# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # File: portato/plugin.py # This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2010 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann """ A module managing the plugins for Portato. """ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext" import os import os.path as osp import traceback from collections import defaultdict, Callable from functools import wraps from . import helper from .helper import debug, warning, info, error from .constants import PLUGIN_DIR from .backend import system from . import plugins as plugin_module class PluginLoadException (Exception): """ Exception signaling a failed plugin loading. """ pass class Call (object): """ This class represents an object, which is attached to a specified hook. :IVariables: plugin : `Plugin` The plugin where this call belongs to. hook : string The name of the corresponding hook. call The function to call. type : string This is either ``before``, ``after`` or ``override`` and defines the type of the call: before access before the original function override access *instead of* the original function. **USE THIS ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING** after access after the original function has been called Default: ``before`` dep : string This defines a plugin which should be executed after/before this one. ``"*"`` means all and ``"-*"`` means none. """ __slots__ = ("plugin", "hook", "call", "type", "dep") def __init__ (self, plugin, hook, call, type = "before", dep = None): self.plugin = plugin self.hook = hook self.call = call self.type = type self.dep = dep class Hook (object): """ Representing a hook with all the `Call` s for the different types. """ __slots__ = ("before", "override", "after") def __init__ (self): self.before = [] self.override = None self.after = [] class WidgetSlot (object): """ A slot, where plugins can add widgets. :IVariables: widget : gobject.GObjectMeta The widget class, which can be used in this slot. name : string The slot's name. init : function Function to call, iff there is at least one widget for that slot. add : function(`Widget`) Function to call, if a widget is added. max : int The maximum number of widgets which can be registered. -1 means unlimited. """ slots = {} def __init__ (self, widget, name, add = None, init = None, max = -1): self.widget = widget self.name = name self.max = max # we might be subclassed # in this case do not overwrite if not hasattr(self, "init"): self.init = init if not hasattr(self, "add"): self.add = add self._inited = False debug("Registering new WidgetSlot '%s'.", name) WidgetSlot.slots[name] = self def add_widget (self, w): if not self._inited: if self.init is not None: self.init() self._inited = True if self.add is not None: self.add(w) class Widget (object): """ Fills a WidgetSlot. :IVariables: slot : string The name of the slot to fill. widget : gtk.Widget The widget which is added. """ __slots__ = ("slot", "widget") def __init__ (self, slot, widget): self.slot = slot self.widget = widget class Plugin (object): """ This is the main plugin object. It is used where ever a plugin is wanted, and it is the one, which needs to be subclassed by plugin authors. :CVariables: STAT_DISABLED : status Status: Disabled. STAT_TEMP_ENABLED : status Status: Enabled for this session only. STAT_ENABLED : status Status: Enabled. STAT_TEMP_DISABLED : status Status: Disabled for this session only. STAT_HARD_DISABLED : status Status: Forced disabled by program (i.e. because of errors in the plugin). """ (STAT_DISABLED, STAT_TEMP_ENABLED, STAT_ENABLED, STAT_TEMP_DISABLED) = range(4) STAT_HARD_DISABLED = -1 def __init__ (self, disable = False): """ :param disable: Forcefully disable the plugin :type disable: bool """ self.__calls = [] #: List of `Call` self._unresolved_deps = False #: Does this plugin has unresolved dependencies? self.status = self.STAT_ENABLED #: The status of this plugin if disable: self.status = self.STAT_HARD_DISABLED # debug test if hasattr(self, "widget_init") and not isinstance(self, WidgetPlugin): debug("Plugin '%s' has an init_widget() function but is not a WidgetPlugin. Are you sure, this is correct?", self.name) def _init (self): """ Method called from outside to init the extension parts of this plugin. If the current status is `STAT_HARD_DISABLED` or there are unresolved dependencies, the init process is not started. """ for d in self.deps: if not system.find_packages(d, pkgSet=system.SET_INSTALLED, with_version = False): self._unresolved_deps = True break if self.status != self.STAT_HARD_DISABLED and not self._unresolved_deps: self.init() def init (self): """ This method is called by `_init` and should be overriden by the plugin author. :precond: No unresolved deps and the status is not `STAT_HARD_DISABLED`. """ pass @property def author (self): """ Returns the plugin's author. The author is given by the ``__author__`` variable. :rtype: string """ return getattr(self, "__author__", "") @property def description (self): """ Returns the description of this plugin. It is given by either a ``__description__`` variable or by the normal class docstring. :rtype: string """ if hasattr(self, "__description__"): return self.__description__ else: doc = getattr(self, "__doc__", "") if not doc or doc == Plugin.__doc__: return "" else: return doc @property def name (self): """ The name of the plugin. If no ``__name__`` variable is given, the class name is taken. :rtype: string """ return getattr(self, "__name__", self.__class__.__name__) @property def calls (self): """ Returns an iterator over the registered calls for this plugin. :rtype: iter<`Call`> """ return iter(self.__calls) @property def deps (self): """ Returns an iterator of the dependencies or ``[]`` if there are none. The dependencies are given in the ``__dependency__`` variable. :rtype: [] or iter """ if hasattr(self, "__dependency__"): return iter(self.__dependency__) else: return [] @property def enabled (self): """ Returns ``True`` if the plugin is enabled. :rtype: boolean :see: `status` """ return (self.status in (self.STAT_ENABLED, self.STAT_TEMP_ENABLED)) def add_call (self, hook, callable, type = "before", dep = None): """ Adds a new call for this plugin. :see: `Call` """ self.__calls.append(Call(self, hook, callable, type, dep)) def __str__ (self): return self.name __repr__ = __str__ class WidgetPlugin (Plugin): def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs): Plugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.__widgets = [] #: List of `Widget` def _widget_init (self, window): self.window = window if self.status == self.STAT_ENABLED and not self._unresolved_deps: self.widget_init() def widget_init (self): debug("%s: No widgets to initialize. Wrong class used for plugin?", self.name) def add_widget (self, slot, widget): """ Adds a new widget for this plugin. :see: `Widget` """ if not slot in WidgetSlot.slots: raise PluginLoadException("Could not find specified widget slot: %s" % slot) self.__widgets.append(Widget(slot, widget)) def create_widget (self, slot, args, **kwargs): """ Creates a new widget for the plugin. :Parameters: slot : string The slot to create a widget for. args : list of objects The arguments to pass to the widget constructor. kwargs : dict Additional named parameters are for callback functions. """ try: widget = WidgetSlot.slots[slot].widget except KeyError: raise PluginLoadException("Could not find specified widget slot: %s" % slot) if not hasattr(args, "__iter__"): w = widget(args) else: w = widget(*args) for k,v in kwargs.items(): w.connect(k, v) self.add_widget(slot, w) @property def widgets (self): """ Returns an iterator over the widgets for this plugin. :rtype: iter<`Widget`> """ return iter(self.__widgets) class PluginQueue (object): """ Class managing and loading the plugins. :IVariables: plugins : `Plugin` [] The list of managed plugins. hooks : string -> `Hook` For each hook name map to a `Hook` object holding the corresponding `Call` objects. """ def __init__ (self): """ Constructor. """ self.plugins = [] self.hooks = defaultdict(Hook) def get_plugins (self, list_disabled = True): """ Returns the plugins. :param list_disabled: Also list disabled plugins. :type list_disabled: boolean :rtype: iter<`Plugin`> """ return (x for x in self.plugins if (x.enabled or list_disabled)) def load (self): """ Load the plugins. This method scans the `portato.constants.PLUGIN_DIR` for python modules and tries to load them. If the modules are real plugins, they have called `register` and thus the plugins are added. """ # look them up plugins = [] for f in os.listdir(PLUGIN_DIR): path = osp.join(PLUGIN_DIR, f) if osp.isdir(path): if osp.isfile(osp.join(path, "__init__.py")): plugins.append(f) else: debug("'%s' is not a plugin: __init__.py missing", path) else: if f.endswith(".py"): plugins.append(f[:-3]) elif f.endswith(".pyc") or f.endswith(".pyo"): pass # ignore .pyc and .pyo else: debug("'%s' is not a plugin: not a .py file", path) # some magic ... plugin_module.__path__.insert(0, PLUGIN_DIR.rstrip("/")) # make the plugins loadable as "portato.plugins.name" # add Plugin and register to the builtins, so the plugins always have the correct version :) plugin_module.__builtins__["Plugin"] = Plugin plugin_module.__builtins__["WidgetPlugin"] = WidgetPlugin plugin_module.__builtins__["register"] = register plugin_module.__builtins__["helper"] = helper plugin_module.__builtins__["PluginLoadException"] = PluginLoadException for p in plugins: # import them try: exec("from portato.plugins import %s" % p, {}) except PluginLoadException as e: error(_("Loading plugin module '%(plugin)s' failed: %(error)s"), {"plugin" : p, "error" : e}) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() error(_("Loading plugin module '%(plugin)s' failed: %(error)s"), {"plugin" : p, "error" : tb}) self._organize() def load_widgets(self, window): for p in self.plugins: if isinstance(p, WidgetPlugin): try: p._widget_init(window) except PluginLoadException as e: error(_("Loading widgets plugin '%(plugin)s' failed: %(error)s"), {"plugin" : p, "error" : e}) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() error(_("Loading widgets of plugin '%(plugin)s' failed: %(error)s"), {"plugin" : p, "error" : tb}) else: for w in p.widgets: WidgetSlot.slots[w.slot].add_widget(w) info(_("Widgets of plugin '%s' loaded."), p.name) def add (self, plugin, disable = False): """ Adds a plugin to the internal list. :Parameters: plugin : `Plugin` ``Plugin`` subclass or instance to add. If a class is passed, it is instantiated. disable : boolean Disable the plugin. :raise PluginLoadException: passed plugin is not of class `Plugin` """ if isinstance(plugin, Callable) and issubclass(plugin, Plugin): p = plugin(disable = disable) # need an instance and not the class elif isinstance(plugin, Plugin): p = plugin if disable: p.status = p.STAT_HARD_DISABLED else: raise PluginLoadException("Is neither a subclass nor an instance of Plugin.") p._init() self.plugins.append(p) if p.status == p.STAT_HARD_DISABLED: msg = _("Plugin is disabled!") elif p._unresolved_deps: msg = _("Plugin has unresolved dependencies - disabled!") else: msg = "" info("%s %s", _("Plugin '%s' loaded.") % p.name, msg) def hook (self, hook, *hargs, **hkwargs): """ The decorator to use in the program. All parameters except ``hook`` are passed to plugins. :param hook: the name of the hook :type hook: string """ def hook_decorator (func): """ The real decorator. """ h = self.hooks[hook] active = Hook() # remove disabled for type in ("before", "after"): calls = getattr(h, type) aCalls = getattr(active, type) for call in calls: if call.plugin.enabled: aCalls.append(call) if h.override and h.override.plugin.enabled: active.override = h.override @wraps(func) def wrapper (*args, **kwargs): ret = None # before for call in active.before: debug("Accessing hook '%(hook)s' of plugin '%(plugin)s' (before).", {"hook" : hook, "plugin": call.plugin.name}) call.call(*hargs, **hkwargs) if active.override: # override info(_("Overriding hook '%(hook)s' with plugin '%(plugin)s'."), {"hook": hook, "plugin": active.override.plugin.name}) ret = active.override.call(*hargs, **hkwargs) else: # normal ret = func(*args, **kwargs) # after for call in active.after: debug("Accessing hook '%(hook)s' of plugin '%(plugin)s' (after).", {"hook": hook, "plugin": call.plugin.name}) call.call(*hargs, **hkwargs) return