# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # File: portato/gui/gtk/windows.py # This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann # gtk stuff import pygtk pygtk.require("2.0") import gtk import gtk.glade import gobject # our backend stuff from portato.helper import * from portato.constants import CONFIG_LOCATION, VERSION, DATA_DIR from portato.backend import flags, system from portato.backend.exceptions import * # plugins from portato import plugin # more GUI stuff from portato.gui.gui_helper import Database, Config, EmergeQueue from dialogs import * from wrapper import GtkTree, GtkConsole from usetips import UseTips # for the terminal import vte # other import types GLADE_FILE = DATA_DIR+"portato.glade" class Window: def __init__ (self): self.tree = gtk.glade.XML(GLADE_FILE, root = self.__class__.__name__) self.tree.signal_autoconnect(self) self.window = self.tree.get_widget(self.__class__.__name__) @staticmethod def watch_cursor (func): """This is a decorator for functions being so time consuming, that it is appropriate to show the watch-cursor. @attention: this function relies on the gtk.Window-Object being stored as self.window""" def wrapper (self, *args, **kwargs): ret = None def cb_idle(): try: ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.window.window.set_cursor(None) return False watch = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH) self.window.window.set_cursor(watch) gobject.idle_add(cb_idle) return ret return wrapper def create_popup (self, name): popupTree = gtk.glade.XML(GLADE_FILE, root = name) popupTree.signal_autoconnect(self) return popupTree.get_widget(name) class AbstractDialog (Window): """A class all our dialogs get derived from. It sets useful default vars and automatically handles the ESC-Button.""" def __init__ (self, parent): """Constructor. @param parent: the parent window @type parent: gtk.Window""" Window.__init__(self) # set parent self.window.set_transient_for(parent) # catch the ESC-key self.window.connect("key-press-event", self.cb_key_pressed) def cb_key_pressed (self, widget, event): """Closes the window if ESC is pressed.""" keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if keyname == "Escape": self.close() return True else: return False def close (self, *args): self.window.destroy() class AboutWindow (AbstractDialog): """A window showing the "about"-informations.""" def __init__ (self, parent, plugins): """Constructor. @param parent: the parent window @type parent: gtk.Window""" AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent) label = self.tree.get_widget("aboutLabel") label.set_markup(""" Portato v.%s A Portage-GUI This software is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2. Copyright (C) 2006-2007 René 'Necoro' Neumann <necoro@necoro.net> Thanks to Fred for support and ideas :P """ % VERSION) view = self.tree.get_widget("pluginList") store = gtk.ListStore(str,str) view.set_model(store) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Plugin", cell, markup = 0) view.append_column(col) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Authors", cell, text = 1) view.append_column(col) for p in [(""+n+"",a) for n,a in plugins]: store.append(p) self.window.show_all() class SearchWindow (AbstractDialog): """A window showing the results of a search process.""" def __init__ (self, parent, list, jump_to): """Constructor. @param parent: parent-window @type parent: gtk.Window @param list: list of results to show @type list: string[] @param jump_to: function to call if "OK"-Button is hit @type jump_to: function(string)""" AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.list = list # list to show self.jump_to = jump_to # function to call for jumping # combo box self.combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for x in list: self.combo.append_text(x) self.combo.set_active(0) # first item self.combo.connect("key-press-event", self.cb_key_pressed_combo) self.window.add(self.combo) # finished --> show self.window.show_all() def cb_key_pressed_combo (self, widget, event): """Emulates a ok-button-click.""" keyname = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) if keyname == "Return": # take it as an "OK" if Enter is pressed self.window.destroy() self.jump_to(self.list[self.combo.get_active()]) return True else: return False class PreferenceWindow (AbstractDialog): """Window displaying some preferences.""" # all checkboxes in the window # widget name -> option name checkboxes = { "debugCheck" : "debug_opt", "deepCheck" : "deep_opt", "newUseCheck" : "newuse_opt", "maskPerVersionCheck" : "maskPerVersion_opt", "usePerVersionCheck" : "usePerVersion_opt", "useTipsCheck" : ("useTips_opt", "gtk_sec"), "testPerVersionCheck" : "testingPerVersion_opt" } # all edits in the window # widget name -> option name edits = { "maskFileEdit" : "maskFile_opt", "testFileEdit" : "testingFile_opt", "useFileEdit" : "useFile_opt", "syncCommandEdit" : "syncCmd_opt" } # mapping from the radio buttons to the system name # widget name -> option system_radios = { "portageRadio" : "portage", "pkgCoreRadio" : "pkgcore", "paludisRadio" : "paludis" } # mapping from the system name to the radio button # option -> widget name systems = {} systems.update(zip(system_radios.values(), system_radios.keys())) def __init__ (self, parent, cfg): """Constructor. @param parent: parent window @type parent: gtk.Window @param cfg: configuration object @type cfg: gui_helper.Config""" AbstractDialog.__init__(self, parent) # our config self.cfg = cfg # set the bg-color of the hint hintEB = self.tree.get_widget("hintEB") hintEB.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse("#f3f785")) # the checkboxes for box in self.checkboxes: val = self.checkboxes[box] if type(val) == types.TupleType: self.tree.get_widget(box).\ set_active(self.cfg.get_boolean(val[0], section = self.cfg.const[val[1]])) else: self.tree.get_widget(box).\ set_active(self.cfg.get_boolean(val)) # the edits for edit in self.edits: self.tree.get_widget(edit).\ set_text(self.cfg.get(self.edits[edit])) # the system radios self.tree.get_widget(self.systems[self.cfg.get("system_opt").lower()]).set_active(True) self.window.show_all() def _save(self): """Sets all options in the Config-instance.""" for box in self.checkboxes: val = self.checkboxes[box] if type(val) == types.TupleType: self.cfg.set_boolean(val[0], self.tree.get_widget(box).get_active(), section = self.cfg.const[val[1]]) else: self.cfg.set_boolean(val, self.tree.get_widget(box).get_active()) for edit in self.edits: self.cfg.set(self.edits[edit],self.tree.get_widget(edit).get_text()) for radio in self.system_radios: if self.tree.get_widget(radio).get_active(): self.cfg.set("system_opt", self.system_radios[radio]) def cb_ok_clicked(self, button): """Saves, writes to config-file and closes the window.""" self._save() try: self.cfg.write() except IOError, e: io_ex_dialog(e) self.window.destroy() def cb_cancel_clicked (self, button): """Just closes - w/o saving.""" self.window.destroy() class EbuildWindow (AbstractDialog): """The window showing the ebuild.""" def __init__ (self, parent, package): """Constructor. @param parent: the parent window @type parent: gtk.Window @param package: the actual package @type package: backend.Package""" AbstractDialog.__init__(self,parent) # we want it to get minimized self.window.set_transient_for(None) self.window.set_title(package.get_cpv()) # set geometry (same as MainWindow) mHeight = 800 if gtk.gdk.screen_height() <= 800: mHeight = 600 self.window.set_geometry_hints (self.window, min_width = 800, min_height = mHeight, max_height = gtk.gdk.screen_height(), max_width = gtk.gdk.screen_width()) self.package = package self._build_view() self._show() def _build_view(self): """Creates the buffer and the view.""" self.buf = gtk.TextBuffer() self.view = gtk.TextView(self.buf) def _show (self): """Fill the buffer with content and shows the window.""" self.view.set_editable(False) self.view.set_cursor_visible(False) try: # read ebuild f = open(self.package.get_ebuild_path(), "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() except IOError,e: io_ex_dialog(e) return self.buf.set_text("".join(lines)) self.tree.get_widget("ebuildScroll").add(self.view) self.window.show_all() class