#!/usr/bin/ruby $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'feed2imap/feed2imap' require 'optparse' configf = ENV['HOME'] + '/.feed2imaprc' dryrun = false docache = false opts = OptionParser::new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: feed2imap-cleaner [options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Options:" opts.on("-d", "--dry-run", "Dont really remove messages") do |v| dryrun = true end opts.on("-c", "--cache", "Clean cache instead of messages") do |v| docache = true end opts.on("-f", "--config ", "Select alternate config file") do |f| configf = f end end opts.parse!(ARGV) config = nil File::open(configf) { |f| config = F2IConfig::new(f) } if docache puts 'Initializing cache ...' cache = ItemCache::new(true) if not File::exist?(config.cache + '.lock') f = File::new(config.cache + '.lock', 'w') f.close end if File::new(config.cache + '.lock', 'w').flock(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB) == false puts "Another instance of feed2imap is already locking the cache file" exit(1) end if File::exist?(config.cache) File::open(config.cache) do |f| cache.load(f) end end before = cache.nbchannels keys_before = cache.channels puts "Cleaning up" cache.cleanup(config.feeds) after = cache.nbchannels keys_after = cache.channels if not dryrun puts "Saving cache ..." begin File::open("#{config.cache}.new", 'w') { |f| cache.save(f) } rescue puts "Exception caught while writing new cache to #{config.cache}.new: #{$!}" end begin File::rename("#{config.cache}.new", config.cache) rescue puts "Exception caught while renaming #{@config.cache}.new to #{@config.cache}: #{$!}" end end puts "#Channels before: #{before}, after: #{after}" (keys_before - keys_after).each do |c| puts "Removed channel #{c}" end else config.imap_accounts.each_value do |ac| ac.connect end config.feeds.each do |f| f.imapaccount.cleanup(f.folder, dryrun) end end