path: root/portato/gui/qt/
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diff --git a/portato/gui/qt/ b/portato/gui/qt/
index 5572930..74d9ac9 100644
--- a/portato/gui/qt/
+++ b/portato/gui/qt/
@@ -19,30 +19,59 @@ from portato.helper import debug
import re # prefer Python-Module over Qt-one
class EbuildHighlighter (Qt.QSyntaxHighlighter):
+ """A QSyntaxHighlighter implementation for the use with ebuild-syntax."""
def __init__ (self, edit):
+ """Constructor.
+ @param edit: the EditWidget to use the highlighter with
+ @type edit: Qt.QTextEdit"""
Qt.QSyntaxHighlighter.__init__(self, edit)
+ #
+ # the regular expressions ... *muahahaha*
+ #
+ # comments
self.comment = self.__create(r'#.*', color = "steelblue", italic = True)
+ # bash variables
self.bashVar = self.__create(r'(\$\{.+?\})|(\$\w+)', color = "green")
+ # a string
+ self.string = self.__create(r'(?<!\\)"', color = "fuchsia")
+ # the syntax elements, which are checked in a loop
self.syntax = {}
+ # bash syntax
self.syntax["bashSyn"] = self.__create(r'\b(case|do|done|elif|else|esac|exit|fi|for|function|if|in|local|read|return|select|shift|then|time|until|while)\b', color = "navy", underline = True)
+ # special bash commands
self.syntax["bashCmd"] = self.__create(r'\b(make|awk|cat|cd|chmod|chown|cp|echo|env|export|grep|head|let|ln|mkdir|mv|rm|sed|set|tail|tar|touch|unset)\b', color = "navy", bold = True)
+ # portage variables
+ # portage commands
self.syntax["portCmd"] = self.__create(r'\b(e(begin|end|conf|install|make|warn|infon?|error|patch)|die|built_with_use|use(_(with|enable))?|inherit|hasq?|(has|best)_version|unpack|(do|new)(ins|s?bin|doc|lib(|\.so|\.a)|man|info|exe|initd|confd|envd|pam|menu|icon)|do(python|sed|dir|hard|sym|html|jar|mo)|keepdir|prepall(|docs|info|man|strip)|prep(info|lib|lib\.(so|a)|man|strip)|(|doc|ins|exe)into|f(owners|perms)|(exe|ins|dir)opts)\b', color = "saddlebrown", bold = True)
+ # portage functions, i.e. the functions implemented by the ebuild
self.syntax["portFunc"] = self.__create(r'^(src_(unpack|compile|install|test)|pkg_(config|nofetch|setup|(pre|post)(inst|rm)))', color = "green")
- self.string = self.__create(r'(?<!\\)"', color = "fuchsia")
def do_reg_exp (self, syntaxTuple, string):
+ """Tries to match a regular expression and if this succeeds,
+ sets the text format.
+ @param syntaxTuple: tuple holding regexp and format
+ @type sytaxTuple: (RE-object, Qt.QTextCharFormat)
+ @param string: the string to look in
+ @type string: string"""
regexp, format = syntaxTuple
match =
@@ -55,19 +84,27 @@ class EbuildHighlighter (Qt.QSyntaxHighlighter):
match =, span[1])
def highlightBlock (self, string):
+ """This function is called, whenever the edit want to have some text checked.
+ @param string: the text to check
+ @type string: Qt.QString"""
string = str(string) # we got a QString here
+ # check the normal syntax elements
for t in self.syntax.values():
self.do_reg_exp(t, string)
+ # reset to normal state :)
# look for strings
prevStart = 0
foundEnd = False
stringMatch = self.string[0].search(string)
- if self.previousBlockState() == self.STRING_STATE:
- if stringMatch is None:
+ if self.previousBlockState() == self.STRING_STATE: # we were in a string last time
+ if stringMatch is None: # and there is no end of string in this line
self.setFormat(0, len(string), self.string[1])
@@ -75,17 +112,22 @@ class EbuildHighlighter (Qt.QSyntaxHighlighter):
while stringMatch is not None:
- if foundEnd:
+ if foundEnd: # we know that the string will end in this block
self.setFormat(prevStart, stringMatch.end() - prevStart, self.string[1])
+ # look for a possible start of another string
stringMatch = self.string[0].search(string, stringMatch.end())
foundEnd = False
- else:
+ else: # we have entered a new string
prevStart = stringMatch.start()
- stringMatch = self.string[0].search(string, stringMatch.end())
+ stringMatch = self.string[0].search(string, stringMatch.end()) # the end of string
if stringMatch is not None:
foundEnd = True
- else:
+ else: # no string end: mark the rest of the line as string
self.setFormat(prevStart, len(string) - prevStart, self.string[1])
@@ -93,6 +135,22 @@ class EbuildHighlighter (Qt.QSyntaxHighlighter):
self.do_reg_exp(self.comment, string) # do comments last
def __create (self, regexp, color = None, italic = False, bold = False, underline = False):
+ """This creates a syntax tuple.
+ @param regexp: the regular expression
+ @type regexp: string
+ @param color: the color to take; if None, take standard color
+ @type color: string
+ @param italic: italic-flag
+ @type italic: bool
+ @param bold: bold-flag
+ @type bold: bool
+ @param underline: underline-flag
+ @type underline: bool
+ @returns: the created syntax-tuple
+ @rtype: (RE-object, Qt.QTextCharFormat)
+ """
compRe = re.compile(regexp)
format = Qt.QTextCharFormat()