path: root/portato/gui/
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/portato/gui/ b/portato/gui/
index cd5c50c..661af6b 100644
--- a/portato/gui/
+++ b/portato/gui/
@@ -32,280 +32,280 @@ from ..constants import APP, LOCALE_DIR
from ..config_parser import ConfigParser
def get_color (cfg, name):
- return gtk.gdk.color_parse("#%s" % cfg.get(name, section = "COLORS"))
+ return gtk.gdk.color_parse("#%s" % cfg.get(name, section = "COLORS"))
class GtkThread (Thread):
- def run(self):
- # for some reason, I have to install this for each thread ...
- gettext.install(APP, LOCALE_DIR, unicode = True)
- try:
- except SystemExit:
- raise # let normal thread handle it
- except:
- type, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
- try:
- sys.excepthook(type, val, tb, thread = self.getName())
- except TypeError:
- raise type, val, tb # let normal thread handle it
- finally:
- del type, val, tb
+ def run(self):
+ # for some reason, I have to install this for each thread ...
+ gettext.install(APP, LOCALE_DIR, unicode = True)
+ try:
+ except SystemExit:
+ raise # let normal thread handle it
+ except:
+ type, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ try:
+ sys.excepthook(type, val, tb, thread = self.getName())
+ except TypeError:
+ raise type, val, tb # let normal thread handle it
+ finally:
+ del type, val, tb
class Config (ConfigParser):
- def __init__ (self, cfgFile):
- """Constructor.
- @param cfgFile: path to config file
- @type cfgFile: string"""
- ConfigParser.__init__(self, cfgFile)
- # read config
- self.parse()
- # local configs
- self.local = {}
- def modify_flags_config (self):
- """Sets the internal config of the L{flags}-module.
- @see: L{flags.set_config()}"""
- flagCfg = {
- "usefile": self.get("useFile"),
- "usePerVersion" : self.get_boolean("usePerVersion"),
- "maskfile" : self.get("maskFile"),
- "maskPerVersion" : self.get_boolean("maskPerVersion"),
- "testingfile" : self.get("keywordFile"),
- "testingPerVersion" : self.get_boolean("keywordPerVersion")}
- flags.set_config(flagCfg)
- def modify_debug_config (self):
- if self.get_boolean("debug"):
- level = logging.DEBUG
- else:
- level = logging.INFO
- set_log_level(level)
- def modify_system_config (self):
- """Sets the system config.
- @see: L{backend.set_system()}"""
- set_system(self.get("system"))
- def modify_external_configs (self):
- """Convenience function setting all external configs."""
- self.modify_debug_config()
- self.modify_flags_config()
- self.modify_system_config()
- def set_local(self, cpv, name, val):
- """Sets some local config.
- @param cpv: the cpv describing the package for which to set this option
- @type cpv: string (cpv)
- @param name: the option's name
- @type name: string
- @param val: the value to set
- @type val: any"""
- if not cpv in self.local:
- self.local[cpv] = {}
- self.local[cpv].update({name:val})
- def get_local(self, cpv, name):
- """Returns something out of the local config.
- @param cpv: the cpv describing the package from which to get this option
- @type cpv: string (cpv)
- @param name: the option's name
- @type name: string
- @return: value stored for the cpv and name or None if not found
- @rtype: any"""
- if not cpv in self.local:
- return None
- if not name in self.local[cpv]:
- return None
- return self.local[cpv][name]
- def write(self):
- """Writes to the config file and modify any external configs."""
- ConfigParser.write(self)
- self.modify_external_configs()
+ def __init__ (self, cfgFile):
+ """Constructor.
+ @param cfgFile: path to config file
+ @type cfgFile: string"""
+ ConfigParser.__init__(self, cfgFile)
+ # read config
+ self.parse()
+ # local configs
+ self.local = {}
+ def modify_flags_config (self):
+ """Sets the internal config of the L{flags}-module.
+ @see: L{flags.set_config()}"""
+ flagCfg = {
+ "usefile": self.get("useFile"),
+ "usePerVersion" : self.get_boolean("usePerVersion"),
+ "maskfile" : self.get("maskFile"),
+ "maskPerVersion" : self.get_boolean("maskPerVersion"),
+ "testingfile" : self.get("keywordFile"),
+ "testingPerVersion" : self.get_boolean("keywordPerVersion")}
+ flags.set_config(flagCfg)
+ def modify_debug_config (self):
+ if self.get_boolean("debug"):
+ level = logging.DEBUG
+ else:
+ level = logging.INFO
+ set_log_level(level)
+ def modify_system_config (self):
+ """Sets the system config.
+ @see: L{backend.set_system()}"""
+ set_system(self.get("system"))
+ def modify_external_configs (self):
+ """Convenience function setting all external configs."""
+ self.modify_debug_config()
+ self.modify_flags_config()
+ self.modify_system_config()
+ def set_local(self, cpv, name, val):
+ """Sets some local config.
