path: root/.vim/ftplugin/python_fn.vim
diff options
authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2010-10-20 14:38:10 +0200
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2010-10-20 14:38:12 +0200
commit2787376e65b66123d26e513333887ba911d92586 (patch)
tree5e63735055da7b225a76e07b854c4dd7ca7766b1 /.vim/ftplugin/python_fn.vim
parent95c319ab8de82f32d756787d452730a9230d29c8 (diff)
Cleanup .vim
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/ftplugin/python_fn.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/python_fn.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/python_fn.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c7cf21..0000000
--- a/.vim/ftplugin/python_fn.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-" -*- vim -*-
-" FILE: python_fn.vim
-" LAST MODIFICATION: 2008-08-28 8:19pm
-" (C) Copyright 2001-2005 Mikael Berthe <>
-" Maintained by Jon Franklin <>
-" Version: 1.13
-" Save this file to $VIMFILES/ftplugin/python.vim. You can have multiple
-" python ftplugins by creating $VIMFILES/ftplugin/python and saving your
-" ftplugins in that directory. If saving this to the global ftplugin
-" directory, this is the recommended method, since vim ships with an
-" ftplugin/python.vim file already.
-" You can set the global variable "g:py_select_leading_comments" to 0
-" if you don't want to select comments preceding a declaration (these
-" are usually the description of the function/class).
-" You can set the global variable "g:py_select_trailing_comments" to 0
-" if you don't want to select comments at the end of a function/class.
-" If these variables are not defined, both leading and trailing comments
-" are selected.
-" Example: (in your .vimrc) "let g:py_select_leading_comments = 0"
-" You may want to take a look at the 'shiftwidth' option for the
-" shift commands...
-" vim (>= 7)
-" Shortcuts:
-" ]t -- Jump to beginning of block
-" ]e -- Jump to end of block
-" ]v -- Select (Visual Line Mode) block
-" ]< -- Shift block to left
-" ]> -- Shift block to right
-" ]# -- Comment selection
-" ]u -- Uncomment selection
-" ]c -- Select current/previous class
-" ]d -- Select current/previous function
-" ]<up> -- Jump to previous line with the same/lower indentation
-" ]<down> -- Jump to next line with the same/lower indentation
-" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
-if exists("b:loaded_py_ftplugin")
- finish
-let b:loaded_py_ftplugin = 1
-map ]t :PBoB<CR>
-vmap ]t :<C-U>PBOB<CR>m'gv``
-map ]e :PEoB<CR>
-vmap ]e :<C-U>PEoB<CR>m'gv``
-map ]v ]tV]e
-map ]< ]tV]e<
-vmap ]< <
-map ]> ]tV]e>
-vmap ]> >
-map ]# :call PythonCommentSelection()<CR>
-vmap ]# :call PythonCommentSelection()<CR>
-map ]u :call PythonUncommentSelection()<CR>
-vmap ]u :call PythonUncommentSelection()<CR>
-map ]c :call PythonSelectObject("class")<CR>
-map ]d :call PythonSelectObject("function")<CR>
-map ]<up> :call PythonNextLine(-1)<CR>
-map ]<down> :call PythonNextLine(1)<CR>
-" You may prefer use <s-up> and <s-down>... :-)
-" jump to previous class
-map ]J :call PythonDec("class", -1)<CR>
-vmap ]J :call PythonDec("class", -1)<CR>
-" jump to next class
-map ]j :call PythonDec("class", 1)<CR>
-vmap ]j :call PythonDec("class", 1)<CR>
-" jump to previous function
-map ]F :call PythonDec("function", -1)<CR>
-vmap ]F :call PythonDec("function", -1)<CR>
-" jump to next function
-map ]f :call PythonDec("function", 1)<CR>
-vmap ]f :call PythonDec("function", 1)<CR>
-" Menu entries
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Update\ IM-Python\ Menu
- \:call UpdateMenu()<CR>
-nmenu &Python.-Sep1- :
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Beginning\ of\ Block<Tab>[t
- \]t
-nmenu <silent> &Python.End\ of\ Block<Tab>]e
- \]e
-nmenu &Python.-Sep2- :
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Shift\ Block\ Left<Tab>]<
- \]<
-vmenu <silent> &Python.Shift\ Block\ Left<Tab>]<
- \]<
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Shift\ Block\ Right<Tab>]>
- \]>
-vmenu <silent> &Python.Shift\ Block\ Right<Tab>]>
- \]>
-nmenu &Python.-Sep3- :
-vmenu <silent> &Python.Comment\ Selection<Tab>]#
- \]#
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Comment\ Selection<Tab>]#
- \]#
-vmenu <silent> &Python.Uncomment\ Selection<Tab>]u
- \]u
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Uncomment\ Selection<Tab>]u
- \]u
