path: root/portato/gui/gtk/windows/
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-rw-r--r--portato/gui/gtk/windows/ (renamed from portato/gui/gtk/
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 421 deletions
diff --git a/portato/gui/gtk/ b/portato/gui/gtk/windows/
index c6aaab6..d468906 100644
--- a/portato/gui/gtk/
+++ b/portato/gui/gtk/windows/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# File: portato/gui/gtk/
+# File: portato/gui/gtk/windows/
# This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend.
# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 René 'Necoro' Neumann
@@ -18,430 +18,33 @@ import gobject
# other
import os.path
-from subprocess import Popen
-import itertools
-from gettext import lgettext as _
+import itertools as itt
# our backend stuff
-from ... import get_listener, plugin
-from ...helper import debug, warning, error, info, unique_array, N_
-from ...session import Session
-from ...constants import CONFIG_LOCATION, VERSION, APP_ICON
-from ...backend import flags, system
-from ...backend.exceptions import PackageNotFoundException, BlockedException
-from ... import dependency
+from ....backend import flags, system # must be the first to avoid circular deps
+from .... import get_listener, plugin, dependency
+from ....helper import debug, warning, error, info, unique_array, N_, _
+from ....session import Session
+from ....constants import CONFIG_LOCATION, VERSION, APP_ICON
+from ....backend.exceptions import PackageNotFoundException, BlockedException
# more GUI stuff
-from ..gui_helper import Database, Config, EmergeQueue
-from .basic import Window, AbstractDialog, Popup
-from .wrapper import GtkTree, GtkConsole
-from .exception_handling import GtkThread
-from .views import LogView, HighlightView, InstalledOnlyView
-from .dialogs import (blocked_dialog, changed_flags_dialog, io_ex_dialog,
+from ...gui_helper import Database, Config, EmergeQueue
+from ..session import SESSION_VERSION, SessionException, OldSessionException, NewSessionException
+from ..wrapper import GtkTree, GtkConsole
+from ..exception_handling import GtkThread
+from ..views import LogView, HighlightView, InstalledOnlyView
+from ..dialogs import (blocked_dialog, changed_flags_dialog, io_ex_dialog,
nothing_found_dialog, queue_not_empty_dialog, remove_deps_dialog,
remove_queue_dialog, remove_updates_dialog, unmask_dialog)
-# the current version for saved sessions
-# change this, whenever the change is incompatible with previous versions
-class SessionException (Exception):
- error = _("Version mismatch.")
- def __init__ (self, got, expected):
- = got
- self.expected = expected
- def __str__ (self):
- return "%s %s" % (self.error, (_("Got '%d' - expected '%d'.") % (, self.expected)))
-class OldSessionException (SessionException):
- error = _("Current session format is too old.")
-class NewSessionException (SessionException):
- error = _("Current session format is newer than this version supports.")
-class AboutWindow (AbstractDialog):
- """A window showing the "about"-informations."""
- def __init__ (self, parent):
- AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent)
- img = gtk.Image()
- img.set_from_file(APP_ICON)
- self.window.set_version(VERSION)
- self.window.set_logo(img.get_pixbuf())
- self.window.show_all()
-class PluginWindow (AbstractDialog):
- statsStore = gtk.ListStore(str)
- for s in (_("Disabled"), _("Temporarily enabled"), _("Enabled"), _("Temporarily disabled")):
- statsStore.append([s])
- def __init__ (self, parent, plugins):
- """Constructor.
- @param parent: the parent window
- @type parent: gtk.Window"""
- AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent)
- self.plugins = plugins
- self.changedPlugins = {}
- view = self.tree.get_widget("pluginList")
- = gtk.ListStore(str,str,str)
- view.set_model(
- cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Plugin"), cell, markup = 0)
- view.append_column(col)
- col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Authors"), cell, text = 1)
- view.append_column(col)
- ccell = gtk.CellRendererCombo()
- ccell.set_property("model", self.statsStore)
- ccell.set_property("text-column", 0)
- ccell.set_property("has-entry", False)
- ccell.set_property("editable", True)
- ccell.connect("edited", self.cb_status_changed)
- col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Status"), ccell, markup = 2)
- view.append_column(col)
- for p in (("<b>""</b>",, _(self.statsStore[p.status][0])) for p in plugins):
- self.window.show_all()
- def cb_status_changed (self, cell, path, new_text):
- path = int(path)
-[path][2] = "<b>%s</b>" % new_text
- # convert string to constant
- const = None
- for num, val in enumerate(self.statsStore):
- if val[0] == new_text:
- const = num
- break
- assert (const is not None)
- self.changedPlugins.update({self.plugins[path] : const})
- debug("new changed plugins: %s => %d", self.plugins[path].name, const)
- def cb_ok_clicked (self, btn):
- for plugin, val in self.changedPlugins.iteritems():
- plugin.status = val
- self.close()
- return True
-class UpdateWindow (AbstractDialog):
- def __init__ (self, parent, packages, queue, jump_to):
- AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent)
- self.queue = queue
- self.jump = jump_to
- self.packages = system.sort_package_list(packages)
- self.build_list()
- self.window.show_all()
- def build_list (self):
- store = gtk.ListStore(bool, str)
- self.view = self.tree.get_widget("packageList")
- self.view.set_model(store)
- cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- tCell = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
- tCell.set_property("activatable", True)
- tCell.connect("toggled", self.cb_check_toggled) # emulate the normal toggle behavior ...