+ @param cpv: the cpv describing the package for which to set this option
+ @type cpv: string (cpv)
+ @param name: the option's name
+ @type name: string
+ @param val: the value to set
+ @type val: any"""
+ if not cpv in self.local:
+ self.local[cpv] = {}
+ self.local[cpv].update({name:val})
+ def get_local(self, cpv, name):
+ """Returns something out of the local config.
+ @param cpv: the cpv describing the package from which to get this option
+ @type cpv: string (cpv)
+ @param name: the option's name
+ @type name: string
+ @return: value stored for the cpv and name or None if not found
+ @rtype: any"""
+ if not cpv in self.local:
+ return None
+ if not name in self.local[cpv]:
+ return None
+ return self.local[cpv][name]
+ def write(self):
+ """Writes to the config file and modify any external configs."""
+ ConfigParser.write(self)
+ self.modify_external_configs()
class PkgData (object):
- __slots__ = ("cat", "pkg", "inst")
+ __slots__ = ("cat", "pkg", "inst")
- def __init__ (self, cat, pkg, inst):
- = cat
- self.pkg = pkg
- self.inst = inst
+ def __init__ (self, cat, pkg, inst):
+ = cat
+ self.pkg = pkg
+ self.inst = inst
- def __iter__ (self):
- return iter((, self.pkg, self.inst))
+ def __iter__ (self):
+ return iter((, self.pkg, self.inst))
- def __cmp__ (self, other):
- return cmp(self.pkg.lower(), other.pkg.lower())
+ def __cmp__ (self, other):
+ return cmp(self.pkg.lower(), other.pkg.lower())
- def __repr__ (self):
- return "<Package (%(cat)s, %(pkg)s, %(inst)s)>" % {"cat" :, "pkg" : self.pkg, "inst" : self.inst}
+ def __repr__ (self):
+ return "<Package (%(cat)s, %(pkg)s, %(inst)s)>" % {"cat" :, "pkg" : self.pkg, "inst" : self.inst}
class Database (object):
- """An internal database which holds a simple dictionary cat -> [package_list]."""
- ALL = _("ALL")
- def __init__ (self):
- """Constructor."""
- self.__initialize()
- self._lock = RLock()
- def lock (f):
- @wraps(f)
- def wrapper (self, *args, **kwargs):
- with self._lock:
- r = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
- return r
- return wrapper
- def __initialize (self):
- self._db = defaultdict(list)
- self.inst_cats = set([self.ALL])
- self._restrict = None
- def __sort_key (self, x):
- return x.pkg.lower()
- @lock
- def populate (self, category = None):
- """Populates the database.
- @param category: An optional category - so only packages of this category are inserted.
- @type category: string
- """
- # get the lists
- packages = system.find_packages(category, with_version = False)
- installed = system.find_packages(category, system.SET_INSTALLED, with_version = False)
- # cycle through packages
- for p in packages:
- cat, pkg = p.split("/")
- inst = p in installed
- t = PkgData(cat, pkg, inst)
- self._db[cat].append(t)
- self._db[self.ALL].append(t)
- if inst:
- self.inst_cats.add(cat)
- for key in self._db: # sort alphabetically
- self._db[key].sort(key = self.__sort_key)
- @lock
- def get_cat (self, cat = None, byName = True):
- """Returns the packages in the category.
- @param cat: category to return the packages from; if None it defaults to "ALL"
- @type cat: string
- @param byName: selects whether to return the list sorted by name or by installation
- @type byName: boolean
- @return: an iterator over a list of tuples: (category, name, is_installed) or []
- @rtype: (string, string, boolean)<iterator>
- """
- if not cat:
- cat = self.ALL
- def get_pkgs():
- if byName:
- for pkg in self._db[cat]:
- yield pkg
- else:
- ninst = []
- for pkg in self._db[cat]:
- if pkg.inst:
- yield pkg
- else:
- ninst.append(pkg)
- for pkg in ninst:
- yield pkg
- try:
- if self.restrict:
- return (pkg for pkg in get_pkgs() if pkg[1].find(self.restrict) != -1)
- else:
- return get_pkgs()
- except KeyError: # cat is in category list - but not in portage
- info(_("Catched KeyError => %s seems not to be an available category. Have you played with rsync-excludes?"), cat)
- @lock
- def get_categories (self, installed = False):
- """Returns all categories.
- @param installed: Only return these with at least one installed package.
- @type installed: boolean
- @returns: the list of categories
- @rtype: string<iterator>
- """
- if not self.restrict:
- if installed:
- cats = self.inst_cats
- else:
- cats = self._db.iterkeys()
- else:
- if installed:
- cats = set(( for pkg in self.get_cat(self.ALL) if pkg.inst))
- else:
- cats = set(( for pkg in self.get_cat(self.ALL)))
- if len(cats)>1:
- cats.add(self.ALL)
- return (cat for cat in cats)
- @lock
- def reload (self, cat = None):
- """Reloads the given category.
