diff options
authorRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-12-16 20:24:26 +0100
committerRené 'Necoro' Neumann <>2009-12-16 20:34:13 +0100
commitae306613d059bbf306ccc414edfd49c8f2a0307f (patch)
parent65d2d6655ab9b6e991412aa0681735ea46419fa2 (diff)
Haskell stuff for Vim
10 files changed, 2358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/.VimballRecord b/.vim/.VimballRecord
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b72e3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/.VimballRecord
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+haskellmode-20090430.vba: call delete('/home/necoro/.vim/compiler/ghc.vim')|call delete('/home/necoro/.vim/ftplugin/haskell.vim')|call delete('/home/necoro/.vim/ftplugin/haskell_doc.vim')|call delete('/home/necoro/.vim/ftplugin/haskell_hpaste.vim')|call delete('/home/necoro/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim')|call delete('/home/necoro/.vim/doc/haskellmode.txt')
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim b/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce20a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/autoload/haskellmode.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+" utility functions for haskellmode plugins
+" (Claus Reinke; last modified: 23/04/2009)
+" part of haskell plugins:
+" please send patches to <>
+" find start/extent of name/symbol under cursor;
+" return start, symbolic flag, qualifier, unqualified id
+" (this is used in both haskell_doc.vim and in GHC.vim)
+function! haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(line,col,off)
+ let name = "[a-zA-Z0-9_']"
+ let symbol = "[-!#$%&\*\+/<=>\?@\\^|~:.]"
+ "let [line] = getbufline(a:buf,a:lnum)
+ let line = a:line
+ " find the beginning of unqualified id or qualified id component
+ let start = (a:col - 1) + a:off
+ if line[start] =~ name
+ let pattern = name
+ elseif line[start] =~ symbol
+ let pattern = symbol
+ else
+ return []
+ endif
+ while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ pattern
+ let start -= 1
+ endwhile
+ let id = matchstr(line[start :],pattern.'*')
+ " call confirm(id)
+ " expand id to left and right, to get full id
+ let idPos = id[0] == '.' ? start+2 : start+1
+ let posA = match(line,'\<\(\([A-Z]'.name.'*\.\)\+\)\%'.idPos.'c')
+ let start = posA>-1 ? posA+1 : idPos
+ let posB = matchend(line,'\%'.idPos.'c\(\([A-Z]'.name.'*\.\)*\)\('.name.'\+\|'.symbol.'\+\)')
+ let end = posB>-1 ? posB : idPos
+ " special case: symbolic ids starting with .
+ if id[0]=='.' && posA==-1
+ let start = idPos-1
+ let end = posB==-1 ? start : end
+ endif
+ " classify full id and split into qualifier and unqualified id
+ let fullid = line[ (start>1 ? start-1 : 0) : (end-1) ]
+ let symbolic = fullid[-1:-1] =~ symbol " might also be incomplete qualified id ending in .
+ let qualPos = matchend(fullid, '\([A-Z]'.name.'*\.\)\+')
+ let qualifier = qualPos>-1 ? fullid[ 0 : (qualPos-2) ] : ''
+ let unqualId = qualPos>-1 ? fullid[ qualPos : -1 ] : fullid
+ " call confirm(start.'/'.end.'['.symbolic.']:'.qualifier.' '.unqualId)
+ return [start,symbolic,qualifier,unqualId]
+function! haskellmode#GatherImports()
+ let imports={0:{},1:{}}
+ let i=1
+ while i<=line('$')
+ let res = haskellmode#GatherImport(i)
+ if !empty(res)
+ let [i,import] = res
+ let prefixPat = '^import\s*\(qualified\)\?\s\+'
+ let modulePat = '\([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_''.]*\)'
+ let asPat = '\(\s\+as\s\+'.modulePat.'\)\?'
+ let hidingPat = '\(\s\+hiding\s*\((.*)\)\)\?'
+ let listPat = '\(\s*\((.*)\)\)\?'
