path: root/portato/ipc.pyx
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Diffstat (limited to 'portato/ipc.pyx')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portato/ipc.pyx b/portato/ipc.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3fb4af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portato/ipc.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# File: portato/ipc.pyx
+# This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend.
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 René 'Necoro' Neumann
+# This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of
+# the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
+# Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann <>
+class MessageQueueError(Exception):
+ """
+ Base class for different queue errors.
+ """
+ pass
+class MessageQueueRemovedError (MessageQueueError):
+ """
+ This class is used iff the queue is already removed.
+ """
+ pass
+cdef class MessageQueue (object):
+ """
+ A simple interface to the SysV message queues.
+ """
+ cdef int msgid
+ cdef readonly key_t key
+ def __init__ (self, key = None, create = False, exclusive = False):
+ """
+ Create a new MessageQueue instance. Depending on the passed in flags,
+ different behavior occurs. See man msgget for the details.
+ If key is None, a random key is created.
+ """
+ cdef int flags = 0600 # start mode
+ if exclusive and not create:
+ raise ValueError("'exclusive' must be combined with 'create'.")
+ if key is None and not exclusive:
+ raise ValueError("The key can only be None if 'exclusive' is set.")
+ if create:
+ flags |= IPC_CREAT
+ if exclusive:
+ flags |= IPC_EXCL
+ if key is None:
+ check = True
+ while check:
+ self.key = self.random_key()
+ self.msgid = msgget(self.key, flags)
+ check = (self.msgid == -1 and errno == EEXIST)
+ else:
+ self.key = key
+ self.msgid = msgget(key, flags)
+ if self.msgid == -1:
+ if errno == EACCES:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Permission denied.")
+ elif errno == EEXIST:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Queue already exists.")
+ elif errno == ENOENT:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Queue does not exist and 'create' is not set.")
+ elif errno == ENOMEM or errno == ENOSPC:
+ raise MemoryError("Insufficient ressources.")
+ else:
+ raise OSError(errno, strerror(errno))
+ def remove (self):
+ """
+ Removes the message queue.
+ """
+ cdef msqid_ds info
+ cdef int ret
+ ret = msgctl(self.msgid, IPC_RMID, &info)
+ if ret == -1:
+ if errno == EIDRM or errno == EINVAL:
+ raise MessageQueueRemovedError("Queue already removed.")
+ elif errno == EPERM:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Permission denied.")
+ else:
+ raise OSError(errno, strerror(errno))
+ def send (self, message, int type = 1):
+ """
+ Sends a message with a specific type.
+ The type must be larger zero.
+ Also note, that this is always blocking.
+ """
+ cdef msg_data * msg
+ cdef int ret
+ cdef long size = len(message)
+ if type <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("type must be > 0")
+ if size >= MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE:
+ raise ValueError("Message must be smaller than %d" % MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+ msg = <msg_data*>PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(msg_data) + size)
+ if msg is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError("Out of memory")
+ memcpy(msg.mtext, <char*>message, size)
+ msg.mtype = type
+ with nogil:
+ ret = msgsnd(self.msgid, msg, size, 0)
+ try:
+ if ret == -1:
+ if errno == EIDRM or errno == EINVAL:
+ raise MessageQueueRemovedError("Queue was removed.")
+ elif errno == EINTR:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Signaled while waiting.")
+ elif errno == EACCES:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Permission denied.")
+ else:
+ raise OSError(errno, strerror(errno))
+ finally:
+ PyMem_Free(msg)
+ def receive (self):
+ """
+ Receives a message from the queue and returns the (msg, type) pair.
+ Note that this method is always blocking.
+ """
+ cdef msg_data * msg
+ cdef int ret
+ cdef object retTuple
+ msg = <msg_data*>PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(msg_data) + MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+ if msg is NULL:
+ raise MemoryError("Out of memory")
+ msg.mtype = 0
+ with nogil:
+ ret = msgrcv(self.msgid, msg, <size_t>MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, 0, 0)
+ try:
+ if ret == -1:
+ if errno == EIDRM or errno == EINVAL:
+ raise MessageQueueRemovedError("Queue was removed.")
+ elif errno == EINTR:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Signaled while waiting.")
+ elif errno == EACCES:
+ raise MessageQueueError("Permission denied.")
+ else:
+ raise OSError(errno, strerror(errno))
+ retTuple = (PyString_FromStringAndSize(msg.mtext, ret), msg.mtype)
+ finally:
+ PyMem_Free(msg)
+ return retTuple
+ cdef inline key_t random_key (self):
+ return <int>(<double>rand() / (<double>RAND_MAX + 1) * INT_MAX)