# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # File: portato/gui/qt/terminal.py # This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2007 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann from PyQt4 import Qt from Queue import Queue from threading import Thread, currentThread from os import read, close import errno try: from curses.ascii import ctrl except ImportError: # emulate ctrl-behavior for known values def ctrl (val): if val == "H": return '\x08' elif val == "W": return '\x17' else: debug("unknown error passed to emulated ctrl:",val) from portato.gui.wrapper import Console from portato.helper import debug class WriteEvent (Qt.QEvent): TYPE = Qt.QEvent.Type(1001) def __init__ (self, string): Qt.QEvent.__init__(self, self.TYPE) self.string = string def get_string(self): return self.string class DeleteEvent (Qt.QEvent): TYPE = Qt.QEvent.Type(1002) (DEL_CHAR, DEL_WORD, DEL_LINE, DEL_LINE_REVERT) = range(4) def __init__ (self, type = DEL_CHAR): Qt.QEvent.__init__(self, self.TYPE) self.del_type = type class SetPtyEvent (Qt.QEvent): TYPE = Qt.QEvent.Type(1003) def __init__ (self, pty): Qt.QEvent.__init__(self, self.TYPE) self.pty = pty class BoldFormat (Qt.QTextCharFormat): def __init__(self): Qt.QTextCharFormat.__init__(self) self.setFontWeight(Qt.QFont.Bold) class UnderlineFormat (Qt.QTextCharFormat): def __init__(self): Qt.QTextCharFormat.__init__(self) self.setFontUnderline(True) class ColorFormat (Qt.QTextCharFormat): def __init__(self, color): Qt.QTextCharFormat.__init__(self) self.setForeground(Qt.QBrush(Qt.QColor(color))) # we only support a subset of the commands esc_seq = ("\x1b", "[") reset_seq = "39;49;00" seq_end = "m" seq_sep = ";" backspace = ctrl("H") backword = ctrl("W") cr = "\r" title_seq = ("\x1b", "]") title_end = "\x07" # the attributes attr = {} attr[0] = None # normal attr[1] = BoldFormat() # bold attr[4] = UnderlineFormat() # underline attr[30] = ColorFormat("white") # should be black - but is inverted attr[31] = ColorFormat("red") attr[32] = ColorFormat("lime") # lime looks better on black than normal green attr[33] = ColorFormat("yellow") attr[34] = ColorFormat("blue") attr[35] = ColorFormat("magenta") attr[36] = ColorFormat("cyan") attr[37] = ColorFormat("white") attr[39] = None # default - use white too class QtConsole (Console, Qt.QTextEdit): """Self implemented emulation of a terminal emulation. This only supports a subset of instructions known to normal terminals.""" def __init__ (self, parent): """Constructor. @param parent: parent widget @type parent: Qt.QWidget""" Qt.QTextEdit.__init__(self, parent) self.pty = None self.running = False self.formatQueue = Queue() self.title = None self.writeQueue = "" self.isNotWrapping = False self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) # set black bg self.palette().setColor(Qt.QPalette.Base, Qt.QColor("black")) # set highlighting colors ... XXX: for some reasons this does not work ... Qt sucks self.palette().setColor(Qt.QPalette.Highlight, Qt.QColor("white")) self.palette().setColor(Qt.QPalette.HighlightedText, Qt.QColor("black")) self.setBackgroundRole(Qt.QPalette.Base) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) # set standard char format to "white" self.stdFormat = self.currentCharFormat() self.stdFormat.merge(ColorFormat("white")) self.setCurrentCharFormat(self.stdFormat) self.setReadOnly(True) def _deletePrev (self, type): """Deletes the previous character/word.""" if type == DeleteEvent.DEL_CHAR: # just the prev char self.textCursor().deletePreviousChar() elif type == DeleteEvent.DEL_WORD: self.textCursor().select(Qt.QTextCursor.WordUnderCursor) self.textCursor().removeSelectedText() elif type == DeleteEvent.DEL_LINE: self.moveCursor(Qt.QTextCursor.StartOfLine, Qt.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) self.textCursor().removeSelectedText() self.setLineWrapMode(Qt.QTextEdit.NoWrap) self.isNotWrapping = True elif type == DeleteEvent.DEL_LINE_REVERT: self.setLineWrapMode(Qt.QTextEdit.WidgetWidth) self.isNotWrapping = False def event (self, event): if event.type() == WriteEvent.TYPE: self._write(event.get_string()) event.accept() return True elif event.type() == DeleteEvent.TYPE: self._deletePrev(event.del_type) event.accept() return True elif event.type() == SetPtyEvent.TYPE: self.set_pty(event.pty) event.accept() return True event.ignore() return False def _write (self, text): """Writes some text. A text of "\\x1b" signals _write() to reload the current char format. @param text: the text to print @type