jQuery.fn.extend do copy : -> @clone!remove-attr 'id class' jq = (f) -> !-> $ f # Add export addJS = jq -> $ 'input[name=date]' .datepicker do dateFormat: \dd.mm.yy firstDay: 1 # Show export showJS = jq -> $ ".detail > .heading" .click -> $ @ .prev-all \.mark:last .click! $ ".detail > .mark" .click -> if (@src.indexOf \closed) is not -1 @src .= replace \closed \open else @src .= replace \open \closed $ @ .next-all \.details:first .toggle! $ \.details .hide! # draw the pies <- $ \.pie .each $ @ ..highcharts do title: text: null tooltip: hideDelay: 200 formatter: -> "#{@key}: #{@y.toFixed 2} € / #{@percentage.toFixed 2}%" chart: backgroundColor: null plotBorderWidth: null plotShadow: off spacingTop: 0 credits: enabled: false series: [ type: \pie size: \70% allowPointSelect: true dataLabels: color: ..css \color distance: 20 data: [ {name: if v>0 then k else '' , y: v, visible: v > 0} \ for k,v of ..data \pie ] ] # Categories export catsJS = jq -> counter = 0 add_img = $ \img#add new_input = $ \input#new new_image = (new_name) -> # we need to copy the image to get the correct URL add_img.copy! ..attr \src -> @src.replace \add new_name $ "li > span" .click -> span = $ @ input = span.next! img = new_image \undo ..click -> $ @ .remove! # reset text input.val span.text! <- input.fade-out \slow span.toggle! span.toggle! <- input.fade-in \slow img.insert-after input add_img.click -> input = new_input.copy! img = new_image \minus ..click -> <- $ @ .parent!fade-out \slow $ @ .remove! input.attr \name -> @name + counter .remove-attr \style .wrap "
  • " .parent! # wrap does not return the li .append img .hide! .insert-before add_img.parent! .fade-in \slow -> input.focus! counter++