# # File: geneticone/backend/package.py # This file is part of the Genetic/One-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann from geneticone.backend import * from geneticone.helper import * from portage_helper import * import flags import portage, portage_dep, gentoolkit from portage_util import unique_array import types class Package (gentoolkit.Package): """This is a subclass of the gentoolkit.Package-class which a lot of additional functionality we need in Genetic/One.""" def __init__ (self, cpv): """Constructor. @param cpv: The cpv or gentoolkit.Package which describes the package to create. @type cpv: string (cat/pkg-ver) or gentoolkit.Package-object.""" if isinstance(cpv, gentoolkit.Package): cpv = cpv.get_cpv() gentoolkit.Package.__init__(self, cpv) try: self._status = portage.getmaskingstatus(self.get_cpv(), settings = gentoolkit.settings) except KeyError: # package is not located in the system self._status = None def is_in_system (self): """Returns False if the package could not be found in the portage system. @return: True if in portage system; else False @rtype: boolean""" return (self._status != None) def is_missing_keyword(self): """Returns True if the package is missing the needed keyword. @return: True if keyword is missing; else False @rtype: boolean""" if self._status and "missing keyword" in self._status: return True return False def is_testing(self, allowed = False): """Checks whether a package is marked as testing. @param allowed: Controls whether possible keywords are taken into account or not. @type allowed: boolean @returns: True if the package is marked as testing; else False. @rtype: boolean""" testArch = "~" + self.get_settings("ARCH") if not allowed: # keywords are NOT taken into account if testArch in self.get_env_var("KEYWORDS").split(): return True return False else: # keywords are taken into account status = flags.new_testing_status(self.get_cpv()) if status == None: # we haven't changed it in any way if self._status and testArch+" keyword" in self._status: return True return False else: return status def set_testing(self, enable = True): """Sets the actual testing status of the package. @param enable: if True it is masked as stable; if False it is marked as testing @type enable: boolean""" flags.set_testing(self, enable) def remove_new_testing(self): """Removes possible changed testing status.""" flags.remove_new_testing(self.get_cpv()) def is_masked (self): """Returns True if either masked by package.mask or by profile. @returns: True if masked / False otherwise @rtype: boolean""" status = flags.new_masking_status(self.get_cpv()) if status != None: # we have locally changed it if status == "masked": return True elif status == "unmasked": return False else: debug("BUG in flags.new_masking_status. It returns",status) else: # we have not touched the status if self._status and ("profile" in self._status or "package.mask" in self._status): return True return False def set_masked (self, masking = False): """Sets the masking status of the package. @param masking: if True: mask it; if False: unmask it @type masking: boolean""" flags.set_masked(self, masked = masking) def remove_new_masked (self): """Removes possible changed masking status.""" flags.remove_new_masked(self.get_cpv()) def get_all_use_flags (self): """Returns a list of _all_ useflags for this package, i.e. all useflags you can set for this package. @returns: list of use-flags @rtype: string[]""" return unique_array(self.get_env_var("IUSE").split()) def get_installed_use_flags (self): """Returns a list of the useflags enabled at installation time. If package is not installed, it returns an empty list. @returns: list of useflags enabled at installation time or an empty list @rtype: string[]""" if self.is_installed(): uses = self.get_use_flags().split() # all set at installation time iuses = self.get_all_use_flags() # all you can set for the package set = [] for u in iuses: if u in uses: set.append(u) return set else: return [] def get_new_use_flags (self): """Returns a list of the new useflags, i.e. these flags which are not written to the portage-system yet. @returns: list of flags or [] @rtype: string[]""" return flags.get_new_use_flags(self) def get_actual_use_flags (self): """This returns the result of installed_use_flags + new_use_flags. If the package is not installed, it returns only the new flags. @return: list of flags @rtype: string[]""" if self.is_installed(): i_flags = self.get_installed_use_flags() for f in self.get_new_use_flags(): if