" Vim syntax file " Language: SConscript " Maintainer: Xi Wang " Last Change: 2006 Nov 15 if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Read the Python syntax to start with if version < 600 so :p:h/python.vim else runtime! syntax/python.vim unlet b:current_syntax endif " SConscript extentions syn keyword sconsTarget CFile CXXFile DVI Jar Java JavaH syn keyword sconsTarget Library LoadableModule M4 Moc syn keyword sconsTarget MSVSProject MSVSSolution Object syn keyword sconsTarget PCH PDF PostScript Program syn keyword sconsTarget RES RMIC RPCGenClient RPCGenHeader syn keyword sconsTarget RPCGenService RPCGenXDR syn keyword sconsTarget SharedLibrary SharedObject syn keyword sconsTarget StaticLibrary StaticObject syn keyword sconsTarget Tar TypeLibrary Uic Zip syn keyword sconsEnv Action AddPostAction AddPreAction syn keyword sconsEnv Alias AlwaysBuild Append AppendENVPath syn keyword sconsEnv AppendUnique BitKeeper syn keyword sconsEnv BuildDir Builder CacheDir Clean syn keyword sconsEnv Command Configure Clone Copy CVS syn keyword sconsEnv Default DefaultEnvironment syn keyword sconsEnv Depends Dictionary Dir Dump syn keyword sconsEnv EnsurePythonVersion EnsureSConsVersion syn keyword sconsEnv Environment Execute Exit Export syn keyword sconsEnv File FindFile Flatten syn keyword sconsEnv GetBuildPath GetLaunchDir GetOption syn keyword sconsEnv Help Ignore Import Install InstallAs syn keyword sconsEnv Literal Local MergeFlags NoClean syn keyword sconsEnv ParseConfig ParseDepends ParseFlags syn keyword sconsEnv Preforce Platform Precious syn keyword sconsEnv Prepend PrependENVPath PrependUnique syn keyword sconsEnv RCS Replace Repository Return syn keyword sconsEnv Scanner SCCS SConscript SConscriptChdir syn keyword sconsEnv SConsignFile SetDefault SetOption syn keyword sconsEnv SideEffect SourceCode SourceSignatures syn keyword sconsEnv Split TargetSignatures Tool syn keyword sconsEnv Value WhereIs syn keyword sconsConf Configure Finish syn keyword sconsConf CheckCHeader CheckCXXHeader CheckFun syn keyword sconsConf CheckLib CheckLibWithHeader CheckType syn keyword sconsOpt Options syn match sconsVar /\<[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]\+\>/ " Default highlighting if version >= 508 || !exists("did_scons_syntax_inits") if version < 508 let did_scons_syntax_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link endif HiLink sconsTarget Keyword HiLink sconsEnv Function HiLink sconsConf Function HiLink sconsOpt Function HiLink sconsVar Special delcommand HiLink endif let b:current_syntax = "scons" " vim: ts=8