=begin Feed2Imap - RSS/Atom Aggregator uploading to an IMAP Server Copyright (c) 2005 Lucas Nussbaum This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =end # debug mode $updateddebug = false # This class manages a cache of items # (items which have already been seen) require 'digest/md5' class ItemCache def initialize(debug = false) @channels = {} @@cacheidx = 0 $updateddebug = debug self end # Returns the really new items amongst items def get_new_items(id, items, always_new = false, ignore_hash = false) if $updateddebug puts "=======================================================" puts "GET_NEW_ITEMS FOR #{id}... (#{Time::now})" end @channels[id] ||= CachedChannel::new @channels[id].parsefailures = 0 return @channels[id].get_new_items(items, always_new, ignore_hash) end # Commit changes to the cache def commit_cache(id) @channels[id] ||= CachedChannel::new @channels[id].commit end # Get the last time the cache was updated def get_last_check(id) @channels[id] ||= CachedChannel::new @channels[id].lastcheck end # Get the last time the cache was updated def set_last_check(id, time) @channels[id] ||= CachedChannel::new @channels[id].lastcheck = time @channels[id].failures = 0 self end # Fetching failure. # returns number of failures def fetch_failed(id) @channels[id].fetch_failed end # Parsing failure. # returns number of failures def parse_failed(id) @channels[id].parse_failed end # Load the cache from an IO stream def load(io) begin @@cacheidx, @channels = Marshal.load(io) rescue @channels = Marshal.load(io) @@cacheidx = 0 end end # Save the cache to an IO stream def save(io) Marshal.dump([@@cacheidx, @channels], io) end # Return the number of channels in the cache def nbchannels @channels.length end # Return the number of items in the cache def nbitems nb = 0 @channels.each_value { |c| nb += c.nbitems } nb end def ItemCache.getindex i = @@cacheidx @@cacheidx += 1 i end end class CachedChannel # Size of the cache for each feed # 100 items should be enough for everybody, even quite busy feeds CACHESIZE = 100 attr_accessor :lastcheck, :items, :failures, :parsefailures def initialize @lastcheck = Time::at(0) @items = [] @itemstemp = [] # see below @nbnewitems = 0 @failures = 0 @parsefailures = 0 end # Let's explain @items and @itemstemp. # @items contains the CachedItems serialized to the disk cache. # The - quite complicated - get_new_items method fills in @itemstemp # but leaves @items unchanged. # Later, the commit() method replaces @items with @itemstemp and # empties @itemstemp. This way, if something wrong happens during the # upload to the IMAP server, items aren't lost. # @nbnewitems is set by get_new_items, and is used to limit the number # of (old) items serialized. # Returns the really new items amongst items def get_new_items(items, always_new = false, ignore_hash = false) # save number of new items @nbnewitems = items.length # set items' cached version if not set yet newitems = [] updateditems = [] @itemstemp = @items items.each { |i| i.cacheditem ||= CachedItem::new(i) } if $updateddebug puts "-------Items downloaded before dups removal (#{items.length}) :----------" items.each { |i| puts "#{i.cacheditem.to_s}" } end # remove dups dups = true while dups dups = false for i in 0...items.length do for j in i+1...items.length do if items[i].cacheditem == items[j].cacheditem if $updateddebug puts "## Removed duplicate #{items[j].cacheditem.to_s}" end items.delete_at(j) dups = true break end end break if dups end end # debug : dump interesting info to stdout. if $updateddebug puts "-------Items downloaded after dups removal (#{items.length}) :----------" items.each { |i| puts "#{i.cacheditem.to_s}" } puts "-------Items already there (#{@items.length}) :----------" @items.each { |i| puts "#{i.to_s}" } puts "Items always considered as new: #{always_new.to_s}" end items.each do |i| found = false # Try to find a perfect match @items.each do |j| # note that simple_compare only CachedItem, not RSSItem, so we have to use # j.simple_compare(i) and not i.simple_compare(j) if (i.cacheditem == j and not ignore_hash) or (j.simple_compare(i) and ignore_hash) i.cacheditem.index = j.index found = true # let's put j in front of itemstemp @itemstemp.delete(j) @itemstemp.unshift(j) break end end next if found if not always_new # Try to find an updated item @items.each do |j| # Do we need a better heuristic ? if j.is_ancestor_of(i) i.cacheditem.index = j.index i.cacheditem.updated = true updateditems.push(i) found = true # let's put j in front of itemstemp @itemstemp.delete(j) @itemstemp.unshift(i.cacheditem) break end end end next if found # add as new i.cacheditem.create_index newitems.push(i) # add i.cacheditem to @itemstemp @itemstemp.unshift(i.cacheditem) end if $updateddebug puts "-------New items :----------" newitems.each { |i| puts "#{i.cacheditem.to_s}" } puts "-------Updated items :----------" updateditems.each { |i| puts "#{i.cacheditem.to_s}" } end return [newitems, updateditems] end def commit # too old items must be dropped n = @nbnewitems > CACHESIZE ? @nbnewitems : CACHESIZE @items = @itemstemp[0..n] if $updateddebug puts "Committing: new items: #{@nbnewitems} / items kept: #{@items.length}" end @itemstemp = [] self end # returns the number of items def nbitems @items.length end def parse_failed @parsefailures = 0 if @parsefailures.nil? @parsefailures += 1 return @parsefailures end def fetch_failed @failures = 0 if @failures.nil? @failures += 1 return @failures end end # This class is the only thing kept in the cache class CachedItem attr_reader :title, :link, :creator, :date, :hash attr_accessor :index attr_accessor :updated def initialize(item) @title = item.title @link = item.link @date = item.date @creator = item.creator if item.content.nil? @hash = nil else @hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(item.content.to_s) end end def ==(other) if $updateddebug puts "Comparing #{self.to_s} and #{other.to_s}:" puts "Title: #{@title == other.title}" puts "Link: #{@link == other.link}" puts "Creator: #{@creator == other.creator}" puts "Date: #{@date == other.date}" puts "Hash: #{@hash == other.hash}" end @title == other.title and @link == other.link and (@creator.nil? or other.creator.nil? or @creator == other.creator) and (@date.nil? or other.date.nil? or @date == other.date) and @hash == other.hash end def simple_compare(other) @title == other.title and @link == other.link and (@creator.nil? or other.creator.nil? or @creator == other.creator) end def create_index @index = ItemCache.getindex end def is_ancestor_of(other) (@link and other.link and @link == other.link) and ((@creator and other.creator and @creator == other.creator) or (@creator.nil?)) end def to_s "\"#{@title}\" #{@creator}/#{@date} #{@link} #{@hash}" end end