- @param cat: category
- @type cat: string
- """
- if cat:
- del self._db[cat]
- try:
- self.inst_cats.remove(cat)
- except KeyError: # not in inst_cats - can be ignored
- pass
- self._db[self.ALL] = filter(lambda x: != cat, self._db[self.ALL])
- self.populate(cat+"/*")
- else:
- self.__initialize()
- self.populate()
- def get_restrict (self):
- return self._restrict
- @lock
- def set_restrict (self, restrict):
- if not restrict:
- self._restrict = None
- else:
- try:
- regex = re.compile(restrict, re.I)
- except re.error, e:
- info(_("Error while compiling search expression: '%s'."), str(e))
- else: # only set self._restrict if no error occurred
- self._restrict = regex
- restrict = property(get_restrict, set_restrict)
+ """An internal database which holds a simple dictionary cat -> [package_list]."""
+ ALL = _("ALL")
+ def __init__ (self):
+ """Constructor."""
+ self.__initialize()
+ self._lock = RLock()
+ def lock (f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper (self, *args, **kwargs):
+ with self._lock:
+ r = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return r
+ return wrapper
+ def __initialize (self):
+ self._db = defaultdict(list)
+ self.inst_cats = set([self.ALL])
+ self._restrict = None
+ def __sort_key (self, x):
+ return x.pkg.lower()
+ @lock
+ def populate (self, category = None):
+ """Populates the database.
+ @param category: An optional category - so only packages of this category are inserted.
+ @type category: string
+ """
+ # get the lists
+ packages = system.find_packages(category, with_version = False)
+ installed = system.find_packages(category, system.SET_INSTALLED, with_version = False)
+ # cycle through packages
+ for p in packages:
+ cat, pkg = p.split("/")
+ inst = p in installed
+ t = PkgData(cat, pkg, inst)
+ self._db[cat].append(t)
+ self._db[self.ALL].append(t)
+ if inst:
+ self.inst_cats.add(cat)
+ for key in self._db: # sort alphabetically
+ self._db[key].sort(key = self.__sort_key)
+ @lock
+ def get_cat (self, cat = None, byName = True):
+ """Returns the packages in the category.
+ @param cat: category to return the packages from; if None it defaults to "ALL"
+ @type cat: string
+ @param byName: selects whether to return the list sorted by name or by installation
+ @type byName: boolean
+ @return: an iterator over a list of tuples: (category, name, is_installed) or []
+ @rtype: (string, string, boolean)<iterator>
+ """
+ if not cat:
+ cat = self.ALL
+ def get_pkgs():
+ if byName:
+ for pkg in self._db[cat]:
+ yield pkg
+ else:
+ ninst = []
+ for pkg in self._db[cat]:
+ if pkg.inst:
+ yield pkg
+ else:
+ ninst.append(pkg)
+ for pkg in ninst:
+ yield pkg
+ try:
+ if self.restrict:
+ return (pkg for pkg in get_pkgs() if pkg[1].find(self.restrict) != -1)
+ else:
+ return get_pkgs()
+ except KeyError: # cat is in category list - but not in portage
+ info(_("Catched KeyError => %s seems not to be an available category. Have you played with rsync-excludes?"), cat)
+ @lock
+ def get_categories (self, installed = False):
+ """Returns all categories.
+ @param installed: Only return these with at least one installed package.
+ @type installed: boolean
+ @returns: the list of categories
+ @rtype: string<iterator>
+ """
+ if not self.restrict:
+ if installed:
+ cats = self.inst_cats
+ else:
+ cats = self._db.iterkeys()
+ else:
+ if installed:
+ cats = set(( for pkg in self.get_cat(self.ALL) if pkg.inst))
+ else:
+ cats = set(( for pkg in self.get_cat(self.ALL)))
+ if len(cats)>1:
+ cats.add(self.ALL)
+ return (cat for cat in cats)
+ @lock
+ def reload (self, cat = None):
+ """Reloads the given category.
+ @param cat: category
+ @type cat: string
+ """
+ if cat:
+ del self._db[cat]
+ try:
+ self.inst_cats.remove(cat)
+ except KeyError: # not in inst_cats - can be ignored
+ pass
+ self._db[self.ALL] = filter(lambda x: != cat, self._db[self.ALL])
+ self.populate(cat+"/*")
+ else:
+ self.__initialize()
+ self.populate()
+ def get_restrict (self):
+ return self._restrict
+ @lock
+ def set_restrict (self, restrict):
+ if not restrict:
+ self._restrict = None
+ else:
+ try:
+ regex = re.compile(restrict, re.I)
+ except re.error, e:
+ info(_("Error while compiling search expression: '%s'."), str(e))
+ else: # only set self._restrict if no error occurred
+ self._restrict = regex
+ restrict = property(get_restrict, set_restrict)