path: root/geneticone/
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Diffstat (limited to 'geneticone/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/geneticone/ b/geneticone/
deleted file mode 100644
index 73355ed..0000000
--- a/geneticone/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-# File: geneticone/
-# This file is part of the Genetic/One-Project, a graphical portage-frontend.
-# Copyright (C) 2006 Necoro d.M.
-# This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License version 2.
-# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
-# Written by Necoro d.M. <>
-from geneticone import *
-from geneticone import flags
-import geneticone
-import gentoolkit
-import portage
-from portage_util import unique_array
-class Package (gentoolkit.Package):
- """This is a subclass of the gentoolkit.Package-class which a lot of additional functionality we need in Genetic/One."""
- def __init__ (self, cpv):
- """Constructor.
- @param cpv: The cpv or gentoolkit.Package which describes the package to create.
- @type cpv: string (cat/pkg-ver) or gentoolkit.Package-object."""
- if isinstance(cpv, gentoolkit.Package):
- cpv = cpv.get_cpv()
- gentoolkit.Package.__init__(self, cpv)
- def get_mask_status(self):
- """Gets the numeric mask status of a package. The return value can be translated as a string when taking the following list of modes: [ " ", " ~", " -", "M ", "M~", "M-" ]
- This method adapted from equery 0.1.4
- Original author: Karl Trygve Kalleberg <>
- @returns: mask status
- @rtype: int"""
- pkgmask = 0
- if self.is_masked():
- pkgmask = pkgmask + 3
- keywords = self.get_env_var("KEYWORDS").split()
- if "~" + gentoolkit.settings["ARCH"] in keywords:
- pkgmask = pkgmask + 1
- elif "-*" in keywords or "-" + gentoolkit.settings["ARCH"] in keywords:
- pkgmask = pkgmask + 2
- return pkgmask
- def get_all_use_flags (self):
- """Returns a list of _all_ useflags for this package, i.e. all useflags you can set for this package.
- @returns: list of use-flags
- @rtype: list"""
- return unique_array(self.get_env_var("IUSE").split())
- def get_installed_use_flags (self):
- """Returns a list of the useflags enabled at installation time. If package is not installed, it returns an empty list.
- @returns: list of useflags enabled at installation time or an empty list
- @rtype: list"""
- if self.is_installed():
- uses = self.get_use_flags().split()
- iuses = self.get_all_use_flags()
- set = []
- for u in iuses:
- if u in uses:
- set.append(u)
- return set
- else:
- return []
- def get_new_use_flags (self):
- """Returns a list of the new useflags, i.e. these flags which are not written to the portage-system yet.
- @returns: list of flags or []
- @rtype: list"""
- return flags.get_new_use_flags(self)
- def get_actual_use_flags (self):
- """This returns the result of installed_use_flags + new_use_flags. If the package is not installed, it returns only the new flags.
- @return: list of flags
- @rtype: list"""
- if self.is_installed():
- i_flags = self.get_installed_use_flags()
- for f in self.get_new_use_flags():
- if flags.invert_flag(f) in i_flags:
- i_flags.remove(flags.invert_flag(f))
- elif f not in i_flags:
- i_flags.append(f)
- return i_flags
- else:
- return self.get_new_flags()
- def set_use_flag (self, flag):
- """Set a use-flag.
- @param flag: the flag to set
- @type flag: string"""
- flags.set_use_flag(self, flag)
- def remove_new_use_flags (self):
- """Remove all the new use-flags."""
- flags.remove_new_use_flags(self)
- def get_dep_packages (self):
- """Returns a cpv-list of packages on which this package depends and which have not been installed yet. This does not check the dependencies in a recursive manner.
- @returns: list of cpvs on which the package depend
- @rtype: list
- @raises geneticone.BlockedException: when a package in the dependency-list is blocked by an installed one
- @raises geneticone.PackageNotFoundException: when a package in the dependency list could not be found in the system
- @raises geneticone.DependencyCalcError: when an error occured during executing portage.dep_check()"""
- dep_pkgs = [] # the package list
- # check whether we got use-flags which are not visible for portage yet
- newUseFlags = self.get_new_use_flags()
- actual = self.get_settings("USE").split()
- if newUseFlags:
- depUses = []
- for u in newUseFlags:
- if u[0] == "-" and flags.invert_use_flag(u) in actual:
- actual.remove(flags.invert_use_flag(u))
- elif u not in actual:
- actual.append(u)
- # let portage do the main stuff ;)
- # pay attention to any changes here
- deps = portage.dep_check (self.get_env_var("RDEPEND")+" "+self.get_env_var("DEPEND")+" "+self.get_env_var("PDEPEND"), vartree.dbapi, self._settings, myuse = actual)
- if not deps: # what is the difference to [1, []] ?
- return []
- if deps[0] == 0: # error
- raise DependencyCalcError, deps[1]
- deps = deps[1]
- for dep in deps:
- if dep[0] == '!': # blocking sth
- blocked = find_installed_packages(dep[1:])
- if blocked != []:
- raise BlockedException, blocked[0].get_cpv()
- else: # next flag
- continue
- pkg = find_best_match(dep)
- if not dep:
- raise PackageNotFoundException, dep
- else:
- dep_pkgs.append(pkg.get_cpv())
- return dep_pkgs
- def get_cp (self):
- """Returns the cp-string.