- self.view.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Enabled"), tCell, active = 0))
- self.view.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Package"), cell, text = 1))
- for p in self.packages:
- store.append([False, p.get_cpv()])
- def cb_set_size (self, *args):
- """
- This callback is called shortly before drawing.
- It calculates the optimal size of the window.
- The optimum is defined as: as large as possible w/o scrollbars
- """
- bb = self.tree.get_widget("updateBB")
- vals = (self.view.get_vadjustment().upper+bb.size_request()[1]+10, # max size of list + size of BB + constant
- self.parent.get_size()[1]) # size of the parent -> maximum size
- debug("Size values for the list and for the parent: %d / %d", *vals)
- val = int(min(vals))
- debug("Minimum value: %d", val)
- self.window.set_geometry_hints(self.window, min_height = val)
- def cb_select_all_clicked (self, btn):
- model = self.view.get_model()
- iter = model.get_iter_first()
- while iter:
- model.set_value(iter, 0, True)
- iter = model.iter_next(iter)
- return True
- def cb_install_clicked (self, btn):
- model = self.view.get_model()
- iter = model.get_iter_first()
- if iter is None: return
- items = []
- while iter:
- if model.get_value(iter, 0):
- items.append(model.get_value(iter, 1))
- iter = model.iter_next(iter)
- for item in items:
- try:
- try:
- self.queue.append(item, type = "install", oneshot = True)
- except PackageNotFoundException, e:
- if unmask_dialog(e[0]) == gtk.RESPONSE_YES :
- self.queue.append(item, type = "install", unmask = True, oneshot = True)
- except BlockedException, e:
- blocked_dialog(e[0], e[1])
- self.close()
- return True
- def cb_package_selected (self, view):
- sel = view.get_selection()
- store, it = sel.get_selected()
- if it:
- package = system.new_package(store.get_value(it, 1))
- self.jump(package.get_cp(), package.get_version())
- return True
- def cb_check_toggled (self, cell, path):
- # for whatever reason we have to define normal toggle behavior explicitly
- store = self.view.get_model()
- store[path][0] = not store[path][0]
- return True
-class SearchWindow (AbstractDialog):
- """A window showing the results of a search process."""
- def __init__ (self, parent, list, jump_to):
- """Constructor.
- @param parent: parent-window
- @type parent: gtk.Window
- @param list: list of results to show
- @type list: string[]
- @param jump_to: function to call if "OK"-Button is hit
- @type jump_to: function(string)"""
- AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent)
- self.jump_to = jump_to # function to call for jumping
- self.list = list
- self.list.sort()
- # combo box
- self.searchList = self.tree.get_widget("searchList")
- self.build_sort_list()
- self.searchList.get_selection().select_path(0)
- # finished --> show
- self.window.show_all()
- def build_sort_list (self):
- """Builds the sort list."""
- store = gtk.ListStore(str)
- self.searchList.set_model(store)
- # build categories
- for p in self.list:
- store.append(["%s/<b>%s</b>" % tuple(p.split("/"))])
- cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Results"), cell, markup = 0)
- self.searchList.append_column(col)
- def ok (self, *args):
- self.jump()
- self.close()
- def jump (self, *args):
- model, iter = self.searchList.get_selection().get_selected()
- self.jump_to(self.list[model.get_path(iter)[0]])
- def cb_key_pressed_combo (self, widget, event):
- """Emulates a ok-button-click."""
- keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval)
- if keyname == "Return": # take it as an "OK" if Enter is pressed
- self.jump()
- return True
- else:
- return False
-class PreferenceWindow (AbstractDialog):
- """Window displaying some preferences."""
- # all checkboxes in the window
- # widget name -> option name
- checkboxes = {
- "debugCheck" : "debug",
- "deepCheck" : "deep",
- "newUseCheck" : "newuse",
- "maskPerVersionCheck" : "maskPerVersion",
- "minimizeCheck" : ("hideOnMinimize", "GUI"),
- "searchOnTypeCheck" : ("searchOnType", "GUI"),
- "systrayCheck" : ("showSystray", "GUI"),
- "testPerVersionCheck" : "keywordPerVersion",
- "titleUpdateCheck" : ("updateTitle", "GUI"),
- "usePerVersionCheck" : "usePerVersion"
- }
- # all edits in the window
- # widget name -> option name
- edits = {
- "maskFileEdit" : "maskFile",
- "testFileEdit" : "keywordFile",
- "useFileEdit" : "useFile",
- "syncCommandEdit" : "syncCommand",
- "browserEdit" : ("browserCmd", "GUI")
- }
- # the mappings for the tabpos combos
- tabpos = {
- 1 : gtk.POS_TOP,
- 2 : gtk.POS_BOTTOM,
- 3 : gtk.POS_LEFT,
- 4 : gtk.POS_RIGHT
- }
- def __init__ (self, parent, cfg, console_fn, linkbtn_fn, tabpos_fn):
- """Constructor.