+ let importPat = prefixPat.modulePat.asPat.hidingPat.listPat ".'\s*$'
+ let ml = matchlist(import,importPat)
+ if ml!=[]
+ let [_,qualified,module,_,as,_,hiding,_,explicit;x] = ml
+ let what = as=='' ? module : as
+ let hidings = split(hiding[1:-2],',')
+ let explicits = split(explicit[1:-2],',')
+ let empty = {'lines':[],'hiding':hidings,'explicit':[],'modules':[]}
+ let entry = has_key(imports[1],what) ? imports[1][what] : deepcopy(empty)
+ let imports[1][what] = haskellmode#MergeImport(deepcopy(entry),i,hidings,explicits,module)
+ if !(qualified=='qualified')
+ let imports[0][what] = haskellmode#MergeImport(deepcopy(entry),i,hidings,explicits,module)
+ endif
+ else
+ echoerr "haskellmode#GatherImports doesn't understand: ".import
+ endif
+ endif
+ let i+=1
+ endwhile
+ if !has_key(imports[1],'Prelude')
+ let imports[0]['Prelude'] = {'lines':[],'hiding':[],'explicit':[],'modules':[]}
+ let imports[1]['Prelude'] = {'lines':[],'hiding':[],'explicit':[],'modules':[]}
+ endif
+ return imports
+function! haskellmode#ListElem(list,elem)
+ for e in a:list | if e==a:elem | return 1 | endif | endfor
+ return 0
+function! haskellmode#ListIntersect(list1,list2)
+ let l = []
+ for e in a:list1 | if index(a:list2,e)!=-1 | let l += [e] | endif | endfor
+ return l
+function! haskellmode#ListUnion(list1,list2)
+ let l = []
+ for e in a:list2 | if index(a:list1,e)==-1 | let l += [e] | endif | endfor
+ return a:list1 + l
+function! haskellmode#ListWithout(list1,list2)
+ let l = []
+ for e in a:list1 | if index(a:list2,e)==-1 | let l += [e] | endif | endfor
+ return l
+function! haskellmode#MergeImport(entry,line,hiding,explicit,module)
+ let lines = a:entry['lines'] + [ a:line ]
+ let hiding = a:explicit==[] ? haskellmode#ListIntersect(a:entry['hiding'], a:hiding)
+ \ : haskellmode#ListWithout(a:entry['hiding'],a:explicit)
+ let explicit = haskellmode#ListUnion(a:entry['explicit'], a:explicit)
+ let modules = haskellmode#ListUnion(a:entry['modules'], [ a:module ])
+ return {'lines':lines,'hiding':hiding,'explicit':explicit,'modules':modules}
+" collect lines belonging to a single import statement;
+" return number of last line and collected import statement
+" (assume opening parenthesis, if any, is on the first line)
+function! haskellmode#GatherImport(lineno)
+ let lineno = a:lineno
+ let import = getline(lineno)
+ if !(import=~'^import\s') | return [] | endif
+ let open = strlen(substitute(import,'[^(]','','g'))
+ let close = strlen(substitute(import,'[^)]','','g'))
+ while open!=close
+ let lineno += 1
+ let linecont = getline(lineno)
+ let open += strlen(substitute(linecont,'[^(]','','g'))
+ let close += strlen(substitute(linecont,'[^)]','','g'))
+ let import .= linecont
+ endwhile
+ return [lineno,import]
+function! haskellmode#UrlEncode(string)
+ let pat = '\([^[:alnum:]]\)'
+ let code = '\=printf("%%%02X",char2nr(submatch(1)))'
+ let url = substitute(a:string,pat,code,'g')
+ return url
diff --git a/.vim/compiler/ghc.vim b/.vim/compiler/ghc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2760df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/compiler/ghc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+" Vim Compiler File
+" Compiler: GHC
+" Maintainer: Claus Reinke <>
+" Last Change: 30/04/2009
+" part of haskell plugins:
+" ------------------------------ paths & quickfix settings first
+if exists("current_compiler") && current_compiler == "ghc"
+ finish
+let current_compiler = "ghc"
+let s:scriptname = "ghc.vim"
+if (!exists("g:ghc") || !executable(g:ghc))
+ if !executable('ghc')
+ echoerr s:scriptname.": can't find ghc. please set g:ghc, or extend $PATH"
+ finish
+ else
+ let g:ghc = 'ghc'
+ endif
+let ghc_version = substitute(system(g:ghc . ' --numeric-version'),'\n','','')
+if (!exists("b:ghc_staticoptions"))
+ let b:ghc_staticoptions = ''
+" set makeprg (for quickfix mode)
+execute 'setlocal makeprg=' . g:ghc . '\ ' . escape(b:ghc_staticoptions,' ') .'\ -e\ :q\ %'
+"execute 'setlocal makeprg=' . g:ghc .'\ -e\ :q\ %'
+"execute 'setlocal makeprg=' . g:ghc .'\ --make\ %'
+" quickfix mode:
+" fetch file/line-info from error message
+" TODO: how to distinguish multiline errors from warnings?
