David Baron's Webloghttp://dbaron.org/log/David Baron's weblogDavid Baronen-USPolitical spectrahttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-10#e20041002a2004-10-02T00:42:00-07:00David BaronSince politics is (are?) on my mind lately, I want to point out an interesting site, Political Survey, which I first discovered when Eric Meyer pointed it out back in February.

It's interesting because it uses principal component analysis to derive the axes from the data, rather than trying to pick axes in advance. It's also interesting because the most significant axis it finds is the traditional left/right axis, but the second axis isn't the libertarian/authoritarian axis that some assert should be the second axis–rather, it's a pragmatic/idealistic axis.

I've taken the survey twice, once in February and once today. My results were similar: I was in the left/pragmatic quadrant both times. (In February, I was -4.08 on right/left and +5.17 on pragmatic/idealistic. Today I was -3.63 on right/left and +4.65 on pragmatic/idealistic.)

A few (technical) thoughtshttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-09#e20040922a2004-09-22T00:48:00-07:00David Baron
  • My 1GB DIMM arrived Monday, and it works fine. With memory prices these days, getting that is much easier than worrying about fixing a bad memory slot.
  • CSS error reporting is now enabled in trunk Mozilla builds. Check out the “Javascript Console”.
  • I compiled a custom Linux kernel Tuesday to try to get suspend and resume working on my laptop, but it didn't help. My display still doesn't wake up on resume. And perhaps other things don't either. It's a little hard to tell. (The patches were the first patch and the second variant of the second patch on a page about Linux on the Dell D600. I have a Dell Inspiron 5150, but the video card is the same). I'll probably continue trying to get it working another time.
  • I wish GNU ld's --gc-sections option worked for shared libraries. (Even working when shared libraries are visible within five miles would be nice!) The main thing this would help Mozilla with is getting rid of unneeded copies of constructors and destructors that gcc's C++ compiler emits. And probably also some unneeded vtables. And maybe a good bit of other stuff. (gcc could probably be a little better, but it's really a job for the linker.)
  • ]]>
    Bad memoryhttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-09#e20040911a2004-09-11T12:14:00-07:00David BaronSo this morning I was getting annoyed at the small amount of RAM in my laptop. Since I recently (after having the laptop for over a year) got Linux to use my CPU at full speed instead of half speed (by adding DEVICE="acpi" to /etc/cpuspeed.conf), memory has really seemed to be the limiting factor. (Well, it has a slow disk too.) I've also been doing some things that use a lot of memory lately. I wondered why I only got 256 MiB of RAM in the first place—that didn't seem like something I'd do. So, with the thought of buying more RAM in mind, I pulled out the folder that had the receipt for my laptop to see whether I had an empty memory slot or 2 128 MiB DIMMs.

    And the receipt said I had ordered 512 MiB of memory. But free says I have 256 MiB, and the BIOS agrees. And I don't really ever remember this machine having 512 MiB. So I opened up the laptop, and, lo and behold, there were 2 256 MiB DIMMs in there. A few experiments showed that one of the two memory slots was bad. And the machine is already out of warranty (since I got a short warranty, which for me is usually a better deal, especially since I'm never sure whether Dell will honor the warranty after I've installed Linux).

    I really need a better memory of what I ordered. Or better memory. Or something. But maybe I'll at least remember not to order laptops from Dell again.

    Weblog feedhttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-08#e20040830a2004-08-30T22:48:00-07:00David BaronReading the XSLT used for the newsfeed on the new mozilla.org webpage inspired me to finish a project I started quite a while ago—making an RSS feed for this weblog. After reading the one example XSLT file, I did the rest using only the XSLT spec and the XPath spec. So I now have an RSS feed produced by an XSLT transformation sheet (I don't like the use of the word “stylesheet” for XSLT). And it's apparently even valid.

    Writing it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected, although I am somewhat disappointed by the inability of XSLT to re-transform trees (i.e., use an already transformed tree, in the form of a result tree fragment bound to a variable, as the source tree for an additional transformation). I worked around the problem using a named template and xsl:call-template. At least I think it's something XSLT can't do—at least I couldn't see how in the spec.

    Intranet mode?http://dbaron.org/log/2004-06#e20040621a2004-06-21T14:41:00-07:00David BaronIf Microsoft is going to develop IE again, I challenge them to move most of their non-standard behavior out of quirks mode and into an “Intranet mode”.

