path: root/geneticone/backend/
diff options
authornecoro <>2006-11-24 12:02:21 +0000
committernecoro <>2006-11-24 12:02:21 +0000
commitaaf3830acd70c3a40be92974f3a896f19ae29192 (patch)
treeefcdf6c75ea289052b9076622798fbbd1b8c1a94 /geneticone/backend/
parent7fbdc7d54fe592946ae30110afb59e3707aa9dba (diff)
Renamed to portato
Diffstat (limited to 'geneticone/backend/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 617 deletions
diff --git a/geneticone/backend/ b/geneticone/backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index d1187c9..0000000
--- a/geneticone/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# File: portato/backend/
-# This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend.
-# Copyright (C) 2006 René 'Necoro' Neumann
-# This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License version 2.
-# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
-# Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann <>
-import os
-import os.path
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # needed for grep
-from portato.helper import *
-from portage_helper import split_package_name
-import package
-import portage
-from portage_util import unique_array
- "usefile" : "portato",
- "maskfile" : "portato",
- "testingfile" : "portato",
- "usePerVersion" : True,
- "maskPerVersion" : True,
- "testingPerVersion" : True
- }
-def grep (pkg, path):
- """Grep runs "egrep" on a given path and looks for occurences of a given package.
- @param pkg: the package
- @type pkg: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object
- @param path: path to look in
- @type path: string
- @returns: occurences of pkg in the format: "file:line-no:complete_line_found"
- @rtype: string"""
- if not isinstance(pkg, package.Package):
- pkg = package.Package(pkg) # assume it is a cpv or a gentoolkit.Package
- command = "egrep -x -n -r -H '^[<>!=~]{0,2}%s(-[0-9].*)?[[:space:]]?.*$' %s" # %s is replaced in the next line ;)
- return Popen((command % (pkg.get_cp(), path)), shell = True, stdout = PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()
-def get_data(pkg, path):
- """This splits up the data of L{grep} and builds tuples in the format (file,line,criterion,list_of_flags).
- @param pkg: package to find
- @type pkg: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object
- @param path: path to look in
- @type path: string
- @returns: a list of tuples in the form (file,line,criterion,list_of_flags)
- @rtype: (string,string,string,string[])[]"""
- flags = []
- # do grep
- list = grep(pkg, path)
- for i in range(len(list)):
- file, line, fl = tuple(list[i].split(":")) # get file, line and flag-list
- fl = fl.split()
- crit = fl[0]
- fl = fl[1:]
- # stop after first comment
- for j in range(len(fl)):
- if fl[j][0] == "#": # comment - stop here
- fl = fl[:j]
- break
- flags.append((file,line,crit,fl))
- return flags
-def set_config (cfg):
- """This function sets the CONFIG-variable for the whole module. Use this instead of modifying L{CONFIG} directly.
- @param cfg: a dictionary with at least all the keys of the CONFIG-var
- @type cfg: dict
- @raises KeyError: if a keyword is missing in the new cfg"""
- for i in CONFIG.keys():
- if not i in cfg:
- raise KeyError, "Missing keyword in config: "+i
- for i in CONFIG:
- CONFIG[i] = cfg[i]
-def generate_path (cpv, exp):
- """Generates the correct path out of given wildcards.
- These wildcards can be:
- - $(cat) : category
- - $(cat-1): first part of the category (e.g. "app")
- - $(cat-2): second part of the category
- - $(pkg) : name of the package
- @param cpv: the cpv of the current package
- @type cpv: string (cat/pkg-ver)
- @param exp: the expression to render the path from
- @type exp: string
- @returns: rendered path
- @rtype string"""
- cat, pkg, ver, rev = split_package_name(cpv)
- if exp.find("$(") != -1:
- exp = exp.replace("$(cat)",cat).\
- replace("$(pkg)",pkg).\
- replace("$(cat-1)",cat.split("-")[0]).\
- replace("$(cat-2)",cat.split("-")[1])
- return exp
-### USE FLAG PART ###
-USE_PATH = os.path.join(portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH,"package.use")
-USE_PATH_IS_DIR = os.path.isdir(USE_PATH)
-useFlags = {} # useFlags in the file
-newUseFlags = {} # useFlags as we want them to be: format: cpv -> [(file, line, useflag, (true if removed from list / false if added))]
-def invert_use_flag (flag):
- """Invertes a flag.
