path: root/website/index.html
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
-<html xmlns="">
- <title>Feed2Imap</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-15"/>
- <meta name="keywords" content="feed,imap,rss,atom,email,mail,aggregator"/>
- <meta name="description" content="Feed2Imap is an RSS/Atom aggregator that upload items to an IMAP server"/>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="feed2imap.css" />
- <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS - New releases" href="feed2imap.rss" />
-<div class="menu">
-<a href="#rationale">Rationale</a> |
-<a href="#screenshots">Screenshots</a> |
-<a href="#download">Download</a> |
-<a href="#installation">Installation</a> |
-<a href="#bugreports">Bug reporting</a> |
-<a href="#developer">Mailing List &amp; Developers</a> |
-<a href="">GNA project page</a>
-<div class="main">
-<div class="titre">
-<p>Feed2Imap is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. After Downloading feeds (over
-HTTP or HTTPS), it uploads them to a specified folder of an IMAP mail server or copies them to a local maildir. The user can then access the feeds using Mutt, Evolution, Mozilla Thunderbird or even a webmail.</p>
-<a name="rationale"></a>
-<p>Feed2Imap is an attempt to solve the problem most roaming users experience
-when trying to keep up with their feeds. Other solutions to this problem include :</p>
-<li>using classic aggregators like Straw, Liferea or Blam! and copy the database using scp (Yes, I know at least one person doing this.)</li>
-<li>using <a href="">Bloglines</a>. It's slow, not flexible, and a commercial company.</li>
-<li>using your own <a href="">Planet</a>. But it's not flexible at all, and not end-user friendly.</li>
-<li>using a new application which hasn't been written yet : a client/server feed aggregator, so you could access your feed server remotely. The important part is "hasn't been written yet".</li>
-<p>Feed2Imap isn't the first project transforming feeds into emails. <a href="">rss2mail</a> (Perl), <a href="">rss2email</a> (Python) and <a href="">Newspipe</a> (Python) do this, but they send items as emails, so you spend a lot of time playing with procmail.</p>
-<a name="screenshots"></a>
-<p>Of course, how it looks depends on your MUA !</p>
-<p class="center"><img src="scr-evolution.jpg" alt="reading feeds with evolution"/><br/><i>Reading feeds with evolution</i></p>
-<p class="center"><img src="scr-mutt.jpg" alt="reading feeds with mutt"/><br/><i>Reading feeds with mutt (yeah, some people do that!)</i></p>
-<a name="download"></a>
-<p>The lastest release is <a href="">version 1.0</a>.</p>
-<p>Downloads are available on <a href=""></a>.</p>
-<p>New releases are advertised using this <a href="">RSS feed</a>.</p>
-<p>There's also a Debian/Ubuntu package. Just <b>apt-get install feed2imap</b>.
-<a name="installation"></a>
-<h2>Installation Instructions</h2>
-<li>Download it and untar it.</li>
-<li>Run ./setup.rb as root, or figure out how to install it on your account by reading ./setup.rb --help (it's possible, but you have to take care of <i>RUBYPATH</i>.</li>
-<li>Install the needed dependancies. For Debian, it is : ruby libtest-unit-ruby librexml-ruby librmail-ruby1.8 libyaml-ruby libopenssl-ruby libfeedparser-ruby rake (if you are using Debian Woody, find another solution : ruby is too old on woody). <a href="">Ruby-feedparser</a> can be downloaded <a href="">here</a>.</li>
-<li>(Not mandatory, but a good idea :) run <i>rake test</i> and check that everything is working fine.</li>
-<li>Copy feed2imaprc-example to ~/.feed2imaprc, edit it</li>
-<li>Run feed2imap</li>
-<li>If everything goes fine, add it to a crontab. Please don't make it run too often (every hour or so seems good). If you are using a recent version of cron, you can do clever things like this :<br/>
-<i>*/30 0,7-23 * * * /usr/bin/feed2imap &gt;/dev/null 2&gt;&1</i></li>
-<a name="bugreports"></a>
-<h2>Bug Reporting</h2>
-<p>Bug reports should go to <a href="">this bug tracker</a>. Please provide as much information as possible, including :</p>
-<li>A copy of the content of the feed you are trying to fetch. This means that you must save it using <i>wget</i> for example and attach it to the bug report.</li>
-<li>The name and version of your IMAP server.</li>
-<li>The versions of feed2imap and ruby-feedparser.</li>
-<li>The usual stuff: is the problem reproduceable, etc.</li>
-<a name="developer"></a>
-<h3>Mailing List</h3>
-<p><a href="mailto:feed2imap-develATgnaDOTorg">feed2imap-devel at gna dot org</a> is a mailing list for development and general discussion.</p>
-<ul><li><a href="">Feed2Imap-devel Info Page</a> (to subscribe/unsubscribe, etc)</li>
-<li><a href="">Feed2Imap-devel archives</a></li>
-<h3>(Sort of) Developer Documentation</h3>
-<p>Development takes place on the <a href="">GNA project page</a>. Source code lives on <a href="">github</a>. Clone using <code> git clone git://</code>.</p>
-<p>The source code is quite easy to understand. Tasks are split into classes, themselves split into files :</p>
-<li>The main logic is in <i>feed2imap.rb</i>.</li>
-<li>The config file is parsed in <i>config.rb</i> (but it's using <a href="">YAML</a>)</li>
-<li>The cache management ("memory" of the items, so items don't get updated twice) is in <i>cache.rb</i>.</p>
-<li>Fetching using HTTP is done in <i>httpfetcher.rb</i>.</li>
-<li>Parsing is done using <a href="">Ruby-feedparser</a>.</li>
-<li>Everything dealing with IMAP is in <i>imap.rb</i>.</li>
-<li><i>rexml_patch.rb</i> are small fixes (read: hacks) to REXML.</li>