# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # File: portato/backend/package.py # This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann from __future__ import absolute_import from ..helper import debug, paren_reduce from ..dependency import DependencyTree from . import _Package, system, flags class Package (_Package): """This is a class abstracting a normal package which can be installed.""" def __init__ (self, cpv): """Constructor. @param cpv: The cpv which describes the package to create. @type cpv: string (cat/pkg-ver)""" self._cpv = cpv # # implemented # def set_testing(self, enable = True): """Sets the actual testing status of the package. @param enable: if True it is masked as stable; if False it is marked as testing @type enable: boolean""" flags.set_testing(self, enable) def remove_new_testing(self): """Removes possible changed testing status.""" flags.remove_new_testing(self.get_cpv()) def set_masked (self, masking = False): """Sets the masking status of the package. @param masking: if True: mask it; if False: unmask it @type masking: boolean""" flags.set_masked(self, masked = masking) def remove_new_masked (self): """Removes possible changed masking status.""" flags.remove_new_masked(self.get_cpv()) def is_locally_masked (self): """Checks whether the package is masked by the user. @returns: True if masked by the user; False if not @rtype: bool""" return flags.is_locally_masked(self) def get_new_use_flags (self): """Returns a list of the new useflags, i.e. these flags which are not written to the portage-system yet. @returns: list of flags or [] @rtype: string[]""" return flags.get_new_use_flags(self) def get_actual_use_flags (self): """This returns all currently set use-flags including the new ones. @return: list of flags @rtype: string[]""" i_flags = self.get_global_settings("USE", installed = False).split() m_flags = system.get_global_settings("USE").split() for f in self.get_new_use_flags(): removed = False if f[0] == "~": f = f[1:] removed = True if f[0] == '-': if flags.invert_use_flag(f) in i_flags and not (removed and flags.invert_use_flag(f) in m_flags): i_flags.remove(flags.invert_use_flag(f)) elif f not in i_flags: if not (removed and flags.invert_use_flag(f) in m_flags): i_flags.append(f) return i_flags def set_use_flag (self, flag): """Set a use-flag. @param flag: the flag to set @type flag: string""" flags.set_use_flag(self, flag) def remove_new_use_flags (self): """Remove all the new use-flags.""" flags.remove_new_use_flags(self) def use_expanded (self, flag, suggest = None): """Tests whether a useflag is an expanded one. If it is, this method returns the USE_EXPAND-value. @param flag: the flag to check @type flag: string @param suggest: try this suggestion first @type suggest: string @returns: USE_EXPAND-value on success @rtype: string or None""" if suggest is not None: if flag.startswith(suggest.lower()): return suggest for exp in self.get_global_settings("USE_EXPAND").split(): lexp = exp.lower() if flag.startswith(lexp): return exp return None def get_cpv(self): """Returns full Category/Package-Version string. @returns: the cpv @rtype: string""" return self._cpv def get_cp (self): """Returns the cp-string. @returns: category/package. @rtype: string""" return self.get_category()+"/"+self.get_name() def get_slot_cp (self): """Returns the current cp followed by a colon and the slot-number. @returns: cp:slot @rtype: string""" return ("%s:%s" % (self.get_cp(), self.get_package_settings("SLOT"))) def get_package_path(self): """Returns the path to where the ChangeLog, Manifest, .ebuild files reside. @returns: path to the package files @rtype: string""" p = self.get_ebuild_path() sp = p.split("/") if sp: return "/".join(sp[:-1]) def get_dependencies (self): """ Returns the tree of dependencies that this package needs. @rtype: L{DependencyTree} """ deps = " ".join(map(self.get_package_settings, ("RDEPEND", "PDEPEND", "DEPEND"))) deps = paren_reduce(deps) tree = DependencyTree() def add (tree, deps): it = iter(deps) for dep in it: if hasattr(dep, "__iter__"): debug("Following dep is an unsupposed list: %s", dep) assert(len(dep) == 1) dep = dep[0] if dep.endswith("?"): ntree = tree.add_flag(dep[:-1]) n = it.next() if not hasattr(n, "__iter__"): n = (n,) add(ntree, n) elif dep == "||": n = it.next() # skip if not hasattr(n, "__iter__"): n = [n] else: n = list(n) tree.add_or(n) else: tree.add(dep) add(tree, deps) return tree # # Not implemented # def get_name(self): """Returns base name of package, no category nor version. @returns: base-name @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def get_version(self): """Returns version of package, with (optional) revision number. @returns: version-rev @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def get_category(self): """Returns category of package. @returns: category @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def is_installed(self): """Returns true if this package is installed (merged). @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError def is_in_overlay(self): """Returns true if the package is in an overlay. @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError def get_overlay_path(self): """Returns the path to the current overlay. @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def is_in_system (self): """Returns False if the package could not be found in the portage system. @return: True if in portage system; else False @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError def is_missing_keyword(self): """Returns True if the package is missing the needed keyword. @return: True if keyword is missing; else False @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError def is_testing(self, use_keywords = False): """Checks whether a package is marked as testing. @param use_keywords: Controls whether possible keywords are taken into account or not. @type use_keywords: boolean @returns: True if the package is marked as testing; else False. @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError def is_masked (self, use_changed = True): """Returns True if either masked by package.mask or by profile. @param use_changed: Controls, whether changes applied to masking keywords are taken into account. @type use_changed: boolean @returns: True if masked / False otherwise @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError def get_masking_reason (self): """Returns the reason for masking the package. If this is not possible for the system, return None. @returns: the reason for masking the package @rtype: string""" def get_iuse_flags (self, installed = False, removeForced = True): """Returns a list of _all_ useflags for this package, i.e. all useflags you can set for this package. @param installed: do not take the ones stated in the ebuild, but the ones it has been installed with @type installed: boolean @param removeForced: remove forced flags (i.e. usemask / useforce) from the iuse flags as they cannot be set from the user @type removeForced: boolean @returns: list of use-flags @rtype: string[]""" raise NotImplementedError def get_matched_dep_packages (self, depvar): """This function looks for all dependencies which are resolved. In normal case it makes only sense for installed packages, but should work for uninstalled ones too. @param depvar: the dependency variables (RDEPEND, PDEPEND, DEPEND) to use @type depvar: string[] @returns: unique list of dependencies resolved (with elements like "<=net-im/foobar-1.2.3") @rtype: string[] @raises portato.DependencyCalcError: when an error occured during executing portage.dep_check()""" raise NotImplementedError def get_dep_packages (self, depvar = ["RDEPEND", "PDEPEND", "DEPEND"], with_criterions = False): """Returns a cpv-list of packages on which this package depends and which have not been installed yet. This does not check the dependencies in a recursive manner. @param depvar: the dependency variables (RDEPEND, PDEPEND, DEPEND) to use @type depvar: string[] @param with_criterions: return also the criterions @type with_criterions: boolean @returns: list of cpvs on which the package depend (and if wanted also the criterions) @rtype: string[] or (string, string)[] @raises portato.BlockedException: when a package in the dependency-list is blocked by an installed one @raises portato.PackageNotFoundException: when a package in the dependency list could not be found in the system @raises portato.DependencyCalcError: when an error occured during executing portage.dep_check()""" raise NotImplementedError def get_global_settings(self, key, installed = True): """Returns the value of a global setting, i.e. ARCH, USE, ROOT, DISTDIR etc. @param key: the setting to return @type key: string @param installed: get the installed settings or the ebuild settings @type installed: boolean @returns: the value of this setting @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def get_ebuild_path(self): """Returns the complete path to the .ebuild file. @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def get_files (self): """ Returns an iterator over the installed files of a package. If the package is not installed, the iterator should be "empty". @returns: the installed files @rtype: string """ raise NotImplementedError def get_package_settings(self, var, tree = None): """Returns a package specific setting, such as DESCRIPTION, SRC_URI, IUSE ... @param var: the setting to get @type var: string @param tree: an object defining whether to take the information from the installed package or from the ebuild @type tree: unknown @returns: the value of the setting @rtype: string""" raise NotImplementedError def get_installed_use_flags(self): """Returns _all_ (not only the package-specific) useflags which were set at the installation time of the package. @returns: list of use flags @rtype: string[]""" raise NotImplementedError def compare_version(self, other): """Compares this package's version to another's CPV; returns -1, 0, 1. @param other: the other package @type other: Package @returns: -1, 0 or 1 @rtype: int""" raise NotImplementedError def matches (self, criterion): """This checks, whether this package matches a specific versioning criterion - e.g.: "<=net-im/foobar-1.2". @param criterion: the criterion to match against @type criterion: string @returns: True if matches; False if not @rtype: boolean""" raise NotImplementedError