# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # File: portato/gui/utils.py # This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann from __future__ import absolute_import, with_statement # some stuff needed import re import sys, os import logging import gettext from threading import Thread, RLock from functools import wraps import gtk # some backend things from ..backend import flags, system, set_system from ..helper import debug, info, set_log_level from ..constants import APP, LOCALE_DIR, USE_SQL, SESSION_DIR if USE_SQL: try: import sqlite3 as sql except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sql import anydbm import hashlib # parser from ..config_parser import ConfigParser def get_color (cfg, name): return gtk.gdk.color_parse("#%s" % cfg.get(name, section = "COLORS")) class GtkThread (Thread): def run(self): # for some reason, I have to install this for each thread ... gettext.install(APP, LOCALE_DIR, unicode = True) try: Thread.run(self) except SystemExit: raise # let normal thread handle it except: type, val, tb = sys.exc_info() try: sys.excepthook(type, val, tb, thread = self.getName()) except TypeError: raise type, val, tb # let normal thread handle it finally: del type, val, tb class Config (ConfigParser): def __init__ (self, cfgFile): """Constructor. @param cfgFile: path to config file @type cfgFile: string""" ConfigParser.__init__(self, cfgFile) # read config self.parse() # local configs self.local = {} # session configs self.session = {} def modify_flags_config (self): """Sets the internal config of the L{flags}-module. @see: L{flags.set_config()}""" flagCfg = { "usefile": self.get("useFile"), "usePerVersion" : self.get_boolean("usePerVersion"), "maskfile" : self.get("maskFile"), "maskPerVersion" : self.get_boolean("maskPerVersion"), "testingfile" : self.get("keywordFile"), "testingPerVersion" : self.get_boolean("keywordPerVersion")} flags.set_config(flagCfg) def modify_debug_config (self): if self.get_boolean("debug"): level = logging.DEBUG else: level = logging.INFO set_log_level(level) def modify_system_config (self): """Sets the system config. @see: L{backend.set_system()}""" set_system(self.get("system")) def modify_external_configs (self): """Convenience function setting all external configs.""" self.modify_debug_config() self.modify_flags_config() self.modify_system_config() def set_local(self, cpv, name, val): """Sets some local config. @param cpv: the cpv describing the package for which to set this option @type cpv: string (cpv) @param name: the option's name @type name: string @param val: the value to set @type val: any""" if not cpv in self.local: self.local[cpv] = {} self.local[cpv].update({name:val}) def get_local(self, cpv, name): """Returns something out of the local config. @param cpv: the cpv describing the package from which to get this option @type cpv: string (cpv) @param name: the option's name @type name: string @return: value stored for the cpv and name or None if not found @rtype: any""" if not cpv in self.local: return None if not name in self.local[cpv]: return None return self.local[cpv][name] def set_session (self, name, cat, val): self.session[(cat, name)] = val def get_session (self, name, cat): v = self.session.get((cat, name), None) if v == "": v = None return v def write(self): """Writes to the config file and modify any external configs.""" ConfigParser.write(self) self.modify_external_configs() class SQLDatabase (object): ALL = _("ALL") FORBIDDEN = (".bzr", ".svn", ".git", "CVS", ".hg", "_darcs") def __init__ (self): """Constructor.""" self._restrict = "" self._lock = RLock() pkgdb = os.path.join(SESSION_DIR, "package.db") pkgdb_existed = os.path.exists(pkgdb) if pkgdb_existed: debug("package.db already existant") else: debug("package.db not existant") pkg_conn = sql.connect(os.path.join(SESSION_DIR, "package.db")) pkg_conn.row_factory = sql.Row pkg_conn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS packages ( name TEXT, cat TEXT, inst INTEGER )""") pkg_conn.commit() self.was_updated = self.updated() if self.was_updated or not pkgdb_existed: info(_("Cleaning database...")) pkg_conn.execute("DELETE FROM packages") # empty db at beginning info(_("Populating database...")) self.populate(connection = pkg_conn) pkg_conn.close() descr_conn = sql.connect(os.path.join(SESSION_DIR, "descr.db")) descr_conn.