-nmenu &Python.-Sep4- :
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Previous\ Class<Tab>]J
- \]J
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Next\ Class<Tab>]j
- \]j
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Previous\ Function<Tab>]F
- \]F
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Next\ Function<Tab>]f
- \]f
-nmenu &Python.-Sep5- :
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Select\ Block<Tab>]v
- \]v
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Select\ Function<Tab>]d
- \]d
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Select\ Class<Tab>]c
- \]c
-nmenu &Python.-Sep6- :
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Previous\ Line\ wrt\ indent<Tab>]<up>
- \]<up>
-nmenu <silent> &Python.Next\ Line\ wrt\ indent<Tab>]<down>
- \]<down>
-:com! PBoB execute "normal ".PythonBoB(line('.'), -1, 1)."G"
-:com! PEoB execute "normal ".PythonBoB(line('.'), 1, 1)."G"
-:com! UpdateMenu call UpdateMenu()
-" Go to a block boundary (-1: previous, 1: next)
-" If force_sel_comments is true, 'g:py_select_trailing_comments' is ignored
-function! PythonBoB(line, direction, force_sel_comments)
- let ln = a:line
- let ind = indent(ln)
- let mark = ln
- let indent_valid = strlen(getline(ln))
- let ln = ln + a:direction
- if (a:direction == 1) && (!a:force_sel_comments) &&
- \ exists("g:py_select_trailing_comments") &&
- \ (!g:py_select_trailing_comments)
- let sel_comments = 0
- else
- let sel_comments = 1
- endif
- while((ln >= 1) && (ln <= line('$')))
- if (sel_comments) || (match(getline(ln), "^\\s*#") == -1)
- if (!indent_valid)
- let indent_valid = strlen(getline(ln))
- let ind = indent(ln)
- let mark = ln
- else
- if (strlen(getline(ln)))
- if (indent(ln) < ind)
- break
- endif
- let mark = ln
- endif
- endif
- endif
- let ln = ln + a:direction
- endwhile
- return mark
-" Go to previous (-1) or next (1) class/function definition
-function! PythonDec(obj, direction)
- if (a:obj == "class")
- let objregexp = "^\\s*class\\s\\+[a-zA-Z0-9_]\\+"
- \ . "\\s*\\((\\([a-zA-Z0-9_,. \\t\\n]\\)*)\\)\\=\\s*:"
- else
- let objregexp = "^\\s*def\\s\\+[a-zA-Z0-9_]\\+\\s*(\\_[^:#]*)\\s*:"
- endif
- let flag = "W"
- if (a:direction == -1)
- let flag = flag."b"
- endif
- let res = search(objregexp, flag)
-" Comment out selected lines
-" commentString is inserted in non-empty lines, and should be aligned with
-" the block
-function! PythonCommentSelection() range
- let commentString = "#"
- let cl = a:firstline
- let ind = 1000 " I hope nobody use so long lines! :)
- " Look for smallest indent
- while (cl <= a:lastline)
- if strlen(getline(cl))
- let cind = indent(cl)
- let ind = ((ind < cind) ? ind : cind)
- endif
- let cl = cl + 1
- endwhile
- if (ind == 1000)
- let ind = 1
- else
- let ind = ind + 1
- endif
- let cl = a:firstline
- execute ":".cl
- " Insert commentString in each non-empty line, in column ind
- while (cl <= a:lastline)
- if strlen(getline(cl))
- execute "normal ".ind."|i".commentString
- endif
- execute "normal \<Down>"
- let cl = cl + 1
- endwhile
-" Uncomment selected lines
-function! PythonUncommentSelection() range
- " commentString could be different than the one from CommentSelection()
- " For example, this could be "# \\="
- let commentString = "#"
- let cl = a:firstline
- while (cl <= a:lastline)
- let ul = substitute(getline(cl),
- \"\\(\\s*\\)".commentString."\\(.*\\)$", "\\1\\2", "")
- call setline(cl, ul)
- let cl = cl + 1
- endwhile
-" Select an object ("class"/"function")
-function! PythonSelectObject(obj)
- " Go to the object declaration
- normal $
- call PythonDec(a:obj, -1)
- let beg = line('.')
- if !exists("g:py_select_leading_comments") || (g:py_select_leading_comments)
- let decind = indent(beg)
- let cl = beg
- while (cl>1)
- let cl = cl - 1
- if (indent(cl) == decind) && (getline(cl)[decind] == "#")
- let beg = cl
- else
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- endif
- if (a:obj == "class")
- let eod = "\\(^\\s*class\\s\\+[a-zA-Z0-9_]\\+\\s*"
- \ . "\\((\\([a-zA-Z0-9_,. \\t\\n]\\)*)\\)\\=\\s*\\)\\@<=:"
- else
- let eod = "\\(^\\s*def\\s\\+[a-zA-Z0-9_]\\+\\s*(\\_[^:#]*)\\s*\\)\\@<=:"
- endif
- " Look for the end of the declaration (not always the same line!)
- call search(eod, "")
- " Is it a one-line definition?
- if match(getline('.'), "^\\s*\\(#.*\\)\\=$", col('.')) == -1
- let cl = line('.')