+" (both have the same header, and errors have no common id-tag)
+" how to get rid of first empty message in result list?
+setlocal errorformat=
+ \%-Z\ %#,
+ \%W%f:%l:%c:\ Warning:\ %m,
+ \%E%f:%l:%c:\ %m,
+ \%E%>%f:%l:%c:,
+ \%+C\ \ %#%m,
+ \%W%>%f:%l:%c:,
+ \%+C\ \ %#%tarning:\ %m,
+" oh, wouldn't you guess it - ghc reports (partially) to stderr..
+setlocal shellpipe=2>
+" ------------------------- but ghc can do a lot more for us..
+" allow map leader override
+if !exists("maplocalleader")
+ let maplocalleader='_'
+" initialize map of identifiers to their types
+" associate type map updates to changedtick
+if !exists("b:ghc_types")
+ let b:ghc_types = {}
+ let b:my_changedtick = b:changedtick
+if exists("g:haskell_functions")
+ finish
+let g:haskell_functions = "ghc"
+" avoid hit-enter prompts
+set cmdheight=3
+" edit static GHC options
+" TODO: add completion for options/packages?
+command! GHCStaticOptions call GHC_StaticOptions()
+function! GHC_StaticOptions()
+ let b:ghc_staticoptions = input('GHC static options: ',b:ghc_staticoptions)
+ execute 'setlocal makeprg=' . g:ghc . '\ ' . escape(b:ghc_staticoptions,' ') .'\ -e\ :q\ %'
+ let b:my_changedtick -=1
+map <LocalLeader>T :call GHC_ShowType(1)<cr>
+map <LocalLeader>t :call GHC_ShowType(0)<cr>
+function! GHC_ShowType(addTypeDecl)
+ let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),0)
+ if namsym==[]
+ redraw
+ echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!'
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let [_,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym
+ let name = qual=='' ? unqual : qual.'.'.unqual
+ let pname = ( symb ? '('.name.')' : name )
+ call GHC_HaveTypes()
+ if !has_key(b:ghc_types,name)
+ redraw
+ echo pname "type not known"
+ else
+ redraw
+ for type in split(b:ghc_types[name],' -- ')
+ echo pname "::" type
+ if a:addTypeDecl
+ call append( line(".")-1, pname . " :: " . type )
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+" show type of identifier under mouse pointer in balloon
+if has("balloon_eval")
+ set ballooneval
+ set balloondelay=600
+ set balloonexpr=GHC_TypeBalloon()
+ function! GHC_TypeBalloon()
+ if exists("b:current_compiler") && b:current_compiler=="ghc"
+ let [line] = getbufline(v:beval_bufnr,v:beval_lnum)
+ let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(line,v:beval_col,0)
+ if namsym==[]
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym
+ let name = qual=='' ? unqual : qual.'.'.unqual
+ let pname = name " ( symb ? '('.name.')' : name )
+ silent call GHC_HaveTypes()
+ if has("balloon_multiline")
+ return (has_key(b:ghc_types,pname) ? split(b:ghc_types[pname],' -- ') : '')
+ else
+ return (has_key(b:ghc_types,pname) ? b:ghc_types[pname] : '')
+ endif
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+ endfunction
+map <LocalLeader>si :call GHC_ShowInfo()<cr>
+function! GHC_ShowInfo()
+ let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),0)
+ if namsym==[]
+ redraw
+ echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!'
