self.struct_header_size + msg_length # Keep receiving data until the whole message gets through while len(data) < msg_size: data += self.socket.recv(msg_length) data = self.buffer + data return self.unpack(data) except socket.timeout: return None def pack(self, msg_type, payload): """ Packs the given message type and payload. Turns the resulting message into a byte string. """ msg_magic = self.magic_string # Get the byte count instead of number of characters msg_length = len(payload.encode('utf-8')) msg_type = parse_msg_type(msg_type) # "struct.pack" returns byte string, decoding it for concatenation msg_length = struct.pack('I', msg_length).decode('utf-8') msg_type = struct.pack('I', msg_type).decode('utf-8') message = '%s%s%s%s' % (msg_magic, msg_length, msg_type, payload) # Encoding the message back to byte string return message.encode('utf-8') def unpack(self, data): """ Unpacks the given byte string and parses the result from JSON. Returns None on failure and saves data into "self.buffer". """ data_size = len(data) msg_magic, msg_length, msg_type = self.unpack_header(data) msg_size = self.struct_header_size + msg_length # Message shouldn't be any longer than the data if data_size >= msg_size: payload = data[self.struct_header_size:msg_size].decode('utf-8') payload = json.loads(payload) self.buffer = data[msg_size:] return payload else: self.buffer = data return None def unpack_header(self, data): """ Unpacks the header of given byte string. """ return struct.unpack(self.struct_header, data[:self.struct_header_size]) @property def connected(self): """ Returns True if connected and False if not. """ try: self.get('command') return True except socket.error: return False def close(self): """ Closes the socket connection. """ self.socket.close() class Subscription(threading.Thread): """ Creates a new subscription and runs a listener loop. Calls the callback on event. Example parameters: callback = lambda event, data, subscription: print(data) event_type = 'workspace' event = 'focus' event_socket = data_socket = """ subscribed = False type_translation = { 'workspace': 'get_workspaces', 'output': 'get_outputs' } def __init__(self, callback, event_type, event=None, event_socket=None, data_socket=None): # Variable initialization if not callable(callback): raise TypeError('Callback must be callable') event_type = parse_event_type(event_type) self.callback = callback self.event_type = event_type self.event = event # Socket initialization if not event_socket: event_socket = Socket() self.event_socket = event_socket self.event_socket.subscribe(event_type, event) if not data_socket: data_socket = Socket() self.data_socket = data_socket # Thread initialization threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.start() def run(self): """ Wrapper method for the listen method -- handles exceptions. The method is run by the underlying "threading.Thread" object. """ try: self.listen() except socket.error: self.close() def listen(self): """ Runs a listener loop until self.subscribed is set to False. Calls the given callback method with data and the object itself. If event matches the given one, then matching data is retrieved. Otherwise, the event itself is sent to the callback. In that case 'change' key contains the thing that was changed. """ self.subscribed = True while self.subscribed: event = self.event_socket.receive() if not event: # skip an iteration if event is None continue if not self.event or ('change' in event and event['change'] == self.event): msg_type = self.type_translation[self.event_type] data = self.data_socket.get(msg_type) else: data = None self.callback(event, data, self) self.close() def close(self): """ Ends subscription loop by setting self.subscribed to False and closing both sockets. """ self.subscribed = False self.event_socket.close() if self.data_socket is not default_socket(): self.data_socket.close() def __call_cmd__(cmd): """ Returns output (stdout or stderr) of the given command args. """ try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: output = error.output output = output.decode('utf-8') # byte string decoding return output.strip() __socket__ = None def default_socket(socket=None): """ Returns i3.Socket object, which was initiliazed once with default values if no argument is given. Otherwise sets the default socket to the given socket. """ global __socket__ if socket and isinstance(socket, Socket): __socket__ = socket elif not __socket__: __socket__ = Socket() return __socket__ def msg(type, message=''): """ Takes a message type and a message itself. Talks to the i3 via socket and returns the response from the socket. """ response = default_socket().get(type, message) return response def __function__(type, message='', *args, **crit): """ Accepts a message type, a message. Takes optional args and keyword args which are present in all future calls of the resulting function. Returns a function, which takes arguments and container criteria. If message type was 'command', the function returns success value. """ def function(*args2, **crit2): msg_full = ' '.join([message] + list(args) + list(args2)) criteria = dict(crit) criteria.update(crit2) if criteria: msg_full = '%s %s' % (container(**criteria), msg_full) response = msg(type, msg_full) response = success(response) if isinstance(response, i3Exception): raise response return response function.__name__ = type function.__doc__ = 'Message sender (type: %s, message: %s)' % (type, message) return function def subscribe(event_type, event=None, callback=None): """ Accepts an event_type and event itself. Creates a new subscription, prints data on every event until KeyboardInterrupt is raised. """ if not callback: def callback(event, data, subscription): print('changed:', event['change']) if data: print('data:\n', data) socket = default_socket() subscription = Subscription(callback, event_type, event, data_socket=socket) try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('') # force newline finally: subscription.close() def get_socket_path(): """ Gets the socket path via i3 command. """ cmd = ['i3', '--get-socketpath'] output = __call_cmd__(cmd) return output def success(response): """ Convenience method for filtering success values of a response. Each success dictionary is replaces with boolean value. i3.MessageError is returned if error key is found in any of the success dictionaries. """ if isinstance(response, dict) and 'success' in response: if 'error' in response: return MessageError(response['error']) return response['success'] elif isinstance(response, list): for index, item in enumerate(response): item = success(item) if isinstance(item, i3Exception): return item response[index] = item return response def container(**criteria): """ Turns keyword arguments into a formatted container criteria. """ criteria = ['%s="%s"' % (key, val) for key, val in criteria.items()] return '[%s]' % ' '.join(criteria) def parent(con_id, tree=None): """ Searches for a parent of a node/container, given the container id. Returns None if no container with given id exists (or if the container is already a root node). """ def has_child(node): for child in node['nodes']: if child['id'] == con_id: return True return False parents = filter(tree, has_child) if not parents or len(parents) > 1: return None return parents[0] def filter(tree=None, function=None, **conditions): """ Filters a tree based on given conditions. For example, to get a list of unfocused windows (leaf nodes) in the current tree: i3.filter(nodes=[], focused=False) The return value is always a list of matched items, even if there's only one item that matches. The user function should take a single node. The function doesn't have to do any dict key or index checking (this is handled by i3.filter internally). """ if tree is None: tree = msg('get_tree') elif isinstance(tree, list): tree = {'list': tree} if function: try: if function(tree): return [tree] except (KeyError, IndexError): pass else: for key, value in conditions.items(): if key not in tree or tree[key] != value: break else: return [tree] matches = [] for nodes in ['nodes', 'floating_nodes', 'list']: if nodes in tree: for node in tree[nodes]: matches += filter(node, function, **conditions) return matches class i3(ModuleType): """ i3.py is a Python module for communicating with the i3 window manager. """ def __init__(self, module): self.__module__ = module self.__name__ = module.__name__ def __getattr__(self, name): """ Turns a nonexistent attribute into a function. Returns the resulting function. """ try: return getattr(self.__module__, name) except AttributeError: pass if name.lower() in self.__module__.MSG_TYPES: return self.__module__.__function__(type=name) else: return self.__module__.__function__(type='command', message=name) # Turn the module into an i3 object sys.modules[__name__] = i3(sys.modules[__name__])