- execute ":".beg
- execute "normal V".cl."G"
- else
- " Select the whole block
- execute "normal \<Down>"
- let cl = line('.')
- execute ":".beg
- execute "normal V".PythonBoB(cl, 1, 0)."G"
- endif
-" Jump to the next line with the same (or lower) indentation
-" Useful for moving between "if" and "else", for example.
-function! PythonNextLine(direction)
- let ln = line('.')
- let ind = indent(ln)
- let indent_valid = strlen(getline(ln))
- let ln = ln + a:direction
- while((ln >= 1) && (ln <= line('$')))
- if (!indent_valid) && strlen(getline(ln))
- break
- else
- if (strlen(getline(ln)))
- if (indent(ln) <= ind)
- break
- endif
- endif
- endif
- let ln = ln + a:direction
- endwhile
- execute "normal ".ln."G"
-function! UpdateMenu()
- " delete menu if it already exists, then rebuild it.
- " this is necessary in case you've got multiple buffers open
- " a future enhancement to this would be to make the menu aware of
- " all buffers currently open, and group classes and functions by buffer
- if exists("g:menuran")
- aunmenu IM-Python
- endif
- let restore_fe = &foldenable
- set nofoldenable
- " preserve disposition of window and cursor
- let cline=line('.')
- let ccol=col('.') - 1
- norm H
- let hline=line('.')
- " create the menu
- call MenuBuilder()
- " restore disposition of window and cursor
- exe "norm ".hline."Gzt"
- let dnscroll=cline-hline
- exe "norm ".dnscroll."j".ccol."l"
- let &foldenable = restore_fe
-function! MenuBuilder()
- norm gg0
- let currentclass = -1
- let classlist = []
- let parentclass = ""
- while line(".") < line("$")
- " search for a class or function
- if match ( getline("."), '^\s*class\s\+[_a-zA-Z].*\|^\s*def\s\+[_a-zA-Z].*' ) != -1
- norm ^
- let linenum = line('.')
- let indentcol = col('.')
- norm "nye
- let classordef=@n
- norm w"nywge
- let objname=@n
- let parentclass = FindParentClass(classlist, indentcol)
- if classordef == "class"
- call AddClass(objname, linenum, parentclass)
- else " this is a function
- call AddFunction(objname, linenum, parentclass)
- endif
- " We actually created a menu, so lets set the global variable
- let g:menuran=1
- call RebuildClassList(classlist, [objname, indentcol], classordef)
- endif " line matched
- norm j
- endwhile
-" classlist contains the list of nested classes we are in.
-" in most cases it will be empty or contain a single class
-" but where a class is nested within another, it will contain 2 or more
-" this function adds or removes classes from the list based on indentation
-function! RebuildClassList(classlist, newclass, classordef)
- let i = len(a:classlist) - 1
- while i > -1
- if a:newclass[1] <= a:classlist[i][1]
- call remove(a:classlist, i)
- endif
- let i = i - 1
- endwhile
- if a:classordef == "class"
- call add(a:classlist, a:newclass)
- endif
-" we found a class or function, determine its parent class based on
-" indentation and what's contained in classlist
-function! FindParentClass(classlist, indentcol)
- let i = 0
- let parentclass = ""
- while i < len(a:classlist)
- if a:indentcol <= a:classlist[i][1]
- break
- else
- if len(parentclass) == 0
- let parentclass = a:classlist[i][0]
- else
- let parentclass = parentclass.'\.'.a:classlist[i][0]
- endif
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- return parentclass
-" add a class to the menu
-function! AddClass(classname, lineno, parentclass)
- if len(a:parentclass) > 0
- let classstring = a:parentclass.'\.'.a:classname
- else
- let classstring = a:classname
- endif
- exe 'menu IM-Python.classes.'.classstring.' :call <SID>JumpToAndUnfold('.a:lineno.')<CR>'
-" add a function to the menu, grouped by member class
-function! AddFunction(functionname, lineno, parentclass)
- if len(a:parentclass) > 0
- let funcstring = a:parentclass.'.'.a:functionname
- else
- let funcstring = a:functionname
- endif
- exe 'menu IM-Python.functions.'.funcstring.' :call <SID>JumpToAndUnfold('.a:lineno.')<CR>'
-function! s:JumpToAndUnfold(line)
- " Go to the right line
- execute 'normal '.a:line.'gg'
- " Check to see if we are in a fold
- let lvl = foldlevel(a:line)
- if lvl != 0
- " and if so, then expand the fold out, other wise, ignore this part.
- execute 'normal 15zo'
- endif
-"" This one will work only on vim 6.2 because of the try/catch expressions.
-" function! s:JumpToAndUnfoldWithExceptions(line)
-" try
-" execute 'normal '.a:line.'gg15zo'
-" catch /^Vim\((\a\+)\)\=:E490:/
-" " Do nothing, just consume the error
-" endtry
-" vim:set et sts=2 sw=2: