# # File: geneticone/backend/portage_helper.py # This file is part of the Genetic/One-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006 Necoro d.M. # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by Necoro d.M. import re, os, copy import portage, gentoolkit from portage_util import unique_array from geneticone.backend import * import package def find_lambda (name): """Returns the function needed by all the find_all_*-functions. Returns None if no name is given. @param name: name to build the function of @type name: string @returns: 1. None if no name is given 2. a lambda function @rtype: function""" if name != None: return lambda x: re.match(".*"+name+".*",x) else: return lambda x: True def geneticize_list (list_of_packages): """Convertes a list of gentoolkit.Packages into L{backend.Package}s. @param list_of_packages: the list of packages @type list_of_packages: list of gentoolkit.Packages @returns: converted list @rtype: list of geneticone.backend.Packages""" return [package.Package(x) for x in list_of_packages] def find_best_match (search_key, only_installed = False): """Finds the best match in the portage tree. It does not find masked packages! @param search_key: the key to find in the portage tree @type search_key: string @param only_installed: if True, only installed packages are searched @type only_installed: boolean @returns: the package found or None @rtype: backend.Package or None""" t = None if not only_installed: t = porttree.dep_bestmatch(search_key) else: t = vartree.dep_bestmatch(search_key) if t: return package.Package(t) return None def find_packages (search_key, masked=False): """This returns a list of packages which have to fit exactly. Additionally ranges like '<,>,=,~,!' et. al. are possible. @param search_key: the key to look for @type search_key: string @param masked: if True, also look for masked packages @type masked: boolean @returns: list of found packages @rtype: list of backend.Package""" return geneticize_list(gentoolkit.find_packages(search_key, masked)) def find_installed_packages (search_key, masked=False): """This returns a list of packages which have to fit exactly. Additionally ranges like '<,>,=,~,!' et. al. are possible. @param search_key: the key to look for @type search_key: string @param masked: if True, also look for masked packages @type masked: boolean @returns: list of found packages @rtype: list of backend.Package""" return geneticize_list(gentoolkit.find_installed_packages(search_key, masked)) def find_system_packages (): """Returns a list-tuple (resolved_packages, unresolved_packages) for all system packages.""" list = gentoolkit.find_system_packages() return (geneticize_list(list[0]), geneticize_list(list[1])) def find_world_packages (): """Returns a list-tuple (resolved_packages, unresolved_packages) for all packages in the world-file.""" list = gentoolkit.find_world_packages() return geneticize_list(list[0]),geneticize_list(list[1]) def find_all_installed_packages (name=None, withVersion=True): """Returns a list of all installed packages matching ".*name.*". Returns ALL installed packages if name is None.""" if withVersion: return geneticize_list(gentoolkit.find_all_installed_packages(find_lambda(name))) else: t = vartree.dbapi.cp_all() if name: t = filter(find_lambda(name),t) return t def find_all_uninstalled_packages (name=None): """Returns a list of all uninstalled packages matching ".*name.*". Returns ALL uninstalled packages if name is None.""" return geneticize_list(gentoolkit.find_all_uninstalled_packages(find_lambda(name))) def find_all_packages (name=None, withVersion = True): """Returns a list of all packages matching ".*name.*". Returns ALL packages if name is None.""" if (withVersion): return geneticize_list(gentoolkit.find_all_packages(find_lambda(name))) else: t = porttree.dbapi.cp_all() t += vartree.dbapi.cp_all() t = unique_array(t) if name: t = filter(find_lambda(name),t) return t def find_all_world_packages (name=None): """Returns a list of all world packages matching ".*name.*". Returns ALL world packages if name is None.""" world = filter(find_lambda(name), [x.get_cpv() for x in find_world_packages()[0]]) world = unique_array(world) return [package.Package(x) for x in world] def find_all_system_packages (name=None): """Returns a list of all system packages matching ".*name.*". Returns ALL system packages if name is None.""" sys = filter(find_lambda(name), [x.get_cpv() for x in find_system_packages()[0]]) sys = unique_array(sys) return [package.Package(x) for x in sys] def get_all_versions (cp): """Returns all versions of a certain package. @param cp: the package @type cp: string (cat/pkg) @returns: the list of found packages @rtype: list of backend.Package""" t = porttree.dbapi.cp_list(cp) t += vartree.dbapi.cp_list(cp) t = unique_array(t) return geneticize_list(t) def get_all_installed_versions (cp): """Returns all installed versions of a certain package. @param cp: the package @type cp: string (cat/pkg) @returns: the list of found packages @rtype: list of backend.Package""" return geneticize_list(vartree.dbapi.cp_list(cp)) def list_categories (name=None): """Returns a list of categories matching ".*name.*" or all categories.""" categories = gentoolkit.settings.categories return filter(find_lambda(name), categories) def split_package_name (name): """Returns a list in the form [category, name, version, revision]. Revision will be 'r0' if none can be inferred. Category and version will be empty, if none can be inferred.""" return gentoolkit.split_package_name(name) def sort_package_list(pkglist): """Sorts a package list in the same manner portage does.""" return gentoolkit.sort_package_list(pkglist) def reload_settings (): """Reloads portage.""" gentoolkit.settings = portage.config(config_incrementals = copy.deepcopy(gentoolkit.settings.incrementals)) use_descs = {} local_use_descs = {} def get_use_desc (flag, package = None): """Returns the description of a specific useflag or None if no desc was found. If a package is given (in the / format) the local use descriptions are searched too. In the first run the dictionaries 'use_descs' and 'local_use_descs' are filled.""" # fill cache if needed if use_descs == {} or local_use_descs == {}: # read use.desc fd = open(gentoolkit.settings["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/use.desc") for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line != "" and line[0] != '#': fields = [x.strip() for x in line.split(" - ",1)] if len(fields) == 2: use_descs[fields[0]] = fields[1] # read use.local.desc fd = open(gentoolkit.settings["PORTDIR"]+"/profiles/use.local.desc") for line in fd.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line != "" and line[0] != '#': fields = [x.strip() for x in line.split(":",1)] if len(fields) == 2: if not fields[0] in local_use_descs: # create local_use_descs[fields[0]] = {} subfields = [x.strip() for x in fields[1].split(" - ",1)] if len(subfields) == 2: local_use_descs[fields[0]][subfields[0]] = subfields[1] # start desc = None if flag in use_descs: desc = use_descs[flag] if package != None: if package in local_use_descs: if flag in local_use_descs[package]: desc = local_use_descs[package][flag] return desc