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let [_,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym
+ let name = qual=='' ? unqual : (qual.'.'.unqual)
+ let output = GHC_Info(name)
+ pclose | new
+ setlocal previewwindow
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ put =output
+ wincmd w
+ "redraw
+ "echo output
+" fill the type map, unless nothing has changed since the last attempt
+function! GHC_HaveTypes()
+ if b:ghc_types == {} && (b:my_changedtick != b:changedtick)
+ let b:my_changedtick = b:changedtick
+ return GHC_BrowseAll()
+ endif
+" update b:ghc_types after successful make
+au QuickFixCmdPost make if GHC_CountErrors()==0 | silent call GHC_BrowseAll() | endif
+" count only error entries in quickfix list, ignoring warnings
+function! GHC_CountErrors()
+ let c=0
+ for e in getqflist() | if e.type=='E' && e.text !~ "^[ \n]*Warning:" | let c+=1 | endif | endfor
+ return c
+command! GHCReload call GHC_BrowseAll()
+function! GHC_BrowseAll()
+ " let imports = haskellmode#GatherImports()
+ " let modules = keys(imports[0]) + keys(imports[1])
+ let imports = {} " no need for them at the moment
+ let current = GHC_NameCurrent()
+ let module = current==[] ? 'Main' : current[0]
+ if GHC_VersionGE([6,8,1])
+ return GHC_BrowseBangStar(module)
+ else
+ return GHC_BrowseMultiple(imports,['*'.module])
+ endif
+function! GHC_VersionGE(target)
+ let current = split(g:ghc_version, '\.' )
+ let target = a:target
+ for i in current
+ if ((target==[]) || (i>target[0]))
+ return 1
+ elseif (i==target[0])
+ let target = target[1:]
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 1
+function! GHC_NameCurrent()
+ let last = line("$")
+ let l = 1
+ while l<last
+ let ml = matchlist( getline(l), '^module\s*\([^ (]*\)')
+ if ml != []
+ let [_,module;x] = ml
+ return [module]
+ endif
+ let l += 1
+ endwhile
+ redraw
+ echo "cannot find module header for file " . expand("%")
+ return []
+function! GHC_BrowseBangStar(module)
+ redraw
+ echo "browsing module " a:module
+ let command = ":browse! *" . a:module
+ let orig_shellredir = &shellredir
+ let &shellredir = ">" " ignore error/warning messages, only output or lack of it
+ let output = system(g:ghc . ' ' . b:ghc_staticoptions . ' -v0 --interactive ' . expand("%") , command )
+ let &shellredir = orig_shellredir
+ return GHC_ProcessBang(a:module,output)
+function! GHC_BrowseMultiple(imports,modules)
+ redraw
+ echo "browsing modules " a:modules
+ let command = ":browse " . join( a:modules, " \n :browse ")
+ let command = substitute(command,'\(:browse \(\S*\)\)','putStrLn "-- \2" \n \1','g')
+ let output = system(g:ghc . ' ' . b:ghc_staticoptions . ' -v0 --interactive ' . expand("%") , command )
+ return GHC_Process(a:imports,output)
+function! GHC_Info(what)
+ " call GHC_HaveTypes()
+ let output = system(g:ghc . ' ' . b:ghc_staticoptions . ' -v0 --interactive ' . expand("%"), ":i ". a:what)
+ return output
+function! GHC_ProcessBang(module,output)
+ let module = a:module
+ let b = a:output
+ let linePat = '^\(.\{-}\)\n\(.*\)'
+ let contPat = '\s\+\(.\{-}\)\n\(.*\)'
+ let typePat = '^\(\)\(\S*\)\s*::\(.*\)'
+ let commentPat = '^-- \(\S*\)'
+ let definedPat = '^-- defined locally'
+ let importedPat = '^-- imported via \(.*\)'
+ if !(b=~commentPat)
+ echo s:scriptname.": GHCi reports errors (try :make?)"
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let b:ghc_types = {}
+ let ml = matchlist( b , linePat )
+ while ml != []
+ let [_,l,rest;x] = ml
+ let mlDecl = matchlist( l, typePat )
+ if mlDecl != []
+ let [_,indent,id,type;x] = mlDecl
+ let ml2 = matchlist( rest , '^'.indent.contPat )
+ while ml2 != []
+ let [_,c,rest;x] = ml2
+ let type .= c
+ let ml2 = matchlist( rest , '^'.indent.contPat )
+ endwhile
+ let id = substitute( id, '^(\(.*\))$', '\1', '')
+ let type = substitute( type, '\s\+', " ", "g" )
+ " using :browse! *<current>, we get both unqualified and qualified ids
+ let qualified = (id =~ '\.') && (id =~ '[A-Z]')
+ let b:ghc_types[id] = type
+ if !qualified
+ for qual in qualifiers
+ let b:ghc_types[qual.'.'.id] = type
+ endfor
+ endif
+ else
+ let mlImported = matchlist( l, importedPat )
+ let mlDefined = matchlist( l, definedPat )
+ if mlImported != []
+ let [_,modules;x] = mlImported
+ let qualifiers = split( modules, ', ' )
+ elseif mlDefined != []
+ let qualifiers = [module]
+ endif
+ endif
+ let ml = matchlist( rest , linePat )
+ endwhile
+ return 1
+function! GHC_Process(imports,output)
+ let b = a:output
+ let imports = a:imports
+ let linePat = '^\(.\{-}\)\n\(.*\)'
+ let contPat = '\s\+\(.\{-}\)\n\(.*\)'
+ let typePat = '^\(\s*\)\(\S*\)\s*::\(.*\)'
+ let modPat = '^-- \(\S*\)'
+ " add '-- defined locally' and '-- imported via ..'
