#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # File: setup.py # This file is part of the Portato-Project, a graphical portage-frontend. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2010 René 'Necoro' Neumann # This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. # # Written by René 'Necoro' Neumann import os import sys from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from portato.constants import VERSION, ICON_DIR, PLUGIN_DIR, TEMPLATE_DIR, APP from build_manpage import build_manpage def plugin_list (*args): """Creates a list of correct plugin pathes out of the arguments.""" return [("plugins/%s.py" % x) for x in args] packages = [ "portato", "portato.db", "portato.gui", "portato.gui.windows", "portato.plugins", "portato.backend", "portato.backend.portage" ] data_files = [ (TEMPLATE_DIR, [os.path.join("portato/gui/templates",x) for x in os.listdir("portato/gui/templates") if (x.endswith(".ui") or x.endswith(".menu"))]), (ICON_DIR, ["icons/portato-icon.png", "icons/better-package.svg"]), (DATA_DIR, ["doc/TRANSLATORS"]), (PLUGIN_DIR, plugin_list("gpytage", "notify", "etc_proposals", "reload_portage", "package_details"))] cmdclass = {'build_manpage': build_manpage} # remove useless options / they are the default for o in ("cython", "eix"): try: sys.argv.remove("--enable-"+o) except ValueError: pass # extension stuff if "--disable-cython" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--disable-cython") ext = "c" else: from Cython.Distutils import build_ext cmdclass['build_ext'] = build_ext ext = "pyx" ext_modules = [Extension("portato.ipc", ["portato/ipc."+ext])] if "--disable-eix" in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove("--disable-eix") else: ext_modules.append(Extension("portato.eix.parser", ["portato/eix/parser."+ext])) packages.append("portato.eix") # do the distutils setup setup(name=APP, version = VERSION, description = "GTK-Frontend to Portage", long_description = """%s is a frontend to the package manager of Gentoo and related distributions: Portage. It is meant to be used for browsing the tree and installing packages and their dependencies. It knows how to deal with useflags and masked packages, so it can make handling packages a lot easier.""" % APP, license = "GPLv2", url = "http://portato.origo.ethz.ch/", author = "René 'Necoro' Neumann", author_email = "necoro@necoro.net", packages = packages, data_files = data_files, ext_modules = ext_modules, cmdclass = cmdclass )