- >>> invert_use_flag("foo")
- -foo
- >>> invert_use_flag("-bar")
- bar
- @param flag: the flag
- @type flag: string
- @returns: inverted flag
- @rtype: string
- """
- if flag[0] == "-":
- return flag[1:]
- else:
- return "-"+flag
-def set_use_flag (pkg, flag):
- """Sets the useflag for a given package.
- @param pkg: the package
- @type pkg: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object
- @param flag: the flag to set
- @type flag: string"""
- global useFlags, newUseFlags
- if not isinstance(pkg, package.Package):
- pkg = package.Package(pkg) # assume cpv or gentoolkit.Package
- cpv = pkg.get_cpv()
- invFlag = invert_use_flag(flag)
- # if not saved in useFlags, get it by calling get_data() which calls grep()
- data = None
- if not cpv in useFlags:
- data = get_data(pkg, USE_PATH)
- useFlags[cpv] = data
- else:
- data = useFlags[cpv]
- if not cpv in newUseFlags:
- newUseFlags[cpv] = []
- debug("data: "+str(data))
- # add a useflag / delete one
- added = False
- for file, line, crit, flags in data:
- if pkg.matches(crit):
- # we have the inverted flag in the uselist/newuselist --> delete it
- if invFlag in flags or (file, line, invFlag, False) in newUseFlags[cpv] or (file, line, flag, True) in newUseFlags[cpv]:
- if added: del newUseFlags[-1] # we currently added it as an extra option - delete it
- added = True
- jumpOut = False
- for t in [(file, line, invFlag, False),(file, line, flag, True)]:
- if t in newUseFlags[cpv]:
- newUseFlags[cpv].remove(t)
- jumpOut = True
- break
- if not jumpOut: newUseFlags[cpv].append((file, line, invFlag, True))
- break
- # we want to duplicate the flag --> ignore
- elif flag in flags:
- added = True # emulate adding
- break
- # add as an extra flag
- else:
- if not added: newUseFlags[cpv].append((file, line, flag, False))
- added = True
- # create a new line
- if not added:
- path = USE_PATH
- path = os.path.join(USE_PATH, generate_path(cpv, CONFIG["usefile"]))
- try:
- newUseFlags[cpv].remove((path, -1, invFlag, False))
- except ValueError: # not in UseFlags
- newUseFlags[cpv].append((path, -1, flag, False))
- newUseFlags[cpv] = unique_array(newUseFlags[cpv])
- debug("newUseFlags: "+str(newUseFlags))
-def remove_new_use_flags (cpv):
- """Removes all new use-flags for a specific package.
- @param cpv: the package for which to remove the flags
- @type cpv: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object"""
- if isinstance(cpv, package.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- try:
- del newUseFlags[cpv]
- except KeyError:
- pass
-def get_new_use_flags (cpv):
- """Gets all the new use-flags for a specific package.
- @param cpv: the package from which to get the flags
- @type cpv: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object
- @returns: list of flags
- @rtype: string[]"""
- if isinstance(cpv, package.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- list2return = []
- try:
- for file, line, flag, remove in newUseFlags[cpv]:
- if remove:
- list2return.append(invert_use_flag(flag))
- else:
- list2return.append(flag)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return list2return
-def write_use_flags ():
- """This writes our changed useflags into the file."""
- global newUseFlags, useFlags
- def insert (flag, list):
- """Shortcut for inserting a new flag right after the package-name."""
- list.insert(1,flag)
- def remove (flag, list):
- """Removes a flag."""
- try:
- list.remove(flag)
- except ValueError: # flag is given as flag\n
- list.remove(flag+"\n")
- list.append("\n") #re-insert the newline
- # no more flags there - comment it out
- if len(list) == 1 or list[1][0] in ("#","\n"):
- list[0] = "#"+list[0]
- insert("#removed by portato#",list)
- file_cache = {} # cache for having to read the file only once: name->[lines]
- for cpv in newUseFlags:
- flagsToAdd = [] # this is used for collecting the flags to be inserted in a _new_ line
- for file, line, flag, delete in newUseFlags[cpv]:
- line = int(line) # it is saved as a string so far!