+ if !(b=~modPat)
+ echo s:scriptname.": GHCi reports errors (try :make?)"
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let b:ghc_types = {}
+ let ml = matchlist( b , linePat )
+ while ml != []
+ let [_,l,rest;x] = ml
+ let mlDecl = matchlist( l, typePat )
+ if mlDecl != []
+ let [_,indent,id,type;x] = mlDecl
+ let ml2 = matchlist( rest , '^'.indent.contPat )
+ while ml2 != []
+ let [_,c,rest;x] = ml2
+ let type .= c
+ let ml2 = matchlist( rest , '^'.indent.contPat )
+ endwhile
+ let id = substitute(id, '^(\(.*\))$', '\1', '')
+ let type = substitute( type, '\s\+', " ", "g" )
+ " using :browse *<current>, we get both unqualified and qualified ids
+ if current_module " || has_key(imports[0],module)
+ if has_key(b:ghc_types,id) && !(matchstr(b:ghc_types[id],escape(type,'[].'))==type)
+ let b:ghc_types[id] .= ' -- '.type
+ else
+ let b:ghc_types[id] = type
+ endif
+ endif
+ if 0 " has_key(imports[1],module)
+ let qualid = module.'.'.id
+ let b:ghc_types[qualid] = type
+ endif
+ else
+ let mlMod = matchlist( l, modPat )
+ if mlMod != []
+ let [_,module;x] = mlMod
+ let current_module = module[0]=='*'
+ let module = current_module ? module[1:] : module
+ endif
+ endif
+ let ml = matchlist( rest , linePat )
+ endwhile
+ return 1
+let s:ghc_templates = ["module _ () where","class _ where","class _ => _ where","instance _ where","instance _ => _ where","type family _","type instance _ = ","data _ = ","newtype _ = ","type _ = "]
+" use ghci :browse index for insert mode omnicompletion (CTRL-X CTRL-O)
+function! GHC_CompleteImports(findstart, base)
+ if a:findstart
+ let namsym = haskellmode#GetNameSymbol(getline('.'),col('.'),-1) " insert-mode: we're 1 beyond the text
+ if namsym==[]
+ redraw
+ echo 'no name/symbol under cursor!'
+ return -1
+ endif
+ let [start,symb,qual,unqual] = namsym
+ return (start-1)
+ else " find keys matching with "a:base"
+ let res = []
+ let l = len(a:base)-1
+ call GHC_HaveTypes()
+ for key in keys(b:ghc_types)
+ if key[0 : l]==a:base
+ let res += [{"word":key,"menu":":: ".b:ghc_types[key],"dup":1}]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return res
+ endif
+set omnifunc=GHC_CompleteImports
+" Vim's default completeopt is menu,preview
+" you probably want at least menu, or you won't see alternatives listed
+" setlocal completeopt+=menu
+" menuone is useful, but other haskellmode menus will try to follow your choice here in future
+" setlocal completeopt+=menuone
+" longest sounds useful, but doesn't seem to do what it says, and interferes with CTRL-E
+" setlocal completeopt-=longest
+map <LocalLeader>ct :call GHC_CreateTagfile()<cr>
+function! GHC_CreateTagfile()
+ redraw
+ echo "creating tags file"
+ let output = system(g:ghc . ' ' . b:ghc_staticoptions . ' -e ":ctags" ' . expand("%"))
+ " for ghcs older than 6.6, you would need to call another program
+ " here, such as hasktags
+ echo output
+command! -nargs=1 GHCi redraw | echo system(g:ghc. ' ' . b:ghc_staticoptions .' '.expand("%").' -e "'.escape(<f-args>,'"').'"')
+" use :make 'not in scope' errors to explicitly list imported ids
+" cursor needs to be on import line, in correctly loadable module
+map <LocalLeader>ie :call GHC_MkImportsExplicit()<cr>
+function! GHC_MkImportsExplicit()
+ let save_cursor = getpos(".")
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let lineno = line('.')