flags.invert_flag(f) in i_flags: i_flags.remove(flags.invert_flag(f)) elif f not in i_flags: i_flags.append(f) return i_flags else: return self.get_new_flags() def set_use_flag (self, flag): """Set a use-flag. @param flag: the flag to set @type flag: string""" flags.set_use_flag(self, flag) def remove_new_use_flags (self): """Remove all the new use-flags.""" flags.remove_new_use_flags(self) def get_matched_dep_packages (self): """This function looks for all dependencies which are resolved. In normal case it makes only sense for installed packages, but should work for uninstalled ones too. @returns: unique list of dependencies resolved (with elements like "<=net-im/foobar-1.2.3") @rtype: string[]""" # change the useflags, because we have internally changed some, but not made them visible for portage newUseFlags = self.get_new_use_flags() actual = self.get_settings("USE").split() if newUseFlags: for u in newUseFlags: if u[0] == "-" and flags.invert_use_flag(u) in actual: actual.remove(flags.invert_use_flag(u)) elif u not in actual: actual.append(u) # # the following stuff is mostly adapted from portage.dep_check() # depstring = self.get_env_var("RDEPEND")+" "+self.get_env_var("DEPEND")+" "+self.get_env_var("PDEPEND") # change the parentheses into lists mysplit = portage_dep.paren_reduce(depstring) # strip off these deps we don't have a flag for mysplit = portage_dep.use_reduce(mysplit, uselist = actual, masklist = [], matchall = False, excludeall = self.get_settings("ARCH")) # move the || (or) into the lists mysplit = portage_dep.dep_opconvert(mysplit) # turn virtuals into real packages mysplit = portage.dep_virtual(mysplit, self._settings) mysplit_reduced= portage.dep_wordreduce(mysplit, self._settings, vartree.dbapi, mode = None) retlist = [] def add (list, red_list): """Adds the packages to retlist.""" for i in range(len(list)): if type(list[i]) == types.ListType: add(list[i], red_list[i]) elif list[i] == "||": continue else: if red_list[i]: retlist.append(list[i]) add(mysplit, mysplit_reduced) return unique_array(retlist) def get_dep_packages (self): """Returns a cpv-list of packages on which this package depends and which have not been installed yet. This does not check the dependencies in a recursive manner. @returns: list of cpvs on which the package depend @rtype: string[] @raises geneticone.BlockedException: when a package in the dependency-list is blocked by an installed one @raises geneticone.PackageNotFoundException: when a package in the dependency list could not be found in the system @raises geneticone.DependencyCalcError: when an error occured during executing portage.dep_check()""" dep_pkgs = [] # the package list # change the useflags, because we have internally changed some, but not made them visible for portage newUseFlags = self.get_new_use_flags() actual = self.get_settings("USE").split() if newUseFlags: for u in newUseFlags: if u[0] == "-" and flags.invert_use_flag(u) in actual: actual.remove(flags.invert_use_flag(u)) elif u not in actual: actual.append(u) # let portage do the main stuff ;) # pay attention to any changes here deps = portage.dep_check (self.get_env_var("RDEPEND")+" "+self.get_env_var("DEPEND")+" "+self.get_env_var("PDEPEND"), vartree.dbapi, self._settings, myuse = actual) if not deps: # FIXME: what is the difference to [1, []] ? return [] if deps[0] == 0: # error raise DependencyCalcError, deps[1] deps = deps[1] for dep in deps: if dep[0] == '!': # blocking sth blocked = find_installed_packages(dep[1:]) if blocked != []: raise BlockedException, blocked[0].get_cpv() else: # next flag continue pkg = find_best_match(dep) if not pkg: # try to find masked ones list = find_packages(dep, masked = True) if not list: raise PackageNotFoundException, dep list = sort_package_list(list) done = False for i in range(len(list)-1,0,-1): p = list[i] if not p.is_masked(): dep_pkgs.append(p.get_cpv()) done = True break if not done: dep_pkgs.append(list[-1].get_cpv()) else: dep_pkgs.append(pkg.get_cpv()) return dep_pkgs def get_cp (self): """Returns the cp-string. @returns: category/package. @rtype: string""" return self.get_category()+"/"+self.get_name() def matches (self, criterion): """This checks, whether this package matches a specific verisioning criterion - e.g.: "<=net-im/foobar-1.2". @param criterion: the criterion to match against @type criterion: string @returns: True if matches; False if not @rtype: boolean""" if portage.match_from_list(criterion, [self.get_cpv()]) == []: return False else: return True