%! title = "Development" uses_toc = True %> <%inherit file="/page.mako" /> <%def name="preface()">
If you want to have a look at the sourcecode, or even support the development with patches or similar, you are now on the correct page :).
%def> <%self:h2>Getting the source%self:h2>Portato's sourcecode is managed with Git (dev-vcs/git) and is hosted on GitHub and on this very server. So you can chose the one you want to clone from:
<%self:hl lang="bash"> # either this git clone git://github.com/Necoro/portato.git # or that git clone git://necoro.eu/portato.git %self:hl>You now should have a subdirectory portato/, which contains the sources. If you want to update it to reflect upstream changes, do:
<%self:hl lang="bash"> git pull %self:hl>Sometimes you need to work on a specific version (for instance if you are translating). Then you need to check out the specific version branch:
<%self:hl lang="bash"> # replace '0.13' by the version you need git checkout -t origin/0.13 %self:hl>For further information have a look at the Git documentation or search the webs. There are plenty of sources and guides out there.
<%self:h2>Making portato run locally%self:h2>All of the following needs to be installed:
As portato makes use of extension modules and of native language support, you need to run the following commands to get you started:
<%self:hl lang="bash"> # compile extensions ./extensions.sh # compile language support (optional!) ./pocompile.sh %self:hl>If you made sure, that you have done everything noted above, you can use one of the following commands:
<%self:hl lang="bash"> # normal startup - will prompt for the root password ./portato.py # run as current user. saves you entering the root password # won't allow you to do emerges ./portato.py -F %self:hl> <%self:h2>Filing a bug%self:h2>You can do this in the bugtracker.
<%self:h2>Translation / I18N%self:h2>Portato does know about the so called Native Language Support. It currently supports the following languages: Catalan, English, Italian, German, Polish, Portugese, and Turkish.
If you want to add support for another language, please see the translation howto.
<%self:h2>Documentation%self:h2>The code itself is documented (sometimes ^^). If you have questions, you can ask them via portato@necoro.net. But at least there is a condensed changelog.
The software itself is not documented in any way. If you like to change this, drop me a mail :). I'd be glad.
<%self:h2>Wiki/Mailing-list/...%self:h2>Not there (yet?). Are they really necessary?