# # Configuration file for Portato # ================================== # # Allowed boolean values (case insensitive): # on <-> off # yes <-> no # true <-> false # 1 <-> 0 # # Comments are single-line only and are started with a '#' or a ';'. # # Values can be assigned to options via a '=' or ':' - so "option = value" is the same as "option : value" # # # Main section - for general, frontend independent options # [MAIN] ; controls the backend system to use ; allowed values: ; - portage system = portage ; controls debug output - boolean value debug = True ; the command used for syncing portage - string value synccommand = emerge --sync ; control the same-named "emerge --update" options - boolean values newuse = true deep = true ; control the name of the particular file if package.* is a directory - string values ; allowed placeholders: ; - $(pkg) : package-name ; - $(cat) : category-name ; - $(cat-1)/$(cat-2) : first/second part of the category name usefile = portato maskfile = portato keywordfile = portato ; control whether the option is inserted into package.* with a specific version or not - boolean values keywordperversion = True maskperversion = True useperversion = False # # Frontend section for options common to more than one GUI. # Not all frontends have to support all of the options. # [GUI] ; show emerge progress in window title - boolean value updatetitle = on ; show emerge process in console title - boolean value updateconsole = on ; show the systray icon?- boolean value showsystray = true ; control whether to completely hide on minimization - boolean value hideonminimize = true ; the browser to use - string value browserCmd = firefox ; search the packages while you are typing ; disable this if you own a slow machine ; - boolean value searchontype = true ; show slots in the version list - boolean value showslots = true ; sets the font of the console - string value consolefont = Monospace 11 ; controls the maximum length of the console title - integer value titlelength = 60 ; collapse categories with the same prefix - boolean value collapsecats = true ; sets the position of the tabs of the two notebooks ; allowed positions: ; - 1 : top ; - 2 : bottom ; - 3 : left ; - 4 : right packagetabpos = 2 systemtabpos = 2 # vim:ts=4:sw=4:ft=cfg