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS descriptions ( cp TEXT, descr TEXT )""") descr_conn.close() def updated (self): changed = False def walk (path): debug("Walking %s", path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: path = os.path.join(root, f) yield "%s %s" % (f, os.stat(path).st_mtime) for forbidden in self.FORBIDDEN: if forbidden in dirs: dirs.remove(forbidden) overlays = system.get_global_settings("PORTDIR_OVERLAY").split() hashes = {} for overlay in overlays: hashes[overlay] = hashlib.md5("".join(walk(overlay))).hexdigest() timestamp = os.path.join(system.get_global_settings("PORTDIR"), "metadata/timestamp") hashes["ROOT"] = hashlib.md5("%s %s" % (timestamp, os.stat(timestamp).st_mtime)).hexdigest() dbpath = os.path.join(SESSION_DIR, "portdirs.db") db_existed = os.path.exists(dbpath) db = anydbm.open(dbpath, "c") try: if db_existed: debug("portdirs.db already existant") for key in set(db.keys())- set(hashes.keys()): debug("Overlay '%s' has been removed", key) del db[key] changed = True for key in hashes.iterkeys(): if key not in db.keys(): debug("Overlay '%s' has been added.", key) changed = True elif db[key] != hashes[key]: debug("Overlay '%s' has been changed.", key) changed = True db[key] = hashes[key] else: debug("portdirs.db not existant") for key in hashes.iterkeys(): db[key] = hashes[key] finally: db.close() return changed def lock (f): @wraps(f) def wrapper (self, *args, **kwargs): with self._lock: r = f(self, *args, **kwargs) return r return wrapper def con (f): @wraps(f) def wrapper (*args, **kwargs): if not "connection" in kwargs: con= sql.connect(os.path.join(SESSION_DIR, "package.db")) con.row_factory = sql.Row kwargs["connection"] = con return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper @lock @con def populate (self, category = None, connection = None): """Populates the database. @param category: An optional category - so only packages of this category are inserted. @type category: string """ def _get(): # get the lists inst = system.find_packages(pkgSet = system.SET_INSTALLED, key=category, with_version = False) for p in system.find_packages(key = category, with_version = False): cat, pkg = p.split("/") yield (cat, pkg, p in inst) connection.executemany("INSERT INTO packages (cat, name, inst) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", _get()) connection.commit() @lock @con def get_cat (self, category = None, byName = True, connection = None): """Returns the packages in the category. @param cat: category to return the packages from; if None it defaults to "ALL" @type cat: string @param byName: selects whether to return the list sorted by name or by installation @type byName: boolean @return: an iterator over a list of tuples: (category, name, is_installed) or [] @rtype: L{PkgData} """ sort = "ORDER BY name" if not byName: sort = "ORDER BY inst DESC, name" if not category or category == self.ALL: c = connection.execute("SELECT cat, name, inst FROM packages WHERE 1=1 %s %s" % (self.restrict, sort)) else: c = connection.execute("SELECT cat, name, inst FROM packages WHERE cat = ? %s %s" % (self.restrict ,sort), (category,)) for pkg in c: yield PkgData(pkg["cat"], pkg["name"], pkg["inst"]) c.close() @lock @con def get_categories (self, installed = False, connection = None): """Returns all categories. @param installed: Only return these with at least one installed package. @type installed: boolean @returns: the list of categories @rtype: string """ if installed: where = "inst = 1" else: where = "1 = 1" c = connection.execute("SELECT cat FROM packages WHERE %s %s GROUP BY cat" % (where, self.restrict)) l = c.fetchall() c.close() if len(l) > 1: yield self.ALL for cat in l: yield cat["cat"] @lock @con def reload (self, cat = None, connection = None): """Reloads the given category. @param cat: category @type cat: string """ if cat: connection.execute("DELETE FROM packages WHERE cat = ?", (cat,)) connection.commit() self.populate(cat+"/", connection = connection) else: connection.execute("DELETE FROM packages") connection.commit() self.populate(connection = connection) def get_restrict (self): return self._restrict @lock def set_restrict (self, restrict): if not restrict: self._restrict = "" else: self._restrict = "AND name LIKE '%%%s%%'" % restrict restrict = property(get_restrict, set_restrict) if USE_SQL: Database = SQLDatabase else: Database = DictDatabase