PackageTable: """A window with data about a specfic package.""" def __init__ (self, main): """Build up window contents. @param main: the main window @type main: MainWindow""" self.main = main self.tree = main.tree self.window = main.window self.tree.signal_autoconnect(self) # the table self.table = self.tree.get_widget("PackageTable") # the combo vb self.comboVB = self.tree.get_widget("comboVB") # chechboxes self.installedCheck = self.tree.get_widget("installedCheck") self.maskedCheck = self.tree.get_widget("maskedCheck") self.testingCheck = self.tree.get_widget("testingCheck") # labels self.descLabel = self.tree.get_widget("descLabel") self.notInSysLabel = self.tree.get_widget("notInSysLabel") self.missingLabel = self.tree.get_widget("missingLabel") # buttons self.emergeBtn = self.tree.get_widget("pkgEmergeBtn") self.unmergeBtn = self.tree.get_widget("pkgUnmergeBtn") self.cancelBtn = self.tree.get_widget("pkgCancelBtn") self.ebuildBtn = self.tree.get_widget("pkgEbuildBtn") # useList self.useListScroll = self.tree.get_widget("useListScroll") self.useList = None def update (self, cp, queue = None, version = None, doEmerge = True, instantChange = False): """Updates the table to show the contents for the package. @param cp: the selected package @type cp: string (cp) @param queue: emerge-queue (if None the emerge-buttons are disabled) @type queue: EmergeQueue @param version: if not None, specifies the version to select @type version: string @param doEmerge: if False, the emerge buttons are disabled @type doEmerge: False @param instantChange: if True the changed keywords are updated instantly @type instantChange: boolean""" self.cp = cp # category/package self.version = version # version - if not None this is used self.queue = queue self.doEmerge = doEmerge self.instantChange = instantChange # packages and installed packages self.packages = system.sort_package_list(system.find_packages(cp, masked = True)) self.instPackages = system.sort_package_list(system.find_installed_packages(cp, masked = True)) # version-combo-box self.vCombo = self.build_vers_combo() if not self.doEmerge: self.vCombo.set_sensitive(False) children = self.comboVB.get_children() if children: for c in children: self.comboVB.remove(c) self.comboVB.pack_start(self.vCombo) # the label (must be here, because it depends on the combo box) desc = self.actual_package().get_package_settings("DESCRIPTION").replace("&","&") if not desc: desc = "" use_markup = False else: desc = ""+desc+"" use_markup = True desc = ""+self.actual_package().get_cp()+"\n\n"+desc self.descLabel.set_use_markup(use_markup) self.descLabel.set_label(desc) if not self.queue or not self.doEmerge: self.emergeBtn.set_sensitive(False) self.unmergeBtn.set_sensitive(False) # current status self.cb_combo_changed(self.vCombo) self.table.show_all() def hide (self): self.table.hide_all() def fill_use_list(self, store): """Fills a given ListStore with the use-flag data. @param store: the store to fill @type store: gtk.ListStore""" pkg = self.actual_package() pkg_flags = pkg.get_all_use_flags() pkg_flags.sort() actual_exp = None actual_exp_it = None for use in pkg_flags: exp = pkg.use_expanded(use, suggest = actual_exp) if exp is not None: if exp != actual_exp: actual_exp_it = store.append(None, [None, exp, "This is an expanded use flag and cannot be selected"]) actual_exp = exp else: actual_exp_it = None actual_exp = None store.append(actual_exp_it, [pkg.is_use_flag_enabled(use), use, system.get_use_desc(use, self.cp)]) return store def build_use_list (self): """Builds the useList.""" store = gtk.TreeStore(bool, str, str) self.fill_use_list(store) # build view view = gtk.TreeView(store) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() tCell = gtk.CellRendererToggle() tCell.set_property("activatable", True) tCell.connect("toggled", self.cb_use_flag_toggled, store) view.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("Enabled", tCell, active = 0)) view.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("Flags", cell, text = 1)) view.append_column(gtk.TreeViewColumn("Description", cell, markup = 2)) view.set_search_column(1) view.set_enable_tree_lines(True) if store.iter_n_children(None) == 0: # if there are no nodes in the list ... view.set_child_visible(False) # ... do not show the list else: view.set_child_visible(True) return view def build_vers_combo (self): """Creates the combo box with the different versions.""" combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() # append versions for s in [x.get_version() for x in self.packages]: combo.append_text(s) # activate the first one try: best_version = "" if self.version: best_version = self.version else: best_version = system.find_best_match(self.packages[0].get_cp(), (self.instPackages != [])).get_version() for i in range(len(self.packages)): if self.packages[i].get_version() == best_version: combo.set_active(i) break except AttributeError: # no package found # debug('catched AttributeError => no "best package" found. Selected first one.') combo.set_active(0) combo.connect("changed", self.cb_combo_changed) return combo def actual_package (self): """Returns the actual selected package. @returns: the actual selected package @rtype: backend.Package""" return self.packages[self.vCombo.get_active()] def _update_keywords (self, emerge, update = False): if emerge: try: try: self.queue.append(self.actual_package().get_cpv(), unmerge = False, update = update) except PackageNotFoundException, e: if unmask_dialog(e[0]) == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: self.queue.append(self.actual_package().get_cpv(), unmerge = False, unmask = True, update = update) except BlockedException, e: blocked_dialog(e[0], e[1]) else: try: self.queue.append(self.actual_package().get_cpv(), unmerge = True) except PackageNotFoundException, e: masked_dialog(e[0]) def cb_combo_changed (self, combo): """Callback for the changed ComboBox. It then rebuilds the useList and the checkboxes.""" # remove old useList w = self.useListScroll.get_child() if w: self.useListScroll.remove(w) # build new self.useList = self.build_use_list() self.useListScroll.add(self.useList) pkg = self.actual_package() # # rebuild the buttons and checkboxes in all the different manners which are possible # if (not pkg.is_in_system()) or pkg.is_missing_keyword(): if not pkg.is_in_system(): self.missingLabel.hide() self.notInSysLabel.show() else: # missing keyword self.missingLabel.show() self.notInSysLabel.hide() self.installedCheck.hide() self.maskedCheck.hide() self.testingCheck.hide() self.emergeBtn.set_sensitive(False) else: # normal package self.missingLabel.hide() self.notInSysLabel.hide() self.installedCheck.show() self.maskedCheck.show() self.testingCheck.show() if self.doEmerge: self.emergeBtn.set_sensitive(True) self.installedCheck.set_active(pkg.is_installed()) self.maskedCheck.set_active(pkg.is_masked()) if pkg.is_testing(use_keywords = False) and not pkg.is_testing(use_keywords = True): self.testingCheck.set_label("(Testing)") self.testingCheck.get_child().set_use_markup(True) else: self.testingCheck.set_label("Testing") self.testingCheck.set_active(pkg.is_testing(use_keywords = False)) if self.doEmerge: # set emerge-button-label if not self.actual_package().is_installed(): self.emergeBtn.set_label("E_merge") self.unmergeBtn.set_sensitive(False) else: self.emergeBtn.set_label("Re_merge") self.unmergeBtn.set_sensitive(True) self.table.show_all() return True def cb_button_pressed (self, b, event): """Callback for pressed checkboxes. Just quits the event-loop - no redrawing.""" if not isinstance(b, gtk.CellRendererToggle): b.emit_stop_by_name("button-press-event") return True def cb_package_revert_clicked (self, button): """Callback for pressed cancel-button. Closes the window.""" self.actual_package().remove_new_use_flags() self.actual_package().remove_new_masked() self.actual_package().remove_new_testing() self.cb_combo_changed(self.vCombo) if self.instantChange: self._update_keywords(True, update = True) return True def cb_package_emerge_clicked (self, button): """Callback for pressed emerge-button. Adds the package to the EmergeQueue.""" if not am_i_root(): not_root_dialog() else: self._update_keywords(True) self.main.notebook.set_current_page(self.main.QUEUE_PAGE) return True def cb_package_unmerge_clicked (self, button): """Callback for pressed unmerge-button clicked. Adds the package to the UnmergeQueue.""" if not am_i_root(): not_root_dialog() else: self._update_keywords(False) self.main.notebook.set_current_page(self.main.QUEUE_PAGE) return True def cb_package_ebuild_clicked(self, button): hook = plugin.hook("open_ebuild", self.actual_package(), self.window) hook(EbuildWindow)(self.window, self.actual_package()) return True def cb_testing_toggled (self, button): """Callback for toggled testing-checkbox.""" status = button.get_active() if self.actual_package().is_testing(use_keywords = False) == status: return False if not self.actual_package().is_testing(use_keywords = True): self.actual_package().set_testing(False) button.set_label("Testing") button.set_active(True) else: self.actual_package().set_testing(True) if self.actual_package().is_testing(use_keywords=False): button.set_label("(Testing)") button.get_child().set_use_markup(True) button.set_active(True) if self.instantChange: self._update_keywords(True, update = True) return True def cb_masked_toggled (self, button): """Callback for toggled masking-checkbox.""" status = button.get_active() self.actual_package().set_masked(status) if self.instantChange: self._update_keywords(True, update = True) return True def cb_use_flag_toggled (self, cell, path, store): """Callback for a toggled use-flag button.""" flag = store[path][1] pkg = self.actual_package() if flag in pkg.get_global_settings("USE_EXPAND").split(" "): # ignore expanded flags return False store[path][0] = not store[path][0] prefix = "" if not store[path][0]: prefix = "-" pkg.set_use_flag(prefix+flag) if self.instantChange: self._update_keywords(True, update = True) return True class MainWindow (Window): """Application main window.""" # NOTEBOOK PAGE CONSTANTS PKG_PAGE = 0 QUEUE_PAGE = 1 CONSOLE_PAGE = 2 def __init__ (self): """Build up window""" # main window stuff Window.__init__(self) self.window.set_title(("Portato (%s)" % VERSION)) mHeight = 800 if gtk.gdk.screen_height() <= 800: mHeight = 600 self.window.set_geometry_hints (self.window, min_width = 600, min_height = mHeight, max_height = gtk.gdk.screen_height(), max_width = gtk.gdk.screen_width()) # booleans self.doUpdate = False self.packageInit = True # installed pixbuf self.instPixbuf = self.window.render_icon(gtk.STOCK_YES, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) # package db self.db = Database() self.db.populate() # config try: self.cfg = Config(CONFIG_LOCATION) except IOError, e: io_ex_dialog(e) raise self.cfg.modify_external_configs() plugin.load_plugins() # set vpaned position vpaned = self.tree.get_widget("vpaned") vpaned.set_position(mHeight/2) # cat and pkg list self.catList = self.tree.get_widget("catList") self.pkgList = self.tree.get_widget("pkgList") self.build_cat_list() self.build_pkg_list() # queue list self.useTips = UseTips(0, self.cfg) self.queueList = self.tree.get_widget("queueList") self.build_queue_list() # the terminal self.console = vte.Terminal() self.termHB = self.tree.get_widget("termHB") self.build_terminal() # notebook self.notebook = self.tree.get_widget("notebook") self.window.show_all() # table self.packageTable = PackageTable(self) self.packageTable.hide() # popups self.queuePopup = self.create_popup("queuePopup") self.consolePopup = self.create_popup("consolePopup") # set emerge queue self.queueTree = GtkTree(self.queueList.get_model()) self.queue = EmergeQueue(console = GtkConsole(self.console), tree = self.queueTree, db = self.db, title_update = self.title_update) def show_package (self, *args, **kwargs): self.packageTable.update(*args, **kwargs) self.notebook.set_current_page(self.PKG_PAGE) def build_terminal (self): """Builds the terminal.""" self.console.set_scrollback_lines(1024) self.console.set_scroll_on_output(True) self.console.set_font_from_string("Monospace 11") self.console.connect("button-press-event", self.cb_right_click) termScroll = gtk.VScrollbar(self.console.get_adjustment()) self.termHB.pack_start(self.console, True, True) self.termHB.pack_start(termScroll, False) def build_queue_list (self): """Builds the queue list.""" store = gtk.TreeStore(str,str) self.queueList.set_model(store) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Queue", cell, text = 0) self.queueList.append_column(col) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Options", cell, markup = 1) self.queueList.append_column(col) self.useTips.add_view(self.queueList) def build_cat_list (self): """Builds the category list.""" store = gtk.ListStore(str) # build categories for p in system.list_categories(): store.append([p]) # sort them alphabetically store.set_sort_column_id(0, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.catList.set_model(store) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Categories", cell, text = 0) self.catList.append_column(col) def build_pkg_list (self, name = None): """Builds the package list. @param name: name of the selected catetegory @type name: string""" store = gtk.ListStore(str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf) self.fill_pkg_store(store,name) # build view self.pkgList.set_model(store) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Packages") # adding the pixbuf cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() col.pack_start(cell, False) col.add_attribute(cell, "pixbuf", 1) # adding the package name cell = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(cell, True) col.add_attribute(cell, "text", 0) self.pkgList.append_column(col) def fill_pkg_store (self, store, name = None): """Fills a given ListStore with the packages in a category. @param store: the store to fill @type store: gtk.ListStore @param name: the name of the category @type name: string @returns: the filled store @rtype: gtk.ListStore""" if name: for pkg, is_inst in self.db.get_cat(name): if is_inst: icon = self.instPixbuf else: icon = None store.append([pkg, icon]) return store def jump_to (self, cp): """Is called when we want to jump to a specific package.""" self.show_package(cp, self.queue) def title_update (self, title): if title == None: title = "Console" else: title = ("Console (%s)" % title) gobject.idle_add(self.notebook.set_tab_label_text, self.termHB, title) def cb_cat_list_selection (self, view): """Callback for a category-list selection. Updates the package list with the packages in the category.""" # get the selected category sel = view.get_selection() store, it = sel.get_selected() if it: self.selCatName = store.get_value(it, 0) self.pkgList.get_model().clear() self.fill_pkg_store(self.pkgList.get_model(), self.selCatName) return True def cb_pkg_list_selection (self, view): """Callback for a package-list selection. Updates the package info.""" sel = view.get_selection() store, it = sel.get_selected() if it: package = store.get_value(it, 0) self.show_package(self.selCatName+"/"+package, self.queue) return True def cb_row_activated (self, view, path, *args): """Callback for an activated row in the emergeQueue. Opens a package window.""" store = self.queueTree if len(path) > 1: iterator = store.get_original().get_iter(path) if store.is_in_emerge(iterator): package = store.get_value(iterator, 0) cat, name, vers, rev = system.split_cpv(package) if rev != "r0": vers = vers+"-"+rev self.show_package(cat+"/"+name, queue = self.queue, version = vers, instantChange = True, doEmerge = False) return True def cb_emerge_clicked (self, action): """Do emerge.""" self.notebook.set_current_page(self.CONSOLE_PAGE) if len(flags.newUseFlags) > 0: changed_flags_dialog("use flags") flags.write_use_flags() if len(flags.new_masked)>0 or len(flags.new_unmasked)>0 or len(flags.newTesting)>0: debug("new masked:",flags.new_masked) debug("new unmasked:", flags.new_unmasked) debug("new testing:", flags.newTesting) changed_flags_dialog("masking keywords") flags.write_masked() flags.write_testing() system.reload_settings() if not self.doUpdate: self.queue.emerge(force=True) else: self.queue.update_world(force=True, newuse = self.cfg.get_boolean("newuse_opt"), deep = self.cfg.get_boolean("deep_opt")) self.doUpdate = False def cb_unmerge_clicked (self, button): """Do unmerge.""" self.notebook.set_current_page(self.CONSOLE_PAGE) self.queue.unmerge(force=True) return