    Most of the quirky behavior of IE for Windows isn't actually needed to display Web sites correctly. It's needed for “Intranet” sites that have been designed to work with only one browser. Backwards-compatibility for corporate, academic, and government “Intranets” is a perfectly good reason to want to produce software that continues to display such sites, but it's no reason to inflict such software on the Web. This would make IE's handling of most web pages much more standard and lessen one of the main ways IE's near-monopoly discourages competition.

    The W3Chttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-06#e20040609a2004-06-09T17:06:00-07:00David BaronMore about the workshophttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-06#e20040607a2004-06-07T12:01:00-07:00David BaronTravel & Meetingshttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-06#e20040604a2004-06-04T15:47:00-07:00David BaronNo exit?http://dbaron.org/log/2004-05#e20040527a2004-05-27T15:51:00-07:00David BaronFragmentation of document formats on the Webhttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-05#e20040513a2004-05-13T11:30:00-07:00David BaronMonterey County Coasthttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-04#e20040419a2004-04-19T22:54:00-07:00David BaronSnow in Mandelieuhttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-03#e20040301a2004-03-01T16:37:00-01:00David BaronStates I've visitedhttp://dbaron.org/log/2004-02#e20040203a2004-02-03T00:13:00-08:00David BaronThe man to beat bush?http://dbaron.org/log/2004-01#e20040129a2004-01-29T12:01:00-08:00David BaronDon't run away from tableshttp://dbaron.org/log/2003-11#e20031126a2003-11-26T17:17:00-08:00David BaronThe good newshttp://dbaron.org/log/2003-10#e20031007a2003-10-07T23:24:00-07:00David BaronMozilla Firebird, part 2http://dbaron.org/log/2003-09#e20030914a2003-09-14T12:29:00-07:00David BaronElection 2004: The Albuquerque debatehttp://dbaron.org/log/2003-09#e20030909d2003-09-09T22:15:00-07:00David BaronMozilla Firebirdhttp://dbaron.org/log/2003-09#e20030909c2003-09-09T21:39:00-07:00David BaronIsrael and Palestinehttp://dbaron.org/log/2003-09#e20030909b2003-09-09T21:02:00-07:00David BaronMy bloghttp://dbaron.org/log/2003-09#e20030909a2003-09-09T20:41:00-07:00David BaronI wrote a letter to the New York Times ...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-08#l200308312003-08-31David BaronThe CSS3 syntax module draft was publis...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-08#l200308132003-08-13David BaronMore on my new laptop. I don't think I...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-08#l200308062003-08-06David BaronFun with sendmail! More later on my ne...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-07#l200307312003-07-31David BaronI'm amused that when the President of t...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-07#l200307162003-07-16David BaronIt's rally annoying whn th E ky on my k...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-06#l200306092003-06-09David BaronMy reading lately has consisted of read...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-06#l200306042003-06-04David BaronSo I've been in California for over a m...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-05#l200305232003-05-23David BaronI lost a day's worth of dbaron.org emai...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-04#l200304262003-04-26David BaronI'm moving to California on Wednesday a...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-04#l200304142003-04-14David BaronThe lack of UI for strict focus-follows...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-03#l200303292003-03-29David BaronI'm one of those tcsh users who's alway...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-03#l200303142003-03-14David BaronIt's March now, and we're beginning to ...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-03#l200303082003-03-08David BaronFor those of you who don't have the fun...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-02#l200302132003-02-13David BaronI've seen a bunch of good movies recent...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-02#l200302102003-02-10David BaronI've done a few neat hacks with X-Remot...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-02#l200302022003-02-02David BaronIn the fun with old hardware category.....http://dbaron.org/log/2003-01#l200301292003-01-29David BaronJust for the record, I was exaggerating...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-01#l200301122003-01-12David BaronSince everyone else (hyatt, shaver, jwz...http://dbaron.org/log/2003-01#l200301092003-01-09David Baron I obeyed his instructions ten minutes ...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-12#l200212212002-12-21David Baronsomething I need to remember more often...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-12#l200212152002-12-15David BaronJudging from his December 12 entry, Hix...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-12#l200212142002-12-14David BaronIf you thought discrimination was a thi...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-12#l200212112002-12-11David BaronIt's too cold outside. To be exact, it...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-12#l200212032002-12-03David Baron [18:53:10] <Bandit> Hi all [18:55:05] ...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-11#l200211282002-11-28David BaronThe concert on Friday night went well, ...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-11#l200211242002-11-24David BaronIt's nice to wake up in the morning and...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-11#l200211212002-11-21David Baron The New York Times is reporting tha...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-11#l200211152002-11-15David BaronSo some people think I should have a we...http://dbaron.org/log/2002-09#l200209142002-09-14David Baron