- # add new line
- if line == -1:
- flagsToAdd.append(flag)
- # change a line
- else:
- if not file in file_cache:
- # read file
- f = open(file, "r")
- lines = []
- i = 1
- while i < line: # stop at the given line
- lines.append(f.readline())
- i += 1
- l = f.readline().split(" ")
- # delete or insert
- if delete:
- remove(flag,l)
- else:
- insert(flag,l)
- lines.append(" ".join(l))
- # read the rest
- lines.extend(f.readlines())
- file_cache[file] = lines
- f.close()
- else: # in cache
- l = file_cache[file][line-1].split(" ")
- if delete:
- remove(flag,l)
- else:
- insert(flag,l)
- file_cache[file][line-1] = " ".join(l)
- if flagsToAdd:
- # write new lines
- msg = "\n#portato update#\n"
- if CONFIG["usePerVersion"]: # add on a per-version-base
- msg += "=%s %s\n" % (cpv, ' '.join(flagsToAdd))
- else: # add on a per-package-base
- list = split_package_name(cpv)
- msg += "%s/%s %s\n" % (list[0], list[1], ' '.join(flagsToAdd))
- if not file in file_cache:
- f = open(file, "a")
- f.write(msg)
- f.close()
- else:
- file_cache[file].append(msg)
- # write to disk
- for file in file_cache.keys():
- f = open(file, "w")
- f.writelines(file_cache[file])
- f.close()
- # reset
- useFlags = {}
- newUseFlags = {}
-MASK_PATH = os.path.join(portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH,"package.mask")
-UNMASK_PATH = os.path.join(portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH,"package.unmask")
-MASK_PATH_IS_DIR = os.path.isdir(MASK_PATH)
-new_masked = {}
-new_unmasked = {}
-def set_masked (pkg, masked = True):
- """Sets the masking status of the package.
- @param pkg: the package from which to get the flags
- @type pkg: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object
- @param masked: if True: mask it; if False: unmask it
- @type masked: boolean"""
- global new_masked, newunmasked
- if not isinstance(pkg, package.Package):
- pkg = package.Package(pkg)
- cpv = pkg.get_cpv()
- if not cpv in new_unmasked:
- new_unmasked[cpv] = []
- if not cpv in new_masked:
- new_masked[cpv] = []
- if masked:
- link_neq = new_masked
- link_eq = new_unmasked
- path = UNMASK_PATH
- else:
- link_neq = new_unmasked
- link_eq = new_masked
- path = MASK_PATH
- copy = link_eq[cpv]
- for file, line in copy:
- if line == "-1":
- link_eq[cpv].remove((file, line))
- copy = link_neq[cpv][:]
- for file, line in copy:
- if line != "-1":
- link_neq[cpv].remove(file, line)
- if masked == pkg.is_masked():
- return
- data = get_data(pkg, path)
- debug("data: "+str(link_eq))
- done = False
- for file, line, crit, flags in data:
- if pkg.matches(crit):
- link_eq[cpv].append((file, line))
- done = True
- if done: return
- if masked:
- is_dir = MASK_PATH_IS_DIR
- path = MASK_PATH
- else:
- path = UNMASK_PATH
- if is_dir:
- file = os.path.join(path, generate_path(cpv, CONFIG["usefile"]))
- else:
- file = path
- link_neq[cpv].append((file, "-1"))
- link_neq[cpv] = unique_array(link_neq[cpv])
- debug("new_(un)masked: "+str(link_neq))
-def remove_new_masked (cpv):
- if isinstance(cpv, package.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- try:
- del new_masked[cpv]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- del new_unmasked[cpv]
- except KeyError:
- pass
-def new_masking_status (cpv):
- if isinstance(cpv, package.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- if cpv in new_masked and new_masked[cpv]:
- return "masked"
- elif cpv in new_unmasked and new_unmasked[cpv]:
- return "unmasked"
- else: return None
-def write_masked ():
- global new_unmasked, new_masked
- file_cache = {}
- def write(cpv, file, line):
- line = int(line)
- # add new line
- if line == -1:
- msg = "\n#portato update#\n"
- if CONFIG["maskPerVersion"]:
- msg += "=%s\n" % cpv
- else:
- list = split_package_name(cpv)
- msg += "%s/%s\n" % (list[0],list[1])