ret return wrapper return hook_decorator def _organize (self): """ Organizes the lists of `Call` in a way, that all dependencies are fullfilled. """ unresolved_before = defaultdict(list) unresolved_after = defaultdict(list) star_before = defaultdict(Hook) # should be _before_ all other star_after = defaultdict(Hook) # should be _after_ all other for plugin in self.plugins: # plugins for call in plugin.calls: # hooks in plugin if call.type == "before": if call.dep is None: # no dependency -> straight add self.hooks[call.hook].before.append(call) elif call.dep == "*": self.hooks[call.hook].before.insert(0, call) elif call.dep == "-*": star_before[call.hook].append(call) else: named = [x.plugin.name for x in self.hooks[call.hook].before] if call.dep in named: self.hooks[call.hook].before.insert(named.index(call.dep), call) else: unresolved_before[call.hook].append(call) elif call.type == "after": if call.dep is None: # no dependency -> straight add self.hooks[call.hook].after.append(call) elif call.dep == "*": star_after[call.hook].append(call) elif call.dep == "-*": self.hooks[call.hook].after.insert(0, call) else: named = [x.plugin.name for x in self.hooks[call.hook].after] if call.dep in named: self.hooks[call.hook].after.insert(named.index(call.dep)+1, call) else: unresolved_after[call.hook].append(call) # type = "override" elif call.type == "override": if self.hooks[call.hook].override: warning(_("For hook '%(hook)s' an override is already defined by plugin '%(plugin)s'!"), {"hook": call.hook, "plugin": self.hooks[call.hook].override.plugin.name}) warning(_("It is now replaced by the one from plugin '%s'!"), call.plugin.name) self.hooks[call.hook].override = call continue self._resolve_unresolved(unresolved_before, unresolved_after) for hook, calls in star_before.items(): self.hooks[hook].before.extend(calls) # append the list for hook, calls in star_after.items(): self.hooks[hook].after.extend(calls) # append the list def _resolve_unresolved (self, before, after): def resolve(hook, list, type, add): if not list: return callList = getattr(self.hooks[hook], type) named = [x.plugin.name for x in callList] while list and named: newNamed = [] # use newNamed, so in each iteration only the plugins inserted last are searched for call in list[:]: if call.dep in named: callList.insert(named.index(call.dep)+add, call) list.remove(call) newNamed.append(call.plugin.name) named = newNamed for l in list: callList.append(l) info(_("Dependant '%(dep)s' for '%(hook)s' in plugin '%(plugin)s' not found! Adding nevertheless."), {"hook": hook, "plugin": l.plugin.name, "dep": l.dep}) for hook in before: resolve(hook, before[hook], "before", 0) for hook in after: resolve(hook, after[hook], "after", 1) __plugins = None def load_plugins(): """ Loads the plugins. """ global __plugins if __plugins is None: __plugins = PluginQueue() __plugins.load() def load_plugin_widgets(window): """ Loads the widgets of the plugins. """ if __plugins is not None: __plugins.load_widgets(window) def get_plugin_queue(): """ Returns the actual `PluginQueue`. If it is ``None``, they are not being loaded yet. :rtype: `PluginQueue` or ``None``""" return __plugins def hook(hook, *args, **kwargs): """ Shortcut to `PluginQueue.hook`. If no `PluginQueue` is loaded, this does nothing. """ if __plugins is None: def pseudo_decorator(f): return f return pseudo_decorator else: return __plugins.hook(hook, *args, **kwargs) def dummy_hook (h, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates a dummy hook, i.e. a hook which is only needed to trigger something in the plugins, but does nothing for itself. """ if __plugins is None: pass else: def dummy (): pass hook(h, *args, **kwargs)(dummy)() def register (plugin, disable = False): """ Registers a plugin. :see: `PluginQueue.add` """ if __plugins is not None: try: __plugins.add(plugin, disable) except PluginLoadException as e: error(_("Registrating plugin '%(plugin)s' failed: %(error)s"), {"plugin" : plugin, "error" : e}) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() error(_("Registrating plugin '%(plugin)s' failed: %(error)s"), {"plugin" : plugin, "error" : tb})