+ let ml = matchlist(line,'^import\(\s*qualified\)\?\s*\([^( ]\+\)')
+ if ml!=[]
+ let [_,q,mod;x] = ml
+ silent make
+ if getqflist()==[]
+ if line=~"import[^(]*Prelude"
+ call setline(lineno,substitute(line,"(.*","","").'()')
+ else
+ call setline(lineno,'-- '.line)
+ endif
+ silent write
+ silent make
+ let qflist = getqflist()
+ call setline(lineno,line)
+ silent write
+ let ids = {}
+ for d in qflist
+ let ml = matchlist(d.text,'Not in scope: \([^`]*\)`\([^'']*\)''')
+ if ml!=[]
+ let [_,what,qid;x] = ml
+ let id = ( qid =~ "^[A-Z]" ? substitute(qid,'.*\.\([^.]*\)$','\1','') : qid )
+ let pid = ( id =~ "[a-zA-Z0-9_']\\+" ? id : '('.id.')' )
+ if what =~ "data"
+ call GHC_HaveTypes()
+ if has_key(b:ghc_types,id)
+ let pid = substitute(b:ghc_types[id],'^.*->\s*\(\S*\).*$','\1','').'('.pid.')'
+ else
+ let pid = '???('.pid.')'
+ endif
+ endif
+ let ids[pid] = 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call setline(lineno,'import'.q.' '.mod.'('.join(keys(ids),',').')')
+ else
+ copen
+ endif
+ endif
+ call setpos('.', save_cursor)
+if GHC_VersionGE([6,8,2])
+ let opts = filter(split(substitute(system(g:ghc . ' -v0 --interactive', ':set'), ' ', '','g'), '\n'), 'v:val =~ "-f"')
+ let opts = ["-fglasgow-exts","-fallow-undecidable-instances","-fallow-overlapping-instances","-fno-monomorphism-restriction","-fno-mono-pat-binds","-fno-cse","-fbang-patterns","-funbox-strict-fields"]
+amenu ]OPTIONS_GHC.- :echo '-'<cr>
+aunmenu ]OPTIONS_GHC
+for o in opts
+ exe 'amenu ]OPTIONS_GHC.'.o.' :call append(0,"{-# OPTIONS_GHC '.o.' #-}")<cr>'
+if has("gui_running")
+ map <LocalLeader>opt :popup ]OPTIONS_GHC<cr>
+ map <LocalLeader>opt :emenu ]OPTIONS_GHC.
+amenu ]LANGUAGES_GHC.- :echo '-'<cr>
+if GHC_VersionGE([6,8])
+ let ghc_supported_languages = split(system(g:ghc . ' --supported-languages'),'\n')
+ for l in ghc_supported_languages
+ exe 'amenu ]LANGUAGES_GHC.'.l.' :call append(0,"{-# LANGUAGE '.l.' #-}")<cr>'
+ endfor
+ if has("gui_running")
+ map <LocalLeader>lang :popup ]LANGUAGES_GHC<cr>
+ else
+ map <LocalLeader>lang :emenu ]LANGUAGES_GHC.
+ endif
diff --git a/.vim/doc/haskellmode.txt b/.vim/doc/haskellmode.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..905349c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/doc/haskellmode.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+*haskellmode.txt* Haskell Mode Plugins 23/04/2009
+ Claus Reinke <> ~
+CONTENTS *haskellmode*
+ 1. Overview |haskellmode-overview|
+ 1.1 Runtime Requirements |haskellmode-requirements|
+ 1.2 Quick Reference |haskellmode-quickref|
+ 2. Settings |haskellmode-settings|
+ 2.1 GHC and web browser |haskellmode-settings-main|
+ 2.2 Fine tuning - more configuration options |haskellmode-settings-fine|
+ 3. GHC Compiler Integration |haskellmode-compiler|
+ 4. Haddock Integration |haskellmode-haddock|
+ 4.1 Indexing |haskellmode-indexing|
+ 4.2 Lookup |haskellmode-lookup|
+ 4.3 Editing |haskellmode-editing|
+ 5. Hpaste Integration |haskellmode-hpaste|
+ 6. Additional Resources |haskellmode-resources|
+ *haskellmode-overview*
+1. Overview ~
+ The Haskell mode plugins provide advanced support for Haskell development
+ using GHC/GHCi on Windows and Unix-like systems. The functionality is
+ based on Haddock-generated library indices, on GHCi's interactive
+ commands, or on simply activating (some of) Vim's built-in program editing
+ support in Haskell-relevant fashion. These plugins live side-by-side with
+ the pre-defined |syntax-highlighting| support for |haskell| sources, and
+ any other Haskell-related plugins you might want to install (see
+ |haskellmode-resources|).