- @returns: category/package.
- @rtype: string"""
- return self.get_category()+"/"+self.get_name()
- def is_masked (self):
- """Returns True if either masked by package.mask or by profile.
- @returns: mask-status
- @rtype: boolean"""
- # XXX: Better solution than string comparison?
- status = portage.getmaskingstatus(self._cpv)
- if "profile" in status or "package.mask" in status:
- return True
- return False
- def matches (self, criterion):
- """This checks, whether this package matches a specific verisioning criterion - e.g.: "<=net-im/foobar-1.2".
- @param criterion: the criterion to match against
- @type criterion: string"""
- if portage.match_from_list(criterion, [self.get_cpv()]) == []:
- return False
- else:
- return True
-# OBSOLETE DEPENDENCY-CALCULATION-METHODS - kept in the case the above ones do not work
- #def own_get_dep_packages (self, old_cpv_dict = {}):
- # # XXX: after having finished this, i realized, that there is already a portage function -.- ;
- # """Returns a list of all packages (i.e. package-cpvs) which this package depends on and which not have been installed yet.
- # Param old_cpv_dict is a {cp: version}-dictionary holding already found deps.
- # Raises a BlockedException if the package is being blocked by another installed package."""
- # # XXX: This won't find blocking dependencies
- # # XXX: Has some problems with modular X (this has a very strange ebuild) ... we should enhance _parse_deps
- # print "Actual: "+self._cpv # debug output
- #
- # uses = [] # list of actual useflags / useflags the package has been installed with
- # dep_packages = [] # list of packages returned
- # dep_cpv_dict = {} # all dependencies are inserted here
- #
- # # get useflags
- # if self.is_installed():
- # uses = self.get_installed_use_flags()
- # else:
- # uses = self.get_settings("USE")
- #
- # # cycle through dependencies
- # for (comp, flags, dep_cpv) in self.get_all_deps():
- # # find blocking packages
- # if comp and comp[0] == '!':
- # blocked = find_installed_packages(comp[1:]+dep_cpv)
- # if blocked != []:
- # raise BlockedException, blocked[0].get_cpv()
- # else: # next flag
- # continue
- #
- # # look whether this package is really required
- # needDep = True
- # for flag in flags:
- # if (flag[0] == '!' and flag[1:] in uses) or (flag[0] != '!' and flag not in uses):
- # needDep = False
- # break
- # if needDep: # it is ...
- # if find_installed_packages(comp+dep_cpv) == []: # ... and not installed yet
- # d = find_best_match(comp+dep_cpv)
- # if not d: # no package found
- # raise PackageNotFoundException, dep_cpv
- # if d.get_cp() not in old_cpv_dict: # ... and not found already by an other package
- # dep_cpv_dict[d.get_cp()] = d.get_version()
- # print "Dep: "+d.get_cpv() # debug
- # dep_packages.append(d.get_cpv())
- #
- # for dep in dep_packages: # find dependencies for each package
- # old_cpv_dict.update(dep_cpv_dict)
- # old_cpv_dict.update({self.get_cp() : self.get_version()})
- # dep_packages += find_packages("="+dep)[0].own_get_dep_packages(old_cpv_dict)
- # return unique_array(dep_packages)
- #def get_all_deps (self):
- # """Returns a linearised list of all first-level dependencies for this package, on
- # the form [(comparator, [use flags], cpv), ...]"""
- # return unique_array(self.get_compiletime_deps()+self.get_runtime_deps()+self.get_postmerge_deps())
- #def _parse_deps(self,deps,curuse=[],level=0):
- # """Modified method "_parse_deps" of gentoolkit.Package.
- # Do NOT ignore blocks."""
- # # store (comparator, [use predicates], cpv)
- # r = []
- # comparators = ["~","<",">","=","<=",">="]
- # end = len(deps)
- # i = 0
- # while i < end:
- # blocked = False
- # tok = deps[i]
- # if tok == ')':
- # return r,i
- # if tok[-1] == "?":
- # tok = tok.replace("?","")
- # sr,l = self._parse_deps(deps[i+2:],curuse=curuse+[tok],level=level+1)
- # r += sr
- # i += l + 3
- # continue
- # if tok == "||":
- # sr,l = self._parse_deps(deps[i+2:],curuse,level=level+1)
- # r += sr
- # i += l + 3
- # continue
- # # conjonction, like in "|| ( ( foo bar ) baz )" => recurse
- # if tok == "(":
- # sr,l = self._parse_deps(deps[i+1:],curuse,level=level+1)
- # r += sr
- # i += l + 2
- # continue
- # # pkg block "!foo/bar" => ignore it
- # if tok[0] == "!":
- # #i += 1
- # #continue
- # blocked = True # added
- # tok = tok[1:] # added
- # # pick out comparator, if any
- # cmp = ""
- # for c in comparators:
- # if tok.find(c) == 0:
- # cmp = c
- # if blocked: cmp = "!"+cmp # added
- # tok = tok[len(cmp):]
- # r.append((cmp,curuse,tok))
- # i += 1
- # return r,i