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1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/pass.applescript b/contrib/pass.applescript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4720fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/pass.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+-- Applescript for easy invocation of 'pass'
+-- Author: Steffen Vogel <>
+-- Tested with: OS X 10.10 Yosemite
+-- Installation:
+-- 1. Copy this script to /Library/Scripts/pass.applescript
+-- 2. Use the Automator to create a service which starts the following AppleScript:
+-- on run {input, parameters}
+-- run script POSIX file "/Library/Scripts/pass.applescript"
+-- end run
+-- 3. Install the application 'Notifications Scripting' from:
+-- 4. Go to 'System Settings' -> 'Keyboard' to create a short cut for the service
+-- you created before
+-- 5. Go to 'System settings' -> 'Notifications' -> choose 'Notifications Scripting'
+-- -> and switch from 'Banners' to 'Alerts'
+-- Configuration
+property defPass : "root"
+property clearAfter : 45
+property shellPath : "/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
+-- Translation
+set lang to user locale of (get system info)
+if (lang = "de_DE") then
+ set nTitle to "Password-store"
+ set nPrompt to "Welches Password wird benštigt?"
+ set nClear to "Vergesse"
+else -- if (lang = "en")
+ set nTitle to "Password-store"
+ set nPrompt to "Which password do you want?"
+ set nClear to "Forget"
+end if
+ set entity to the text returned of (display dialog nPrompt default answer defPass buttons {"OK"} with title nTitle default button 1)
+ set pw to do shell script "export PATH=" & shellPath & "; pass " & entity
+ set the clipboard to pw
+ -- Wait until clipboard changed then close notification
+ repeat with secsLeft from 0 to clearAfter
+ if pw is equal to (the clipboard) then
+ tell application "Notifications Scripting"
+ set event handlers script path to (path to me)
+ display notification nTitle id "pass" message "Password copied to clipboard (" & (clearAfter - secsLeft) & " secs left)" action button nClear with has action button
+ end tell
+ delay 1
+ else
+ exit repeat
+ end if
+ end repeat
+on error errMsg
+ display dialog errMsg with title nTitle with icon stop
+end try
+-- Clear clipboard
+set the clipboard to ""
+-- Handle click to notification:
+using terms from application "Notifications Scripting"
+ on notification activated
+ set the clipboard to ""
+ end notification activated
+end using terms from
+-- Close all Notifications
+on closeNotifications()
+ tell application "System Events"
+ tell process "NotificationCenter"
+ set theWindows to every window
+ repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theWindows
+ set this_item to item i of theWindows
+ try
+ click button 1 of this_item
+ end try
+ end repeat
+ end tell
+ end tell
+end closeNotifications
ref='/projs/engarde-importer.git/commit/.github/workflows/release.yml?id=0c9568ed217f5caa81c4ec788939d5372113455c&follow=1'>[release]: Move checkout to the frontRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-3/+3 2022-01-29[release]: Make Windows build link staticRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-1/+1 2022-01-29[release]: Fix multiple issuesRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-10/+8 2022-01-29Start with a basic GUIRené 'Necoro' Neumann4-2/+73 2022-01-29[release]: Fix github variable syntaxRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-2/+2 2022-01-29Build on windows and linuxRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-6/+9 2022-01-29Build on windows and linuxRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-45/+58 2022-01-25const blockRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-3/+5 2022-01-25Slight restructuringRené 'Necoro' Neumann2-84/+93 2022-01-24Add test stuff to .gitignoreRené 'Necoro' Neumann1-1/+7 2022-01-24Factor out `writeOutput`René 'Necoro' Neumann1-15/+15 2022-01-24Create clubs and participants files also via templateRené 'Necoro' Neumann4-113/+63