+ The Haskell mode plugins consist of three filetype plugins (haskell.vim,
+ haskell_doc.vim, haskell_hpaste.vim), which by Vim's |filetype| detection
+ mechanism will be auto-loaded whenever files with the extension '.hs' are
+ opened, and one compiler plugin (ghc.vim) which you will need to load from
+ your vimrc file (see |haskellmode-settings|).
+ *haskellmode-requirements*
+1.1 Runtime Requirements ~
+ The plugins require a recent installation of GHC/GHCi. The functionality
+ derived from Haddock-generated library indices also requires a local
+ installation of the Haddock documentation for GHC's libraries (if there is
+ no documentation package for your system, you can download a tar-ball from
+, as well as an HTML browser (see |haddock_browser|). If you
+ want to use the experimental hpaste interface, you will also need Wget.
+ * GHC/GHCi ~
+ Provides core functionality.
+ * HTML library documentation files and indices generated by Haddock ~
+ These usually come with your GHC installation, possibly as a separate
+ package. If you cannot get them this way, you can download a tar-ball
+ matching your GHC version from
+ * HTML browser with basic CSS support ~
+ For browsing Haddock docs.
+ * Wget ~
+ For interfacing with
+ Wget is widely available for modern Unix-like operating systems. Several
+ ports also exist for Windows, including:
+ - Official GNU Wget (natively compiled for Win32)
+ - UnxUtils Wget (natively compiled for Win32, bundled with other ported
+ Unix utilities)
+ - Cygwin Wget (emulated POSIX in Win32, must be run under Cygwin)
+ *haskellmode-quickref*
+1.2 Quick Reference ~
+|:make| load into GHCi, show errors (|quickfix| |:copen|)
+|_ct| create |tags| file
+|_si| show info for id under cursor
+|_t| show type for id under cursor
+|_T| insert type declaration for id under cursor
+|balloon| show type for id under mouse pointer
+|_?| browse Haddock entry for id under cursor
+|_?1| search Hoogle for id under cursor
+|_?2| search Hayoo! for id under cursor
+|:IDoc| {identifier} browse Haddock entry for unqualified {identifier}
+|:MDoc| {module} browse Haddock entry for {module}
+|:FlagReference| {s} browse Users Guide Flag Reference for section {s}
+|_.| qualify unqualified id under cursor
+|_i| add 'import <module>(<identifier>)' for id under cursor
+|_im| add 'import <module>' for id under cursor
+|_iq| add 'import qualified <module>(<identifier>)' for id under cursor
+|_iqm| add 'import qualified <module>' for id under cursor
+|_ie| make imports explit for import statement under cursor
+|_opt| add OPTIONS_GHC pragma
+|_lang| add LANGUAGE pragma
+|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O| insert-mode completion based on imported ids (|haskellmode-XO|)
+|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U| insert-mode completion based on documented ids (|haskellmode-XU|)
+|i_CTRL-N| insert-mode completion based on imported sources
+|:GHCi|{command/expr} run GHCi command/expr in current module
+|:GHCStaticOptions| edit static GHC options for this buffer
+|:DocSettings| show current Haddock-files-related plugin settings
+|:DocIndex| populate Haddock index
+|:ExportDocIndex| cache current Haddock index to a file
+|:HpasteIndex| Read index of most recent entries from
+|:HpastePostNew| Submit current buffer as a new hpaste
+ *haskellmode-settings*
+2. Settings ~
+ The plugins try to find their dependencies in standard locations, so if
+ you're lucky, you will only need to set |compiler| to ghc, and configure
+ the location of your favourite web browser. You will also want to make
+ sure that |filetype| detection and |syntax| highlighting are on. Given the
+ variety of things to guess, however, some dependencies might not be found
+ correctly, or the defaults might not be to your liking, in which case you
+ can do some more fine tuning. All of this configuration should happen in
+ your |vimrc|.