True @Window.watch_cursor def cb_update_clicked (self, action): if not am_i_root(): not_root_dialog() else: updating = system.update_world(newuse = self.cfg.get_boolean("newuse_opt"), deep = self.cfg.get_boolean("deep_opt")) debug("updating list:", [(x.get_cpv(), y.get_cpv()) for x,y in updating],"--> length:",len(updating)) try: try: for pkg, old_pkg in updating: self.queue.append(pkg.get_cpv(), unmask = False) except PackageNotFoundException, e: if unmask_dialog(e[0]) == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: for pkg, old_pkg in updating: self.queue.append(pkg.get_cpv(), unmask = True) except BlockedException, e: blocked_dialog(e[0], e[1]) self.queue.remove_children(self.queue.emergeIt) if len(updating): self.doUpdate = True return True def cb_remove_clicked (self, button): """Removes a selected item in the (un)emerge-queue if possible.""" selected = self.queueList.get_selection() if selected: model, iter = selected.get_selected() if iter == None: return False if not model.iter_parent(iter): # top-level if model.iter_n_children(iter) > 0: # and has children which can be removed :) if remove_queue_dialog() == gtk.RESPONSE_YES : self.queue.remove_children(iter) self.doUpdate = False elif model.iter_parent(model.iter_parent(iter)): # this is in the 3rd level => dependency remove_deps_dialog() else: self.queue.remove_with_children(iter) self.doUpdate = False return True def cb_sync_clicked (self, action): if not am_i_root(): not_root_dialog() else: self.notebook.set_current_page(self.CONSOLE_PAGE) cmd = self.cfg.get("syncCmd_opt") if cmd != "emerge --sync": cmd = cmd.split() self.queue.sync(cmd) else: self.queue.sync() def cb_save_flags_clicked (self, action): if not am_i_root(): not_root_dialog() else: flags.write_use_flags() flags.write_testing() flags.write_masked() @Window.watch_cursor def cb_reload_clicked (self, action): """Reloads the portage settings and the database.""" system.reload_settings() del self.db self.db = Database() self.db.populate() @Window.watch_cursor def cb_search_clicked (self, entry): """Do a search.""" if entry.get_text() != "": packages = system.find_all_packages(entry.get_text(), withVersion = False) if packages == []: nothing_found_dialog() else: if len(packages) == 1: self.jump_to(packages[0]) else: SearchWindow(self.window, packages, self.jump_to) def cb_preferences_clicked (self, button): PreferenceWindow(self.window, self.cfg) return True def cb_about_clicked (self, button): queue = plugin.get_plugins() if queue is None: queue = [] else: queue = queue.get_plugin_data() AboutWindow(self.window, queue) return True def cb_right_click (self, object, event): if event.button == 3: x = int(event.x) y = int(event.y) time = event.time if object == self.queueList: pthinfo = object.get_path_at_pos(x, y) if pthinfo is not None: path, col, cellx, celly = pthinfo it = self.queueTree.get_original().get_iter(path) if self.queueTree.is_in_emerge(it) and self.queueTree.iter_has_parent(it): object.grab_focus() object.set_cursor(path, col, 0) self.queuePopup.popup(None, None, None, event.button, time) return True elif object == self.console: self.consolePopup.popup(None, None, None, event.button, time) else: return False else: return False def cb_oneshot_clicked (self, action): sel = self.queueList.get_selection() store, it = sel.get_selected() if it: package = store.get_value(it, 0) if not self.cfg.get_local(package, "oneshot_opt"): set = True else: set = False self.cfg.set_local(package, "oneshot_opt", set) self.queue.append(package, update = True, oneshot = set, forceUpdate = True) def cb_kill_clicked (self, action): self.queue.kill_emerge() def cb_copy_clicked (self, action): self.console.copy_clipboard() def cb_destroy (self, widget): """Calls main_quit().""" gtk.main_quit() def main (self): """Main.""" gobject.threads_init() # now subthreads can run normally, but are not allowed to touch the GUI. If threads should change sth there - use gobject.idle_add(). # for more informations on threading and gtk: http://www.async.com.br/faq/pygtk/index.py?req=show&file=faq20.006.htp gtk.main()