- @param parent: parent window
- @type parent: gtk.Window
- @param cfg: configuration object
- @type cfg: gui_helper.Config
- @param console_fn: function to call to set the console font
- @type console_fn: function(string)
- @param linkbtn_fn: function to call to set the linkbutton behavior
- @type linkbtn_fn: function(string)
- @param tabpos_fn: function to call to set the tabposition of the notebooks
- @type tabpos_fn: function(gtk.ComboBox,int)"""
- AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent)
- # our config
- self.cfg = cfg
- # the setter functions
- self.console_fn = console_fn
- self.linkbtn_fn = linkbtn_fn
- self.tabpos_fn = tabpos_fn
- # set the bg-color of the hint
- hintEB = self.tree.get_widget("hintEB")
- hintEB.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#f3f785"))
- # the checkboxes
- for box, val in self.checkboxes.iteritems():
- if isinstance(val, tuple):
- self.tree.get_widget(box).\
- set_active(self.cfg.get_boolean(val[0], section = val[1]))
- else:
- self.tree.get_widget(box).\
- set_active(self.cfg.get_boolean(val))
- # the edits
- for edit, val in self.edits.iteritems():
- if isinstance(val,tuple):
- self.tree.get_widget(edit).\
- set_text(self.cfg.get(val[0], section = val[1]))
- else:
- self.tree.get_widget(edit).\
- set_text(self.cfg.get(val))
- # the console font button
- self.consoleFontBtn = self.tree.get_widget("consoleFontBtn")
- self.consoleFontBtn.set_font_name(self.cfg.get("consolefont", section = "GTK"))
- # the comboboxes
- self.systemTabCombo = self.tree.get_widget("systemTabCombo")
- self.pkgTabCombo = self.tree.get_widget("packageTabCombo")
- for c in (self.systemTabCombo, self.pkgTabCombo):
- m = c.get_model()
- m.clear()
- for i in (_("Top"), _("Bottom"), _("Left"), _("Right")):
- m.append((i,))
- self.systemTabCombo.set_active(int(self.cfg.get("systemTabPos", section = "GTK"))-1)
- self.pkgTabCombo.set_active(int(self.cfg.get("packageTabPos", section = "GTK"))-1)
- self.window.show_all()
- def _save(self):
- """Sets all options in the Config-instance."""
- for box, val in self.checkboxes.iteritems():
- if isinstance(val, tuple):
- self.cfg.set_boolean(val[0], self.tree.get_widget(box).get_active(), section = val[1])
- else:
- self.cfg.set_boolean(val, self.tree.get_widget(box).get_active())
- for edit, val in self.edits.iteritems():
- if isinstance(val,tuple):
- self.cfg.set(val[0], self.tree.get_widget(edit).get_text(), section = val[1])
- else:
- self.cfg.set(val,self.tree.get_widget(edit).get_text())
- font = self.consoleFontBtn.get_font_name()
- self.cfg.set("consolefont", font, section = "GTK")
- self.console_fn(font)
- pkgPos = self.pkgTabCombo.get_active()+1
- sysPos = self.systemTabCombo.get_active()+1
- self.cfg.set("packageTabPos", str(pkgPos), section = "GTK")
- self.cfg.set("systemTabPos", str(sysPos), section = "GTK")
- self.tabpos_fn(map(self.tabpos.get, (pkgPos, sysPos)))
- self.linkbtn_fn(self.cfg.get("browserCmd", section="GUI"))
- def cb_ok_clicked(self, button):
- """Saves, writes to config-file and closes the window."""
- self._save()
- try:
- self.cfg.write()
- except IOError, e:
- io_ex_dialog(e)
- self.window.destroy()
- def cb_cancel_clicked (self, button):
- """Just closes - w/o saving."""
- self.window.destroy()
+# even more GUI stuff
+from .basic import Window, Popup
+from .about import AboutWindow
+from .plugin import PluginWindow
+from .preference import PreferenceWindow
+from .search import SearchWindow
+from .update import UpdateWindow
class PackageTable:
"""A window with data about a specfic package."""
@@ -609,7 +212,7 @@ class PackageTable:
# useflags
- flaglist = list(itertools.ifilterfalse(pkg.use_expanded, pkg.get_iuse_flags()))
+ flaglist = list(itt.ifilterfalse(pkg.use_expanded, pkg.get_iuse_flags()))
flags = ", ".join(flaglist)
@@ -1324,8 +927,8 @@ class MainWindow (Window):
info(_("Translating session from version %d to %d.") % (, sessionEx.expected))
oldVersion =
- warning(_("Cannot translate session from version %d to %d.") % (, session.expected))
- raise session_ex
+ warning(_("Cannot translate session from version %d to %d.") % (, sessionEx.expected))
+ raise sessionEx
# the callbacks for the different session variables