+ " enable syntax highlighting
+ syntax on
+ " enable filetype detection and plugin loading
+ filetype plugin on
+ *haskellmode-settings-main*
+2.1 GHC and web browser ~
+ *compiler-ghc* *ghc-compiler*
+ To use the features provided by the GHC |compiler| plugin, use the
+ following |autocommand| in your vimrc:
+ au BufEnter *.hs compiler ghc
+ *g:ghc*
+ If the compiler plugin can't locate your GHC binary, or if you have
+ several versions of GHC installed and have a preference as to which binary
+ is used, set |g:ghc|:
+ :let g:ghc="/usr/bin/ghc-6.6.1"
+ *g:haddock_browser*
+ The preferred HTML browser for viewing Haddock documentation can be set as
+ follows:
+ :let g:haddock_browser="/usr/bin/firefox"
+ *haskellmode-settings-fine*
+2.2 Fine tuning - more configuration options ~
+ Most of the fine tuning is likely to happen for the haskellmode_doc.vim
+ plugin, so you can check the current settings for this plugin via the
+ command |:DocSettings|. If all the settings reported there are to your
+ liking, you probably won't need to do any fine tuning.
+ *g:haddock_browser_callformat*
+ By default, the web browser|g:haddock_browser| will be started
+ asynchronously (in the background) on Windows or when vim is running in a
+ GUI, and synchronously (in the foreground) otherwise. These settings seem
+ to work fine if you are using a console mode browser (eg, when editing in
+ a remote session), or if you are starting a GUI browser that will launch
+ itself in the background. But if these settings do not work for you, you
+ can change the default browser launching behavior.
+ This is controlled by |g:haddock_browser_callformat|. It specifies a
+ format string which uses two '%s' parameters, the first representing the
+ path of the browser to launch, and the second is the documentation URL
+ (minus the protocol specifier, i.e. file://) passed to it by the Haddock
+ plugin. For instance, to launch a GUI browser on Unix-like systems and
+ force it to the background (see also |shellredir|):
+ :let g:haddock_browser_callformat = '%s file://%s '.printf(&shellredir,'/dev/null').' &'
+ *g:haddock_docdir*
+ Your system's installed Haddock documentation for GHC and its libraries
+ should be automatically detected. If the plugin can't locate them, you
+ must point |g:haddock_docdir| to the path containing the master index.html
+ file for the subdirectories 'libraries', 'Cabal', 'users_guide', etc.:
+ :let g:haddock_docdir="/usr/local/share/doc/ghc/html/"
+ *g:haddock_indexfiledir*
+ The information gathered from Haddock's index files will be stored in a
+ file called 'haddock_index.vim' in a directory derived from the Haddock
+ location, or in $HOME. To configure another directory for the index file,
+ use:
+ :let g:haddock_indexfiledir="~/.vim/"
+ *g:wget*
+ If you also want to try the experimental hpaste functionality, you might
+ you need to set |g:wget| before the |hpaste| plugin is loaded (unless wget
+ is in your PATH):
+ :let g:wget="C:\Program Files\wget\wget.exe"
+ Finally, the mappings actually use|<LocalLeader>|behind the scenes, so if
+ you have to, you can redefine|maplocalleader|to something other than '_'.
+ Just remember that the docs still refer to mappings starting with '_', to
+ avoid confusing the majority of users!-)
+ *haskellmode-compiler* *ghc*
+3. GHC Compiler Integration ~
+ The GHC |compiler| plugin sets the basic |errorformat| and |makeprg| to
+ enable |quickfix| mode using GHCi, and provides functionality for show
+ info (|_si|), show type (|_t| or mouse |balloon|), add type declaration
+ (|_T|), create tag file (|_ct|), and insert-mode completion
+ (|i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|) based on GHCi browsing of the current and imported
+ modules.
+ To avoid frequent calls to GHCi, type information is cached in Vim. The
+ cache will be populated the first time a command depends on it, and will
+ be refreshed every time a |:make| goes through without generating errors
+ (if the |:make| does not succeed, the old types will remain available in
+ Vim). You can also unconditionally force reloading of type info using
+ |:GHCReload| (if GHCi cannot load your file, the type info will be empty).
+ In addition to the standard|quickfix| commands, the GHC compiler plugin
+ provides:
+ *:GHCReload*
+:GHCReload Reload modules and unconditionally refresh cache of
+ type info. Usually, |:make| is prefered, as that will
+ refresh the cache only if GHCi reports no errors, and
+ show the errors otherwise.
+ *:GHCStaticOptions*
+:GHCStaticOptions Edit the static GHC options for the current buffer.
+ Useful for adding hidden packages (-package ghc).
+ *:GHCi*
+:GHCi {command/expr} Run GHCi commands/expressions in the current module.
+ *_ct*
+_ct Create |tags| file for the current Haskell source