# name is the name of the feed (must be unique) # url is the HTTP[S] address where the feed has to be fetched # target is the IMAP URI where to put emails # min-frequency (in HOURS) is the minimum frequency with which this particular # feed will be fetched # disable: if set to something, the feed will be ignored # always-new: feed2imap tries to use a clever algorithm to determine whether an item # is new or has been updated. It doesn't work well with some web apps like # mediawiki. When this flag is enabled, all items which don't match exactly # a previously downloaded item are considered as new items. # # If your login contains an @ character, replace it with %40. Other reserved # characters can be escaped in the same way (see man ascii to get their code) feeds: - name: feed2imap url: http://home.gna.org/feed2imap/feed2imap.rss target: imap://lucaswebmail:password@imap.apinc.org/INBOX.Feeds.Feed2Imap - name: lucas url: http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/dotclear/rss.php target: imap://lucaswebmail:password@imap.apinc.org/INBOX.Feeds.Lucas - name: linuxfr url: http://linuxfr.org/backend/news/rss20.rss target: imap://lucaswebmail:password@imap.apinc.org/INBOX.Feeds.LinuxFR - name: JabberFrWiki url: http://wiki.jabberfr.org/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges&feed=rss target: imaps://lucaswebmail:password@imap.apinc.org/INBOX.Feeds.JabberFR always-new: true