text: string""" if text == esc_seq[0]: # \x1b -> reload format self.setCurrentCharFormat(self.get_format()) else: if not self.textCursor().atEnd() and not self.isNotWrapping: # move cursor and re-set format f = self.currentCharFormat() self.moveCursor(Qt.QTextCursor.End) self.setCurrentCharFormat(f) # insert the text self.insertPlainText(text) # scroll down if needed if not self.isNotWrapping: self.ensureCursorVisible() def write(self, text): """Convenience function for emitting the writing signal.""" def send (text): Qt.QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, WriteEvent(text)) if text is None: send(self.writeQueue) self.writeQueue = "" elif text == esc_seq[0]: send(self.writeQueue) send(text) self.writeQueue = "" elif len(self.writeQueue) == 4: send(self.writeQueue+text) self.writeQueue = "" else: self.writeQueue = self.writeQueue + text def start_new_thread (self): """Starts a new thread, which will listen for some input. @see: QtTerminal.__run()""" self.run = True self.current = Thread(target=self.__run, name="QtTerminal Listener") self.current.setDaemon(True) # close application even if this thread is running self.current.start() def set_pty (self, pty): if currentThread().getName() != "MainThread": Qt.QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, SetPtyEvent(pty)) return if not self.running: self.pty = pty self.start_new_thread() self.running = True else: # quit current thread self.run = False self.clear() close(self.pty) self.pty = pty # set this after clearing to lose no chars :) self.start_new_thread() def __run (self): """This function is mainly a loop, which looks for some new input at the terminal, and parses it for text attributes.""" got_cr = False while self.run: try: s = read(self.pty, 1) except OSError, e: # bug in Python with the subprocess module if e.errno == errno.EINTR: continue raise if s == "": break # nothing read -> finish if self.isNotWrapping and s == "\n": self.write(None) Qt.QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, DeleteEvent(DeleteEvent.DEL_LINE_REVERT)) if got_cr: got_cr = False if s == "\n": # got \r\n, which is ok self.write(s) continue else: self.write(None) Qt.QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, DeleteEvent(DeleteEvent.DEL_LINE)) if s == backspace: # BS self.write(None) Qt.QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, DeleteEvent()) elif s == backword: self.write(None) Qt.QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, DeleteEvent(DeleteEvent.DEL_WORD)) elif s == cr: # CR -> make the line being deleted got_cr = True elif s == esc_seq[0]: # -> 0x27 s = read(self.pty, 1) if s == esc_seq[1]: # -> [ while True: _s = read(self.pty, 1) s += _s if _s == seq_end: break self.parse_seq(s[1:-1]) elif s == title_seq[1]: # -> ] while True: _s = read(self.pty, 1) s += _s if _s == title_end: break self.parse_title(s[1:-1]) else: self.write(esc_seq[0]+s) elif not got_cr: self.write(s) self.write(None) def parse_seq (self, seq): """Parses a sequence of bytes. If a new attribute has been encountered, a new format is created and added to the internal format queue. @param seq: sequence to parse @type seq: string""" global attr # the dict of attributes format = self.virgin_format() if seq != reset_seq: # resettet -> done seq = seq.split(seq_sep) for s in seq: try: s = int(s) except ValueError: format = self.virgin_format() break try: if attr[s] is not None: format.merge(attr[s]) else: format = self.virgin_format() break except KeyError: # no such attribute format = self.virgin_format() break self.add_format(format) self.write(esc_seq[0]) # write \x1b to signal the occurence of a new format def parse_title (self, seq): if not seq.startswith("0;"): return self.title = seq[2:] def get_window_title (self): return self.title def add_format (self, format): """Adds a format to the queue. We have to take a queue, because the write-signals might occur asynchronus, so we set a format for the wrong characters. @param format: the format to add @type format: Qt.QTextCharFormat""" self.formatQueue.put(format) def get_format (self): """Returns a format from the queue. We have to take a queue, because the write-signals might occur asynchronus, so we set a format for the wrong characters. @returns: the popped format @rtype: Qt.QTextCharFormat""" return self.formatQueue.get() def virgin_format (self): """The normal standard format. It is necessary to create it as a new one for some dubious reasons ... only Qt.QGod knows why.""" return Qt.QTextCharFormat(self.stdFormat)