- if not file in file_cache:
- f = open(file, "a")
- f.write(msg)
- f.close()
- else:
- file_cache[file].append(msg)
- # change a line
- else:
- if not file in file_cache:
- # read file
- f = open(file, "r")
- lines = []
- i = 1
- while i < line: # stop at the given line
- lines.append(f.readline())
- i = i+1
- # delete
- l = f.readline()
- l = "#"+l[:-1]+" # removed by portato\n"
- lines.append(l)
- # read the rest
- lines.extend(f.readlines())
- file_cache[file] = lines
- f.close()
- else: # in cache
- l = file_cache[file][line-1]
- # delete:
- l = "#"+l[:-1]+" # removed by portato\n"
- file_cache[file][line-1] = l
- for cpv in new_masked:
- for file, line in new_masked[cpv]:
- write(cpv, file, line)
- for cpv in new_unmasked:
- for file, line in new_unmasked[cpv]:
- write(cpv, file, line)
- # write to disk
- for file in file_cache.keys():
- f = open(file, "w")
- f.writelines(file_cache[file])
- f.close()
- # reset
- new_masked = {}
- new_unmasked = {}
-TESTING_PATH = os.path.join(portage.USER_CONFIG_PATH, "package.keywords")
-newTesting = {}
-arch = ""
-def remove_new_testing (cpv):
- if isinstance(cpv, package.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- try:
- del newTesting[cpv]
- except KeyError:
- pass
-def new_testing_status (cpv):
- if isinstance(cpv, package.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- if cpv in newTesting:
- for file, line in newTesting[cpv]:
- if line == "-1": return False
- else: return True
- return None
-def set_testing (pkg, enable):
- """Enables the package for installing when it is marked as testing (~ARCH).
- @param pkg: the package
- @type pkg: string (cpv) or L{backend.Package}-object
- @param enable: controls whether to enable (True) or disable (False) for test-installing
- @type enable: boolean"""
- global arch, newTesting
- if not isinstance(pkg, package.Package):
- pkg = package.Package(pkg)
- arch = pkg.get_settings("ARCH")
- cpv = pkg.get_cpv()
- if not cpv in newTesting:
- newTesting[cpv] = []
- for file, line in newTesting[cpv]:
- if (enable and line != "-1") or (not enable and line == "-1"):
- newTesting[cpv].remove((file, line))
- if (enable and not pkg.is_testing(allowed=True)) or (not enable and pkg.is_testing(allowed=True)):
- return
- if not enable:
- test = get_data(pkg, TESTING_PATH)
- debug("data (test): "+str(test))
- for file, line, crit, flags in test:
- if pkg.matches(crit) and flags[0] == "~"+arch:
- newTesting[cpv].append((file, line))
- else:
- file = os.path.join(TESTING_PATH, CONFIG["testingfile"])
- else:
- newTesting[cpv].append((file, "-1"))
- newTesting[cpv] = unique_array(newTesting[cpv])
- debug("newTesting: "+str(newTesting))
-def write_testing ():
- global arch, newTesting
- file_cache = {}
- for cpv in newTesting:
- for file, line in newTesting[cpv]:
- line = int(line)
- # add new line
- if line == -1:
- msg = "\n#portato update#\n"
- if CONFIG["testingPerVersion"]:
- msg += "=%s ~%s\n" % (cpv, arch)
- else:
- list = split_package_name(cpv)
- msg += "%s/%s ~%s\n" % (list[0],list[1],arch)
- if not file in file_cache:
- f = open(file, "a")
- f.write(msg)
- f.close()
- else:
- file_cache[file].append(msg)
- # change a line
- else:
- if not file in file_cache:
- # read file
- f = open(file, "r")
- lines = []
- i = 1
- while i < line: # stop at the given line
- lines.append(f.readline())
- i = i+1
- # delete
- l = f.readline()
- l = "#"+l[:-1]+" # removed by portato\n"
- lines.append(l)
- # read the rest
- lines.extend(f.readlines())
- file_cache[file] = lines
- f.close()
- else: # in cache
- l = file_cache[file][line-1]
- # delete:
- l = "#"+l[:-1]+" # removed by portato\n"
- file_cache[file][line-1] = l
- # write to disk
- for file in file_cache.keys():
- f = open(file, "w")
- f.writelines(file_cache[file])
- f.close()
- # reset
- newTesting = {}