path: root/.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim
diff options
authorRené Neumann <>2012-09-04 16:20:28 +0200
committerRené Neumann <>2012-09-04 16:20:29 +0200
commit9d8238cef09d8cb7c270b616ec56a335e0ac0854 (patch)
treea7857c65ec06a48dd575d604539d331a90c01463 /.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim
parent08ae3f83268783edd51dd97a749c088007f7fea4 (diff)
Move to bundles in vim -- also remove old craft
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ea0bd..0000000
--- a/.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-" rudimentary hpaste support for vim
-" (using netrw for reading, wget for posting/annotating)
-" claus reinke, last modified: 07/04/2009
-" part of haskell plugins:
-" unless wget is in your PATH, you need to set g:wget
-" before loading this script. windows users are out of
-" luck, unless they have wget installed (such as the
-" cygwin one looked for here), or adapt this script to
-" whatever alternative they have at hand (perhaps using
-" vim's perl/python bindings?)
-if !exists("g:wget")
- if executable("wget")
- let g:wget = "!wget -q"
- else
- let g:wget = "!c:\\cygwin\\bin\\wget -q"
- endif
-" read (recent) hpaste files
-" show index in new buffer, where ,r will open current entry
-" and ,p will annotate current entry with current buffer
-command! HpasteIndex call HpasteIndex()
-function! HpasteIndex()
- new
- read
- %s/\_$\_.//g
- %s/<tr[^>]*>//g
- %s/<\/tr>/ /g
- g/<\/table>/d
- %s/<td>\([^<]*\)<\/td><td><a href="\/fastcgi\/hpaste\.fcgi\/view?id=\([0-9]*\)">\([^<]*\)<\/a><\/td><td>\([^<]*\)<\/td><td>\([^<]*\)<\/td><td>\([^<]*\)<\/td>/\2 [\1] "\3" \4 \5 \6/
- map <buffer> ,r 0yE:noh<cr>:call HpasteEditEntry('"')<cr>
-" load an existing entry for editing
-command! -nargs=1 HpasteEditEntry call HpasteEditEntry(<f-args>)
-function! HpasteEditEntry(entry)
- new
- exe 'Nread'.a:entry
- "exe 'map <buffer> ,p :call HpasteAnnotate('''.a:entry.''')<cr>'
-" " posting temporarily disabled -- needs someone to look into new
-" " structure
-" " annotate existing entry (only to be called via ,p in HpasteIndex)
-" function! HpasteAnnotate(entry)
-" let nick = input("nick? ")
-" let title = input("title? ")
-" if nick=='' || title==''
-" echo "nick or title missing. aborting annotation"
-" return
-" endif
-" call HpastePost('annotate/'.a:entry,nick,title)
-" endfunction
-" " post new hpaste entry
-" " using 'wget --post-data' and url-encoded content
-" command! HpastePostNew call HpastePost('new',<args>)
-" function! HpastePost(mode,nick,title,...)
-" let lines = getbufline("%",1,"$")
-" let pat = '\([^[:alnum:]]\)'
-" let code = '\=printf("%%%02X",char2nr(submatch(1)))'
-" let lines = map(lines,'substitute(v:val."\r\n",'''.pat.''','''.code.''',''g'')')
-" let url = '' . a:mode
-" let nick = substitute(a:nick,pat,code,'g')
-" let title = substitute(a:title,pat,code,'g')
-" if a:0==0
-" let announce = 'false'
-" else
-" let announce = a:1
-" endif
-" let cmd = g:wget.' --post-data="content='.join(lines,'').'&nick='.nick.'&title='.title.'&announce='.announce.'" '.url
-" exe escape(cmd,'%')
-" endfunction